I'm. So. Pissed.

I'M FUCKING ANGRY AND UPSET AND SAD.My best friend is moving on Wednesday. Far away. And I can't say bye to her since I'm about 1500 miles away for the next two weeks. It just upsets me so much. She told me today when I was in the mall and I almost starting crying. And it's all her mom's fault.You know what her mom did?She started dating this guy back in September, and we thought it was harmless,...
May 31st, 2011 at 04:33am

Alrighty Then.

Hey, I'm Lucy.AaaaaaaaaaaaandTomorrow's my birthday! But, it kind of sucks because I'll be on the road the whole day, traveling to Texas aha. I'll be gone for a few weeks but I'll find a way to the internet. I'm really excited to be there though because I get to see all my family and I get to go shopping. Extensions, new clothes and more make-up. PERFECT way to spend the beginning of my summer.On...
May 28th, 2011 at 12:09am