Megumi36 / Comments

  • I'm glad you're at least interested enough to read those two :)

    And the she/I thing was a big help! I felt so stupid for doing it! I'll try to update Rose/Scorp soon...I've just kind of been slacking off. Two weeks at my sister's house - that's my excuse (I think I said it last time I was here on your profile) - but it takes me forever to get back on track. Gah. >(

    Thanks for reading, though! :)
    June 28th, 2011 at 11:56pm
  • ha, thanks so much for reading and commenting on my Rose/Scorp story! It means so much to me.

    And I've corrected the mistakes you pointed out in chapter 57...that really was a pretty horrible mistake, haha. I usually don't do that, but I've been writing some other stories in third person lately and maybe it just kind of leaked over? I don't know, but thanks for pointing it out! I'll try to get the next update out soon, but it might take longer than I want. I've been away from it for two weeks at my sister's house and need to grasp the flow of it again...I always do that. Oops?

    Anyway, thanks again for reading! :)
    June 21st, 2011 at 05:13pm
  • Hey, thanks so much for the story comment on I'm Simply Leaving. I checked out your suggestion about chapter 13 and I thank you beyond belief for helping me out. I can't believe that I made that mistake.

    To tell the truth, even though they're my characters I get confused with who is Shane and who is Aiden. I know exactly who they are, but while writing I just sometimes forget, especially because they're both guys. It's pathetic, I know.

    Welcome to Mibba!!!
    June 1st, 2011 at 08:43pm