I need advice! :/

Okay, So it's been a while since I've been on here...but i have an issue, with a boy, typical rightt?Well okay there is this boy, I like him, and it just so happens that he's my boy friend(: Things have been going really well lately until today, you see he is one of those guys who think that he'll NEVER get in trouble or get caught and he makes some really bad decisions sometimes but i still love...
July 23rd, 2011 at 06:45am

It's been a while...

Okay, so a lot has happened lately, and there has been a lot of confusing and interesting things I could talk about that has happened the past week I've been at my dads...Let's just start out by talking about my family situation...So, everything between my mom and I has been pretty good lately, we've been trying to get our lives straightened out since Bud isn't around anymore...I have been really...
June 15th, 2011 at 03:00am

The Beginning

Oh boy, so I don't exactly know how to start this, but oh well.I just started my Mibba because i wanted to be able to see a actually know how a friend feels about me and the situation we are in. After reading some of the infamous journals I have some things to say. What he doesn't know and what I haven't been able to tell him is that I am just as confused as he is. I am just as hurt and confused...
June 3rd, 2011 at 08:31am