Back on That Mibba Grind

Hey guys!I feel like it's been a million years since I've been on here, but I've decided to make the commitment to come back.I've missed this place.I knew membership was dwindling when I last left, but I didn't expect it to feel so empty.As a little life update, last time I was here I was:About to start my first year of collegeExcited about my futureAlso lowkey depressedNow I am:Second year in...
March 28th, 2018 at 10:37am

Sorority Questions!

Hey guys!I'm really excited because I've wanted to rush a sorority for a REALLY long time and now, in a couple of months, I will be!But I'm also super curious since my mom and aunts weren't in sororities, and none of my friends are rushing, so I don't really have anyone to talk to about it.If anyone here is in a sorority, I would love to talk to you!I wanna know all about your rushing experience,...
May 23rd, 2015 at 04:39am

A Letter to My Little Brother

Dear Runt,I remember when you were cute and chubby and lovable. You were the cutest baby to ever live, even if you had a few stumpy fingers where they'd been forced to amputate. Even if you were allergic to almost everything. Even if you took all of the attention away from the rest of us.There are four siblings now, but before you were born, when I was the youngest and there were just two older...
August 25th, 2014 at 03:14am

I Cried

Tonight I had to cry.I had to cry for Cory Monteith, who died too soon.I had to cry for my cousins, who died too soon.I had to cry for my friend, and our family friends, who died too soon.It's hard to lose so much at a time where everything already sucks. Your teen years are supposed to be that time where you try to figure things out, try to decide what you wanna do and all that crap. It's hard to...
July 29th, 2014 at 09:33am


I don't know if any of you have ever had one of those moments where you're fine and then all of a sudden you're just hit with depression, but it sucks.I was literally just sitting here and all of a sudden it's like my chest is being crushed. The depression also brought on a panic attack so that's fun. I don't think I'll be able to go to school tomorrow because I can already sense that I won't be...
March 24th, 2014 at 07:02am

Please help!

Hey guys!I was just wondering if someone could help me out with this.So I've decided to do NANOWRIMO's camp next month in hopes of getting over my writers block.I already know what story I'm doing and everything, but I don't know what genre to put it as. I'm going to be trying to finish Breathe .My question is, would it be Science-Fiction because there's time travel in it? Because time travel is...
March 9th, 2014 at 07:31pm

Hello again, old friend

I've struggled with an eating disorder for a very very long time.And recently, I've felt okay. I've been recovering like a pro. Seriously, purging's been better, binging hasn't been so bad, I haven't been restricting.But now I'm scared.I'm so so scared.Because now all the stress is moving in. I'm starting to look at colleges, and everyone's telling me how I have to pick the right one, and I have...
January 27th, 2014 at 06:16am

Lookin for a left brain

Hey everyone!I'm looking for an author to be left brain!So, I got this idea after watching Bo Burnham's What. Left Brain/Right Brain. (It's really good if you haven't seen it.) I was thinking about these two siblings, one who was "left brain" and one who was "right brain". Initially, they're total opposites and they can't stand each other. Left brain is objective, logical, responsible, efficient,...
December 28th, 2013 at 07:40am

1D group write?

Thought I'd do a blog about it too!So, the plot I'm thinking of is there are five girls on tour with the boys who are pregnant with their children. While the boys are off doing tour things, the girls come together and sort of create this support group. I want this to not be so much on the serious side. So it can have some serious aspects, but I'd sort of like to see this story take more of a...
August 22nd, 2013 at 08:15am

One Direction group story/Doctor Who

Hey friendships!Just thought I'd spread this around everywhere! :)I'm thinking of doing A) a Doctor Who story, and am looking for a co-author! I'm open to any ideas, but I'm hoping to write as the companion. We can talk it out if you're interested! :)And B) I'm wanting to do a 1D group written story. I'm thinking of having each boy being able to invite their best friend from home to go with them...
July 8th, 2013 at 07:19am


This last week has been really hard.It’s not like I’m saying I knew him all that well, because I didn’t.I met him a couple of times. We had those normal awkward conversations that people do.“Hey,”“Hi,”“How’re you liking classes so far?”“They’re good.”“Cool.”“Yeah.”But still, it’s crushing.How are you even supposed to react when someone tells you that?Are you...
January 16th, 2013 at 06:12am

Hard Decision

So, basically, life sucks.I am never going to recover. Not at home at least.I never feel safe or loved here. My mother has made it her goal in life to make me feel like a piece of shit, and lucky for her, she's succeeded.I'm sorry if I sound over dramatic. Honestly though, how would you feel if your mother was always telling you how much she didn't want to see you, and how she was tired of you,...
November 4th, 2012 at 12:01am


It's seriously time for me to learn how to successfully create a banner for my story that wasn't made on polyvore!I was wondering what programs all of you use?I would love to know so I can find the best one to use! Please let me know whether or not it's easy to use, because I'm a little bit Photoshop impaired!So yeah, please you guys! Let me know which program would be the best to use!Hopefully...
October 29th, 2012 at 12:17am

No Faith in humanity

I have lost all faith in humanity.I don't necessarily think it was one thing that set me off, but a build up of terrible happenings.People are monsters.We as the human race, we... I don't know how I'm trying to word this. I guess what I'm trying to say is that we have absolutely no concept of kindness, or love, because we have so much hate holed up inside of us.. We don't value human life. We...
October 28th, 2012 at 08:27pm

The Urge to Purge

I've just started on a new ADHD pill that also works as an anti-depressant.After two days with it, I've come to realize that this pill probably isn't the right one for me.Due to side effects, I keep spontaneously bursting into tears. My anxiety levels are WAY up, which makes it feel hard to breathe, and like my whole world is spinning out of control.And then, guess who came out to play? It was...
October 22nd, 2012 at 09:53pm


So today I babysat the kids I haven't seen in a few weeks.The kids are 2, 4, and 7. The 7 year old was out with his dad, and I was with the younger kids. I've babysat for this family since the 2 year old was 4 months old, so I call them my kids. I know pretty much everything about them.ANYWAYS, about today.Let me just say, my baby is a BAMF.Today we were listening to Justin Bieber and the kids...
October 20th, 2012 at 06:37am

Co-write? :)

Hey guys!Lots going on right now!First of all, I'm going to a new school!It's a college prep, and it's really hard. I have like, a million homework assignments I should be doing right now, but I'm taking a break to come to Mibba! :)ANYWHO, I was thinking that because of how much work I'm doing for my new school, and because it's super fun, I would do a co-write! I've done a few before, but they...
October 8th, 2012 at 12:51am

Recovery :/

Ugh, I hate that word.And technically, I threw recovery away a long, long time ago. When I started purging by the day again, I knew that recovery wasn't what was in store for me.I'm freaking out, because my life is falling to shit. I am getting more and more depressed, I'm binging and purging more than I have since last October, and I have never in my whole entire life felt so alone.I'm at a new...
September 10th, 2012 at 03:06am

I should probably go to bed...

But I don't want to! I have drivers ed tomorrow morning REALLY early, but I just can't force myself to sleep! So, I thought I'd update y'all on my summer!August 4th is Warped. By that time I have to finish my ENTIRE 2nd semester of Summer school (Which I just started) AND pass drivers ed (which requires constant homework) and try and make money. I also have to read 2 books and write essays for...
July 10th, 2012 at 08:35am