Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die! (Series)

The reason why everyone was mad at the president is because she was acting like a monster and ripping everyone's heads off. At practices for the skit she was always yeling and getting in people's face. Even on the first practice everyone was sick of her. Lets do a quick flashback.FlashBack (Practice One):I walked in to our little gym and waited for everyone to come. I was a bit early since I had...
June 3rd, 2011 at 04:41am

Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die! (Series)

"Really who??" Autumn typed back."I don't know I can't say sorry but all I know is that he already likes somebody else."I just shrugged off that guilty feeling and ignored my vibrating phone indicating another text from Autumn. Sorry, but I guess I play a little dirty...That was just a little section of the craziness that is Junior High. If you are still curious to what happened with Danny I will...
June 3rd, 2011 at 04:14am

Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die! (Series)

I picked a.) Tell her off."Funny. I think you should look into getting that attitude fixed. Not alot of people like it very much including me."Right now Ashley was not worth my time, Danny was. And he was alone near a ride. Turning the flirt meter up I subtly offer to go with him on a ride. One ride turned out to be a series of rides with him. Then later Kayla decided to join us now complaining...
May 31st, 2011 at 06:53am

Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die! (Series)

One key thing to winning war is having a good army. So I rush to find my army of friends I start with Kayla. Kayle is a kinda short but tall enough dark haired and sassy Dominican beauty. Love the girl to death, but she is a bit of a *cough* major along the lines of sIut flirt *cough*. I mean everytime she goes to visit her family in the Dominican Republic she comes back with a story of how she...
May 31st, 2011 at 05:28am

Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die! (Series)

Lets start from the beginning.. Now, how did that go again..? Oh, yea here it is!Walking down the all new to me halls I start to think about all the possobilites of being in 7th grade! The fun, the boys obviously, but sadly the drama. As i am walking I see a poster for something called "The Junior High Bash!". Supposedly it was a party for the junior highers to hang out at Boomers or whatever. All...
May 31st, 2011 at 05:08am

Junior High: Get Me Out of Here Before I Die!

Ahh junior high the the teachers, the new classes, and the new, better education for you to learn! Woah, woah, time out, pause, and rewind! Sorry guys, but in my school all those things are the farthest things from any of the kids minds. You might be thinking how much trouble can little 7th graders cause.. Well at my school they can cause a whole war (ok not really but we are pretty dramatic)....
May 31st, 2011 at 04:46am