tyler joseph / Comments

  • Dude. Can I just say that I like love you? Because oh my gosh. Youaresoamazing. Thankyou SO much for the fantabulous comments on House of Cards. Really, it means a whole bunch. <3
    July 28th, 2012 at 06:20pm
  • Hey, I saw you commented on my Ryden story. :) Thanks so much! And it is going to be a multi-chapter...the chapters are just mostly going to be short so I can update more frequently, since I seem to struggle with longer chapters and less frequent updates. <3
    July 25th, 2012 at 05:20pm
  • thanks :3 it really only hurts when I eat now :3 but I have soft foods now :D
    July 23rd, 2012 at 09:25pm
  • True, sorry it took so long to reply. I went to sleep because my teeth hurt. I just got my braces tightened today
    July 23rd, 2012 at 08:38pm
  • I can't go near wasps. I just didn't really consider that fear a phobia >.> I used to freak out at thunder, now I just curl up with some music and a candle and stay pretty chill.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 04:34pm
  • I only have two phobias other than what we're talking about, crowds and loud sudden noises,
    July 23rd, 2012 at 04:19pm
  • I'm fairly sane compared to some of my friends (which really isn't saying much 'cause I have a thing for psychotic people) I'm just a little paranoid and alot mood swingy
    July 23rd, 2012 at 03:53pm
  • Yay coping >:D it sounds awful, 'cause I wouldn't wish random fear on anyone but I'm glad I'm not alone
    July 23rd, 2012 at 03:33pm
  • You're welcome ^-^ yeah, I put on a movie and hide under the covers if it's night time, but I'm even like that during the day D: I have issues.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 03:16pm
  • Hehehe, I had this feeling that you liked it. I knew it. KNEWZ. :D I'm gonna check out more stuff from him now...or once my other tabs stop douching about. And Mibba. Updating the wrong stuff. Poop. At least IE is still updating correctly. Woo. And my mom wanted to diss it. XD

    I know, huh? That shocked the crap outta me and my mom, too. Yeah, I dunno, she hangs around when I flip over my favorite people. XD Ah, Mr. Stump, don't you dare let your God-like ways kill her, or I'll kill you. Like, seriously. Don't kill her, man. I love this chick. Go forth and enjoy the Mr. Stump! :D
    July 23rd, 2012 at 03:11pm
  • 'Twas interesting, the cover. XD Green Day-obsessed 'tis meh. :3

    I don't know, actually...It wasn't HORRIBLE. I know that. The whole thing was fast as hell to me, but maybe it's just 'cuz I woke up an hour ago. XD It was unique, and it didn't suck, and it wasn't the best cover ever, either. I am indifferent, I suppose. It wasn't what I was expecting, so that made it sound a bit different to me as well, because I was set up for one thing and I was given another. It wasn't totally sucky, though, not to me. I dunno, it was just a totally different style than the original song of sexiness. Arghfluffle. XD What'd you think of it?

    I REMEMBERED. :D A wonder. Okay. Unplugged. Gym Class Heroes. The lovely Patrick Stump. Well, the first video is a girl who looks like a red-headed Ke$ha to me. XD But, yeah. Right here. Yes, yes. Did that work? I hope so. I forgot how to put the link and words, so it better have worked. XD I saw the one on TV, so I don't know if they skipped the little bits of talking inbetween songs. For their sake, I hope not. I'll kill 'em.
    July 23rd, 2012 at 02:27pm
  • Oh goodness thanks for the comment on my story! Are you really big on grammar? Shocked I am not the best writer so there may be mistakes eventually. Just for the heads up! Maybe I just found it challenging to get through typing the first chapter because 1. had to switch past tense to present tense. 2. it was 4 in the morning when I started typing. But omg thanks for subscribing!
    July 22nd, 2012 at 01:23am
  • Ohhh haha, well I took it out anyways. I feel like it just looked weird anyways.
    But thank you again haha. I wanted to make it Slightly Sarcastic with a Good Chance of Gay but it seems a bit too long
    July 21st, 2012 at 03:08am
  • Aw thank you! And yeah it was in Italics just because I felt as if it'd help make it stand out as he's remembering, but i might change it to normal. :)
    July 21st, 2012 at 02:50am
  • LOLOL, I'm driving her crazy. She threatened to twist me around a tree if I don't stop. Still haven't. I am currently tree-free. XD Your blue hair is the FREAKING ULTIMATE. IT'S BEAST. Seriously. I adore your hair. :3

    Oh my Jonathan Walker, that's exactly me. I'm always asked, "Why do you sleep in the pitch black? Why are you up so late?" I just give them a look and say, "Would you rather I never sleep at all?" Hahaha, German accent. That is lovely. I am, too, because the world holds my favorite author (*ahemcurrentlyonherprofileahem*) and chocolate, so, that rules. :D Sherlock Holmes, you say? Excuse me while I search for said BBC version to occupy the time my mother steals Internet from me. I am working on updates so I can update. XD I need to kick my butt in gear. And that is totally enough. I love joo, too. :)

    D'aww, such a kind sixth sense. :3

    OMJW, WINTER WEDDING WITH PANIC! AND LEGOS. I want to be married now. Now.

    Yay, cool face for meh. :3 New Mibba is new again. Scared the living crap outta me yesterday. XD I was freaking, "Oh, Lord, wh-what happened?!" I thought the Internet went all whacky. X)
    July 20th, 2012 at 01:10am
  • Thank you for the story comment and the grammar tip, both are much appreciated! :L It is a ridiculous idea, but I'm kind of a ridiculous person so it happens, heh. I'm glad that it's not so crazy that it doesn't work for you!
    July 17th, 2012 at 12:47am
  • Doesn't she, though? Argh. I got spray in my hair once, but it was cheap and therfore, sucked. -.- Hehe, nectar of the gods. Seriously. She needs to relax some. C'mon, now! I wanna dye my hair sososo bad, but it isn't working. If I bug her enough about it before school starts back, though...hmm. I wants. Oh my goodness gracious, dark purple? Ten times more AWESOME. Flat-out. You rule.

    Yes, yes. I will search the world for one if I must. This will happen. :D

    Okay, great. I don't despise you any longer, Netflix, darling. XD I ended up dropping out during the middle of this movie that seemed pretty good. Then I woke up, found it was over, and went, "Damn." X) no fair. That happens to me all the time, I swear. I get tired out of nowhere. It suckeths. Your newest new story makes me happy, too. Brendon/Pete rules, and it's new and luscious and yes. Apparently, the world is still standing. It must be giving me a chance to not screw up or something. XD Beautiful? Aww, you're too sweet! Thankyouthankyouthankyou, I love you! Your updates and such make my freaking day, your writing is so beautious.

    Hey, that is awesome! Psychicness, aww, yeah. Hahaha, I am not psychic, unfortunately, so I insanely refresh my e-mail, subscriptions list, and My Mibba page for new pieces of wonder. XD I wanna be psychic, too. It'd save me a lot of clicking. X) But there are times where it feels like you have updated, so I check, and BOOM. There it is. I cry in joy. Maybe I am a budding psychic for joo. :3

    LOL, chill face. (My phone's a butt and won't let me put one up. Boo. XC)
    July 15th, 2012 at 03:39pm
  • Awws, feeling loved. :3 Gaah....I dunno. All I can think of because my mind is on chocolate (my crack XD) is crazy neon bangs and black hair. I'd do that myself if my mother wasn't all poker face every time I bring up hair dye. -.-

    Wonderful? D'aw! You are too lovely. We need a marriage. Immediately. X) Nyahaha, Supernatural. I'm speeding through the episodes on Netflix currently. I think they stop after season 6, though...I believe that they are lacking a season. >:( Argh. Oh, it's ridiculously crazy. ;D It's how I'm feeling now, I don't even know. I'm bored with myself and it's almost seven and nothing's on TV and I'm not ready to sleep, because, really, I don't go to sleep at seven o' clock. XD Maybe I'll attempt working on a story, if the universe doesn't end from the wild craziness of such a thought. Hm.
    July 15th, 2012 at 12:40am
  • Did I ever ever tell you how awesome it was that you dyed your hair? I don't think I did. So...ZOMG, THAT'S FREAKING AWESOME. Seriously. I want to do that. I would like to be you. You are awesome.

    How's it going~? :)
    July 14th, 2012 at 10:07pm
  • I loved your Shaun of the Dead part of the comment hahaha. I love that movie. Should just consider his mom named Barbara hahah
    June 18th, 2012 at 11:36am