It's Hard To Choose Between Two Things You Don't Want.

It's even harder when you don't know what you actually do want.I know what I want, I'm not going to try & say I'm a messed up freak because I'm not. But what I want - that isn't an option.What I want is oblivion - but that's not possible without damaging my self worth.What I want is understanding - but nobody get's it.What I want, is to be able to make my own decisions without having people...
September 27th, 2011 at 09:47am

Because You Don't Realise Until You Have To...

I got my tongue pierced yesterday, so today my tongue was all swollen & I couldn't talk properly or eat properly or anything. I was talking with like a lisp & I felt like an absolute loser. But anyways, to my point... I never realised how much I licked my lips until it was uncomfortable to do it! My gosh, it was constant all day today - so annoying!Anyways, it got me thinking about all the...
June 17th, 2011 at 10:43am

"Are You Single?" - "Umm.."

Sure fire sign that someone's interested in you; they ask you a simple, three word question."Are you single?"It doesn't matter how casually they phrase it, or how at ease you're feeling talking to this particular person. It doesn't matter if they're in a relationship, or butt-ugly.They've got you thinking. You're calculating, figuring out if it would be worth it to string it along with this person...
June 6th, 2011 at 01:48pm

Because Missing People Is Hard Work.

"When the bravest & the best of the boys you know 'go west'; then you're choking down your tears & moving on." - Banjo Patterson.I keep on telling myself that I've only grown attached to him & that I don't love him, bt the truth is that I love him more than anyone else. I'm sixteen years old & I know that sounds like I'm being awfully immature but I really don't think I am. I think...
June 5th, 2011 at 10:26am