
So Monday I went to the doctor for my head, remember in my last post I said it hurt? Well, yea, found out I have a concussion so now I'm so scared to even sleep. I'm afraid something will go wrong and I'll never wake up again. Then, the day after I find out I have a concussion, if I wasn't scared enough, I stayed after school and this stupid kid was there and he decided to trip me which resulted...
June 19th, 2011 at 04:57am

My week

So I started getting sick on Sunday, on Monday I went home missing my favorite class, Tuesday was my Art Show, my crush who promised he'd be there wasn't there so it sucked and I was kinda upset all night, Wednesday sucked, I was feeling faint and not myself and I was completely shaking, during lunch I passed out which resulted in me being taken to the hospital missing my favorite class yet again,...
June 10th, 2011 at 09:53pm

Art Show

I am really nervous.I entered my first art show,I'm not confident in my art at all but my Art teacher, Sara, convinced me to do it.I have a few things done already but I'm really scared.My parents will be there as well as my crush.I like to draw and I think sometimes it comes out okay, but do you know how many people will be there?She has an AP art class!Their art will be so much better than...
May 27th, 2011 at 10:35pm