Crying0Key / Comments

  • Hahah you updated so i can keep my sanity :)
    November 28th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • its okay as long as you were writing that wonderful fic that I've yet to see an update for (hint hint)
    that sounds like A Splitting Of The Mind, its a frerard that's amazingly written but sad and leves me depressed for days, that and this fic that I read where Patrick has termal cancer are the fics where I knew that I would be sobbing by the time that I finished them but I read them anyways (My mind makes no sense)
    that's actually what pansexuality is; you're attracted to certain aspects of someone regardless of the gender.
    when I try to explain that to my close-minded, homophobic class that tell me that that's what bisexuals are and look at me like I'm and idiot, but it's just hard to explain especially to people who think that homosexuality is a choice
    if you ask me I think that pansexuality is more commemorating than bisexuality because it seems like bisexuality is more discriminating, but then again my mind makes so sense to anyone.
    November 27th, 2011 at 07:26pm
  • no, i didn't skip anything
    i was just fucked that day,
    wasn't really thinking.
    I guess i didn't read the ending of 33 very well
    but nothing needs to be changed !
    its perfectly fine
    November 27th, 2011 at 05:53pm
  • Yes yes! I really am waiting for your updates! Continue writing! i seriously love it so much :)
    November 22nd, 2011 at 06:45am
  • I was so psyched by your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed that story and it's funny because I think your story is probably one of the best I've read :) I'm glad I could help with you wanting to post it!
    November 21st, 2011 at 12:54am
  • Eg I don't really like Owl City mainly because that Adam dudes voice bugs me and the only song that I've heard by them is Fireflys and I thought it was stupid but if you like them good for you
    and there's a fic where at one part one of them turns into a girl and it was weird but I powered through it and if I wanted to read a story with the main pairing being heterosexual I wouldn't be reading fanfic
    and the abusive fics are the most depressing, maybe second to character death but it's really close, because these are people that I love and look up to and I hate visulizing them in pain/hurting someone. It's different if it's a kink even though those creep me out but yea don't understand the reasoning behind that. But yes fluff is one of my favorite things ever because usually one of the dudes is incredibally flamboyantly gay and it's just one of the best things ever
    and you said boyfriend/girlfriend does that mean that you're bi or pan or just mean for people in general
    November 20th, 2011 at 12:14am
  • hey its a complete legit question, I've read some stories where they were okay and then one of the dudes get's pregnant and I want to chuck my phone across the room out of frustration
    yea I went through my texts with one of my friends and at the end of July there was this message about this awesome fic that I was reading saying that they had superpowers and how Patrick was the principal and it was a Frerard and Ryden and perfect; I believe that I started reading as the chapters came out at chapter 12
    I love that feeling, there are ask Mr. Sandman and Dr. Benzedrine blogs and sometimes when I'm listening to a FaD song I'll hear something that was referenced in one of the blogs and be all excited but then feel like and idiot for not figuring it out sooner
    and I'm the same way I'll be reading the description of a fic and it will say something about genderswap or turing into animals.
    oh and just the mere thought of abusive fics disgust me, why would anyone write a fic where one of their favorite people is getting abused by another? it just doesn't make any since to me
    November 18th, 2011 at 12:31am
  • that wasn't THAT long (maybe one day they'll let me write in italics and then I won't use caps lock as much) have you seen some of my messages?
    wait did you just pay me a compliment? because if yea did thanks I do enjoy when they come from people other than my parents
    so I'm guessing that your friend plays guitar.
    and if you ever made the fic into a game it would be sooo totally awesome and the game that I would play until I beat (which never happens)
    and one of the main reasons that I'll re-read your story is because I started reading it almost four months ago so while I remember the main idea of the beginning I don't remember all the details which means that re-reading is a must because I love picking up on the little things because when I initially read a story I'll skip over some of it and just read the dialoge because I need to make sure that all will be well so when I go back and read a fic for the second or third time its much easier to visualize whats happening
    and as I'm sure I've mentioned my friends luckily like the same stuff as me (except for Patrick they find great find in making fun of him because of how much it annoys me) so we talk about the fics that we've read and other unhealthy stuff like that
    and there's no way I won't enjoy it because it's a for sure good solid Peterick and Ryden so you just can' go wrong
    and I don't think that you're gunna pull any annoying m-preg shit so I don't have anything to worry about
    November 17th, 2011 at 12:48am
  • That would be amazing :) and yeah it was super sweet, I loved it!
    November 15th, 2011 at 11:56pm
  • yea everyone in my family likes my music except my 8 year old brother who likes disney channel pop
    and I have my tumblr on my about me if you ever want to check it out and since I'm still a newish music fandom I still remember how annoying and weird the bad side of the MCRmy is so feel free to give me your url because trust me when I say that I've seen worse
    I enjoy drawing but I suck at it which is odd because usually when I suck at something I don't like doing it and good for you for wanting to pursue a career in it it seems like it would be fun to major in
    and Pete seems like he would be stressful to be but still really fun
    I like Northern Downpour, it's my favorite by them
    and I don't think you're bending too easily you've been able to stick to the plot the whole long while that you've been writing it which I would never been able to do and I think that we'll all be sad to see it go but it will also to have a finished product to re-read over and over again.
    but if I could make a suggestion—I think this is what you siad but I'm just making sure—make the epilogue right when they graduate so that we can see everyone *cough* Pete and Patrick *cough* getting together and them going off on their separate paths
    and my goal this year is to get them to read it which will probably fail, but then again I say that my life's goal is to be Pete Wentz so I'm not the best at choosing reasonable goals
    if i remember correctly Patrick told Ryan when they met what the school's name ment
    and don't feel sad it'll probably be nice to start on a few new plot lines
    November 15th, 2011 at 03:29am
  • Wait...countdown to the end?
    NO NO NO D:
    I don't want it to end. It's too amazing.
    November 14th, 2011 at 07:20pm
  • Ooooh yay a new stories to obsess over, but I'll still be sad to see this one go I've been with it since July and it will be weird not to be constantly worrying about their relationship or brendons health
    November 14th, 2011 at 04:18pm
  • Well its official I'm incredibly jealous of you
    and yea Patrick's stuff is slowly growing on me but my family is all alternative rock/punk so they think that is sucks, yea Pet's band is called The Black Cards, its not a n00bish level considering that Patrick and Brendon play like eight each; and if I could be anyone (yes my number one person that I want to turn into is a dude which is kinda concerning) is Pete Wentz because he is very good friends with Mikey Way, (and don't forget the Summer of Like) his bestest friend is Patrick, and then P!ATD works for him therefore he knows Ryan, Brendon, and Spencer, and Bill Beckett because TAI.. also used to be on Decadence, and I like Clandestine, and he plays bass and since I'm a firm believer that people that can play bass are the awesomest ever
    and any hobbies besides fanfics? well I like to obsess about the people that I read fanfic on tumblr, draw, and sit on my ass whilst watching tv/yelling at my class about Justin Bieber via facebook
    quite the productive life that I lead huh? what about you?
    and what is your favorite song(s)
    and I think that you should hold it out for a while, let him get is back via Ryan putting it back in his head or something but still let him have sometime to worry about it because giving it to him to early won't give Ryan enough time to be all sad and emo about it or something
    AND NOO THIS STORY ISN'T TOO LONG ITS PERFECT AND I ALREADY DECIDED THAT THE DAY THAT YOU FINISH IT I'M GUNNA BE ALL DEPRESSED AND EMO ABOUT IT FOR LIKE TWO HOURS, THEN RE-READ IT BECAUSE IT'S BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT AND yea the only good that will come out of this think ending is that you told me that you might write a Peterick which y'know would being me joy and my friends annoyance from me giving them weekly updates on it which will bring me even more happiness, but again with the whole this is you story because it is so if you feel like Brendon getting his memory back is a good spot to end it don't just continue it because the fan want you to
    November 12th, 2011 at 07:31pm
  • YES. I really love that idea. I have an idea on how to start the prologue. I'll tell you at school. ;)
    November 12th, 2011 at 07:12pm
  • I think you should drag it on, but make things slowly come to him, y'know what I mean? So I think the chapter after the next is better. And I don't know about ending the story, it is getting pretty long, and I think now is good way to end it since they just finished fighting a huge battle. :/ Also, we need to start our co-writing our story~ I'm pretty excited. We'll discuss it at school. :D
    November 12th, 2011 at 02:01pm
  • Lol, your comment made me laugh. Indeed, SHELA 4EVER, no wait, 5ever. (dat me more den 4ever)
    November 12th, 2011 at 09:51am
  • Since I (sadly) only discovered the wonders of music and the awesomeness of the fans about a year ago I didn't get to see Fall Out Boy before the hiatus, never got to see Panic! with Ryan and Jon and only got to see My Chem about a month ago at the Honda Civic tour I haven't seen Patrick live and my parents think that his new stuff is horrible so I probably won't get to unless/until Fall Out Boy comes back
    I used to take piano lessons last summer and I just got more so hopefully I'll be able to play something soon; but I would love to learn bass guitar because everyone that can play bass is immediately awesome, its like a right of passage or something. You?
    also if you could be any dude-famous or not-who would it be?
    November 12th, 2011 at 12:32am
  • Hey, just wanted to drop in and say I added you to my 'People You Should Check Out' list! Your stories are awesome, Hela. <3
    November 11th, 2011 at 11:07pm
  • yea I get that a lot most people don't like it
    Panic! and My Chem? those are my first and third favorite bands but I've yet to listen to fun. and I like Fall Out Boy much too much because Patrick's voice is perfect
    any superpower huh? I used to always say that I wanted to be like Rouge from XMen and just steal other people's powers but I think being to time travel/teleport would come in handy a lot and then I could go to Nothing Rhymes With Circus concerts, and Revenge era concerts, oh and Fall Out Boy concerts, when ever I so desire. What about you?
    also kinda getting back to your story if Brendon is one of your favorite people wh are you making all these bad things happen to him?
    November 11th, 2011 at 03:56pm
  • aw not the end but idk maybe you could do a gabilliam or something that would be rad
    November 11th, 2011 at 07:58am