Crying0Key / Comments

  • yea he's the person that I tell everyone to watch but they watch two seconds and decided that he's emo and stupid
    cool Mikey Way is on your list, that always makes people awesomer
    I like orange always have always will
    any animal hmmmm I'm not a big animal fan so that makes it had to choose but probably a cat because they're super awesome and seem to never get hurt
    favorite band?
    November 11th, 2011 at 01:16am
  • wow weird skin, I guess that the whole filler thing makes since and I'm VERY glad that they're more pairings because it just adds to the awesomeness to the story; and if I remember correctly it seemed like Pete was into Patrick since the beginning
    and famous people I think, for me it's almost all band dudes and I don't know if most of them count as famous so umm both
    Exterminate's list of favorite people in order
    Mikey Way, Patrick Stump, Ryan Ross (do you see why I love this story so much so many of my favorite people), Destery Smith (he's a YouTube dude that you need to check out if you haven't yet desandnate is his username), Gerard Way and Frank Iero (they're tied), Brendon Urie, Pete Wentz, Spencer Smith, William Beckett
    I don't really have a favorite movie but I love all the Harry Potters and Toy Stories
    favorite color
    November 10th, 2011 at 04:35pm
  • Yea it is my legit name I kinda like it too
    I'm from southern claifornia between la and San Diego
    and when people ask me what my enthnicity is I just tell them that I'm everything that doesn't tan because it's true I am much too white
    huh sucks for your friends because this story is made of prue awesomeness and I am going to go read righ now because I have been waiting to do so all day
    expect a sqealy fangirlish comment in about fifteen minutes
    oh yes random question
    top tenish favorite people
    November 10th, 2011 at 12:27am
  • It's not as much my parents as my wonderful friends; they read them and tell me the truth which is that they suck and also after a while I gt over writing them/can't get to the part that I imagined to be the best so it's just boring
    hmmm something about myself
    my name is Ivy Shaye Peek
    where you from?
    November 9th, 2011 at 04:21pm
  • hehe anywhore I'm so using that from now on
    yes I usually do that with the story ideas that I have...then I start to write them...remember why I don't write...then delete them
    and my family picture wasn't too horrible and now its all done and I don't have to worry about it for a very long time
    and I mainly use caps lock because your reading this not listening to me tell you it so that the best way to convey my emotions
    so tell me about yourself
    November 8th, 2011 at 03:32am
  • I guess that's a reasonable reason for not being to update
    for a second I thought you were going to say that you had nothing to write and I almost had to write a long caps-locked messgae telling you all the wonderful places you could take this wonderous story
    and haha have fun with your family I have a family photoshoot today which y'know is gunna be hell :(
    have fun writing-your splendiferous Internet buddy
    November 7th, 2011 at 04:20pm
  • The doctor said that I will continue to reject life unless Nails For Breakfast, Tacks For Snacks updated
    y'know incase you care
    November 7th, 2011 at 12:42am
  • HELP! going through rejection from lack of story update
    November 6th, 2011 at 12:26am
  • Thankyouu I like it too ^^ I think it would have been too much too and if Brendon has lost his memory and not Ryan then it's going to be a lot more interesting. And very very sad. You have the power to make me shout at my computer, you have skills. I love reading it so your welcome for the comment :) Hope to read more of it soon :)
    October 30th, 2011 at 10:18am
  • I guess the couple-y stuff is kinda boring unless it has extra bits, whereas the getting together can generally work on its own (although it’s pretty overused). I was kinda sad when Brendon & Ryan got together though cause I thought it woulda been the end :( Peterick & Ryan are both awesome, will there be more Peterick in Nails for Breakfast Tacks For Snacks?
    October 30th, 2011 at 07:12am
  • also its pedophile-ish that Brendon's mom was in love with that kid that he killed
    October 30th, 2011 at 06:33am
  • No! I'm guessing that Pete thinks that Patrick is gunna confess his undying love...but he doesn't and yea I have the whole scene but I want to see if I'm right so I'll just wait
    and yes that is yet another wonderful thing about this story; it evolves with me, when I first started to read it I only wanted a Ryden it was one of the first ones that I read and is still one of my favorites but then I got into Fall Out Boy more and then of course WAY to into Peterick and I still am so this story is still exactly what I need
    but I just noticed that I don't know very much about you and since you are my internet buddy tell me about yourself
    *internet buddy out*
    October 30th, 2011 at 06:32am
  • you assume correctly :~) it's literally my favourite fic evER so yeah :~)
    October 27th, 2011 at 11:46am
  • I don't think that she's nessacarily angry about the fic she sees that I love it and unerstands that i will be telling her about it a lot but she doesn't like superhero fics or really peterick for some odd reason so when I do gush about this an the fact that you said that you might wits a peterick next isn't something that she really cares about but she likes to tell me bout all the icky waycest that she reads just because she knows it disgusts me so I think that it's well deserved
    and yea I agree with Pete being a douche in ryden especially throam and since people are kinda running out of ideas of petericks to write since they're not making any new music I kinda squealled when I saw that you said that you were going to write a peterick
    Fangirling Internet Buddy out!
    October 27th, 2011 at 07:21am
  • Peterick? *pops head up like just heard the best thing in the world* and yes the first thing that I think on friday I'd that here's a new smosh and on Saturday the first thing that I think about is that you're updating. I kinda feel bad for my irl fiends though thankfully one of my best friends reads fabrics and likes a lot of the same bands as me but she doesn't like Peterick of superhero fics so I think she is getting a wee but annoyed with the constant updated on thins story but ITS SO GOOD I just can't help myself
    and yes I know! In most on the non-Petericks that I read where Pete's in it he's a huge dick which is yet another reason why gay Pete Wentz is my favorite character in most of the fics that I read because he's just awesome
    now I will just sit. And wait for the next update and Patricks return which will be most appreicated by me and hopefully at tleast some of the other readers who I see to only care about Brendons safe return which yes I know he's the main character but sill! Patick got shot that's kinda a big deal!
    October 25th, 2011 at 04:43pm
  • *prepares mind for Trick's return*
    Now I wait 'til next Saturday
    My first thought this morning MIGHT have been 'oh hey it's Saturday Nails For
    breakfast is updating!'
    And you're welcome even though I desperately just want you to focus on the Peterick aspect of this story it's still a ryden so you can't really and it's still your story not mine
    yes Internet friends are always awesome
    October 16th, 2011 at 04:12am
  • Good I have no issue with him not being in a few chapters (well not that BIG of an issue) as long as I know when he'll be in it again
    And again it's you're story not mine and you shouldn't cater it to my liking do what you want
    Considering that you wrote my ideal fic and to do so you have to at least be familiar with my top three favorite bands and you seem kinda awesome I guess I like you
    October 13th, 2011 at 04:09am
  • Yeah thats true. She got some balls.
    Kinda reminds me of a riftstalker from that game rift. Teleport here, teleport there, i break into you school, das mah son, you no touchie o.o
    October 11th, 2011 at 11:51pm
  • Nadia. I do like her, bitch got BALLS!, but it's so evil of her to take brennie.
    October 11th, 2011 at 04:35am
  • Yes if Patrick doesn't come back soon I might spontaneously combust or something horrible but it's your story so take as long as you see fit
    and yes I've gotten lots of crap on other websites for my age because I'm generally on the young side so I just decided that if I have to have my age might as well have it as something incredibly immature
    October 10th, 2011 at 10:33pm