the_photographer / Comments

  • No I haven't read it yet sorry. Been a bit busy. God I haven't been on here in forever!!! Been a bit busy with people's funerals and stuff. Had four deaths in a month. -.- Don't know how often I'll be on here. Revising for my exams at the mo.
    Erm we have a load of papers. The Sun, Telegraph, Daily Mirror, Ilkeston Advertiser. Many more too haha. How are ya.
    April 3rd, 2012 at 11:42am
  • I should have guessed! Sorry I haven't replied in like... ever. I've been a tiny bit busy. :P I'm off to my mate Jonny's party this Saturday. Should be fun. Get to watch them all get drunk then take the mick out of the stupid things they do and watch them make fools of themselves. It's great.
    I've never edited pictures. Always tend to leave them as they are. :L
    Ahh I don't know I just don't like poems. But I shall read yours. I got published in a poetry book once at my old school. It was all the schools in the area got entered in a contest and the best ones got published. :P I was one of em. So I guess I'm alright at it. Just never know what to say. It's easier for me to think in a story style though.
    March 13th, 2012 at 10:14pm
  • So what's your favourite thing to do then??? Apart from Photography of course. ;)
    I have no doubt. I don't know what I'd do without my internet to be fair. It means I don't have to ring people. I have a thing with phone calls.
    I'm not good at poetry. I don't tend to like it. It's too emotional for me. :P I have trouble getting that across. Also I need a character not just a subject. Poetry is too vague for me.
    March 9th, 2012 at 10:39pm
  • I wont forget her ever. :) Thanks though.
    I like it!!!!! It's fun but annoying as hell when lads try to show off by doing stupid tricks in front of you. -.-
    Yay you got it back! Feeling better having it back?
    I don't know. I'd like to try just once. But I'd never get that drunk I couldn't control myself. Who knows I might hate it.
    Why only "I guess"??? What's gone off?
    I'm back to almost normal. Well I can be around people haha as long as I'm not left with nothing to do and time to think.
    March 7th, 2012 at 05:11pm
  • Thank You :)
    March 7th, 2012 at 03:03pm
  • This isn't my year. At all. My Great Grandma died, my hamster died and my oldest cat who's been my best friend since I can remember is scheduled to be put down tomorrow. I've never felt so lost.
    I'm not too bad at ice skating but I'm no pro so I know how you feel. Hope ya didn't hurt yourself.
    A piss up is basically where a group of mates go out and just get drunk and have a general laugh. I don't know what to do haha. It'd be fun for my forst time getting drunk but I'd need my mate Amy there to look after me in case. She's the only one I trust.
    Thank you honey and I don't mind it's late. Did you hsve a nice weekend at least? Sorry it's shorter and more depressing than normal but I honestly don't feel like myself. Sorry.
    March 5th, 2012 at 09:11pm
  • You could say that. ;) Though my cousin Katie is adorable already so she's gonna overtake me soon.
    I'm not in the final stage of college. I'm in the first year. OH! That was it!! Japan! I've always wanted to go. :) It looks fantastic. I'm not at all religious haha are you??
    Haha a few of my friends are trying to plan a giant "Piss up" for my 18th. :L I don't know whether or not to let them yet. Cause I don't trust some of my mates. ;)
    Yeah that'd be a put off for me. Well more like the spiders. :') Good. Pete's a babe. :P
    True. :L Safe can be boring. Well my friend Callum told me my other mate Jono still likes me the other day. Possibly the most over protective guy I know. And today he was physically restraining me from putting something on Youtube (we were just messing). So it's fine for him to do that but not fine for Callum to shoot me with an elastic band? :L
    Damn straight penguins are haha. And they can get across the ice easier.
    I literally can't sit still for more than a minute. :L It annoys people. Oh and sorry I didn't reply to this yesterday I had to put my hamster to sleep so I wasn't really up for chatting.
    Really really sorry for the longness. Got a bit babbly again. :)
    March 2nd, 2012 at 07:13pm
  • Haha you and your red heads. I don't think I could pull that off. :P Yeah I never understand that. I couldn't imagine going out with any of my family. All but one of em are younger than me anyway. :L And they're odd looking...
    Erm I think I'd be in 11th grade in America... It's the stage before University. Nah it's not too hard. Just a bit confusing to translate.
    Hell no! I'm not allowed to drink until I'm 18 haha. My Dad's a policeman so he refuses. And if I ever wanted to smoke (which I don't) my Mum said if she caught me she'd make me eat the whole packet including the box... :L What about you?
    No it's not to be honest. We get like a week in summer. :P Our summers can be bad though. I prefer the cold too so as you could imagine it's not that fun. That sounds great! I'm not too fussed about travelling. I want to go to Greece, Spain, Australia and possibly Canada. Oh and Illinois. For no reason other than Pete Wentz (Fall Out Boy's bassist) was born there and apparently it's lovely. But yeah take someone with ya! It'll keep ya safe.
    Erm some serious ninja skills (You're in luck there since I am a ninja master ;) ), a tank and adorableness. Oh and a couple of guns and a penguin. The penguin would probably serve as a great distraction and they've already got their suits! :D
    S'alright when I get bored I move around a lot. I don't like sitting still. :P But babblings fun. See I'm doing it now!!! :L
    March 1st, 2012 at 12:11am
  • If I go as a vampire this year I may just do that. :D One of my friends does but he just looks weird.
    Yep it's surprisingly difficult. I could never go out with someone I've been friends with for ages. It'd be like going out with a family member and god forbid it ended badly.
    I'm in year 12 now. First year of Sixth Form. :D I shall be in Year 13 this coming september if everything goes right.
    Ahh they weren't too bad. They only did it to people theyvwere friends with and who knew they were joking. I don't really talk to them anymore. A lot of them are druggies or chavs so I tend to stay clear.
    Right now it's dark and warm. It's 10:02pm here at the mo. So 4:02 where you are.
    Yep I don't think I've got anything planned. :P Let's do this!
    February 28th, 2012 at 11:02pm
  • Vampires are annoying. But I look good as a vamp. :') Nooo I have these ones that look like proper teeth which you attach with this dental stuff. :P They're brilliantly real.
    People can tell when I flirt apparently but I can't. :L Who know's maybe I've just been around lads too much to notice any difference.
    Haha nah just no-one I like. The people that ask me out tend to have been my friends for years. And the one lad I did like that asked me out in Year 9 I thought was joking cause he was mates with all the populars so I just laughed and went "Hell no" and he looked really hurt. :L Sure I was mates with quite a few of the more popular lads but I just thought he was messing like they did sometimes. :P
    Aww hun I would but I have non either! We could go invade Greenland or somewhere???
    February 28th, 2012 at 09:57pm
  • Hell yeah I do!!! I was a vampire this year. :') Cause I have the proper fangs too.
    My "friend" Robyn went out with one of my best mates Connor, dumped him then asked his best mate Josh a hour later! I was like "YOU SLAG!!". I try not to sometimes cause I apparently lead people on when I'm just being normal. :L So I try.
    But you DO have an accent!! To me you would anyway. Same as I don't have an accent to me but I would to you! Yep I've been single for four years now. :') Despite people repeatedly asking. I just keep saying no. Well is it Am or Pm now? Yep it was 7:30 then.
    It took me three ish hours to build that. But I spread it out over two days. You should manage to build one!!! Go on!! Be awesome! Snowmen are amazing.
    February 27th, 2012 at 10:25pm
  • I love being scary. :P Halloween's my favourite Holiday. It's just funny.
    Nope not at all. I think if you're going out with a guy then you're going out with him not every single one of his mates too.
    Haha glad us British people make ya happy. :') Good then at least someone believes me. :P Yeah I am.
    Six hours difference. Right well it's 11:52 here so I think it's gonna be 5:52 where you are. Though I could be very wrong. :P
    February 26th, 2012 at 12:52pm
  • Haha that's the aim. :) Serves them right for being dicks. I have trust issues. There's four people I trust and that's not even completely. I hate it when you see a girl going out with a lad and flirting with every single other lad. I mean if your going to go out with someone be loyal don't just go slagging around.
    :P I'm over protective of my family and friends but if they're just play fighting or play arguing I know when to leave it. A lot of em don't do that for me. A lad I know called Liam, when Josh took me down, went to him "Oi dick she's a girl. Stop being such a wanker and be a bit more gentle." so after yelling at Liam for a moment I allowed Josh to floor him and drag him along the grass. :L I'm a lovely girl really. Honest. ;)
    This is gonna sound weird but what time is it over there??
    February 24th, 2012 at 05:42pm
  • Oh no I don't do that. I have my own little ways of scaring them. ;) I come up with an imaginary murderous friend to talk to, just stare at them, or repeat everything they say or I'm just generally a lovely girl who rather quickly loses that smile. :D
    Haha I know what ya mean. But you'd trust her when/if she said it was nothing right? Cause otherwise that'd be a quick way to lose a girl. :P Ahhh but a lot of the lads that like me either get over protective and start having a go at them saying they're too rough with me and that they need to realise I'm a girl (which I hate cause I can stick up for myself).
    Good. So we'll get on fine. :P I hate it but so does he. ;) Emma's 16. Same age as me. I may be more interesting but that doesn't pay for your rent, your food, your clothes and your camera things. :L But it's your life. I'll let ya do whatever ya want. :D
    February 24th, 2012 at 12:01am
  • I don't know. I get a lot of weirdo's saying things to me. The only times I have white on my nails is when I do designs. I'm good at the flick things. Not so much anything else. :P
    You've got a point. Cake would be worth it. But some people are wusses and can't stand the cold.
    Yeah a lot of my friends girlfriends hate me and hate how we play. But as I've said many times I've been their friends since I was little. That's not going to stop for some girl who might not be around for so long. And of course any lads interested in me don't really like the fact that I play fight. It's not! It's only fun when it hurts.
    Oh there will be many things that don't make sense about me. Just you wait. ;) I don't really have a choice with what he kills me. Unlike a few of my friends he doesn't take my threats seriously. Which renders me incapable of doing anything. But I get my own back by calling him Ashykins. :P
    I know what ya mean. Those kind of people are annoying. Emma cries for no reason. -.- Can't stand it.
    You have got a point I do like ya responses. :L But I don't want you missing your lessons or wasting ya time talking to me.
    February 23rd, 2012 at 10:27pm
  • Haha well that's a first. Some guys I'd never met before were having a bet on how old I was. One said 13 and the other said 18. :L I've never owned a goldfish but it probably is yeah haha. Yeah I paint my nails when I can be bothered. Usually either black, red, black and white or purple. Depending on where I'm going.
    Hahah well I found that more people came to your birthday parties in summer so I guess at that age I was happy enough. :P
    Yep we do. :D I've always had more boy mates then girls. I dunno why I just fit in better with them. So I've never been a really girly person. My three best lad mates (Connor, Josh and Callum) basically influenced my life so I grew up not afraid of mud, loving contact sports and being a tomboy. To them I'm not a girl I'm just another thing for them to play fight with. :D I've drawn blood before but I always feel super bad after. :L These things hurt people.
    I like writing stories about them but they annoy me. If that makes sense (Which knowing me it wont). Haha thanks. :P My mate Ashley usually calls me Emmybear which I guess isn't as bad but not many people call me the other two cause they know I don't like it but it's usually my "friend" Emma who's suddenly gotten very big headed. She cries a lot though. Can't take the rough play.
    Sounds like a lot of work. I don't mind that it's short. You don't even have to reply haha if you've not got time. My world probably wont end without you for a couple of days. :P Just go enjoy ya self!
    February 23rd, 2012 at 12:25am
  • Really? I usually get told I look about 14. :P I'm only 5 foot 3 so everyone's like "Aww you're so cute and tiny!". Goldfish have a three second memory if I remember rightly... ironic I don't really. :L
    I've got a few blonde friends who get completely washed out by those colours so they have to wear blue or yellow or whatever... pink (ewwww). Haha I used to like summer when I was little but when I got to like eight it just got too unbearable so I stopped being out in it. :D Aww migraines suck! But at least you've got medication for it.
    Hahaha I bit my mate Luke's arm and Josh took me down while I was still biting him and I ended up breaking skin. -.- His Mum freaked out. See you'd be great if ya ever met a vamp or something. :P And our games are fun!!! They're a year older than me but we're big children.
    I wore red contacts for halloween. It's not too difficult actually. Weird the first time. N'aww thanks. Apparently my eyes are my best feature. Haha I don't mind as long as you don't call me Emzy or Emzybabes. -.- Hate those names. Ahh I think a lot of it is awesome but I don't know how some people take it so I don't wanna freak em out.
    Ahh no I forgot! I'm sorry. I'll check em out tomorrow. :)
    What classes do you take?? That is pretty terrible though. I don't know what I'd do without the internet. :/ So good luck and at least you have school!
    February 21st, 2012 at 11:54pm
  • I'm 17 in June so not too long. :D I'm like a goldfish when remembering things so sorry if I repeat things ever.
    I never understand why people prefer summer. It's too bright haha. Since the majority of my clothes are black (I look good in black) I guess that doesn't help. :P You get headaches too??
    I like biting it's fun. I bit my mate Connor cause he tried to kidnap me from my base and held me as a prisoner of war. We have some fantastic games. xD
    Glasses are awesome so don't complain!! I've got some awesome mates who wear glasses. My eyes, depending on the light, are either Grey or Green. They're weird.
    I'm with ya there. I could've gone to see YM@6 but Dad, again, said no. -.- I've never heard of em sorry. I'll youtube when I get back.
    My mate watches Fairy Tail. He says I should. Nahh talking to you is fun. :D Wow impressive haha. It took me all day to sort my room. -.- Get some rest!!
    February 20th, 2012 at 04:09pm
  • It's my Dad, my Mum's fine with it. :P I wanted green or red in my hair: Mum said yes Dad said no. -.-
    I have a load of Gay/Bi friends too so I know what you mean ahah. Better to be ask in my opinion. :P
    My Mum and her Mum met on the park across the road and we've been friends ever since. We played a game but that escapes me at the moment. But in saying that I have no memories before 5 years old only what people have told/shown me.
    Hoodies for the win!!! Nooo I don't haha just my family and friends like to say I'm one cause I prefer night time, I'm extremely pale, sunlight gives me headaches, I don't get cold, I can't deal with heat and I bite people as my defence technique. :L I'm terrible at punching so when I can't kick I bite.
    Hahah I don't mind cursing. I hear it all the time from my parents. Thanks. :D I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. :P Nah I don't wear glasses but I could do if I wanted them. But now the headaches have stopped apparently I should be fine.
    Adele- Someone like you, Rolling in the Deep or Set fire to the rain. MCR- Three Cheers- I'm not Okay, Helena, Ghost of you or You know what they do to guys like us. Black Parade- Sharpest Lives, I don't love you and Disenchanted. Danger Days- Bulletproof Heart or Destroya. Been to see em live twice. :D Yeah I do agree haha. I just love Frank in that video. :')
    Ermm my favourite anime is either Pokemon, Vampire Knight or Black Cat. :P You?????
    I swear I talk too much with you. :L
    February 19th, 2012 at 12:31pm
  • cause I couldn't think of anything creative to put as your name
    February 19th, 2012 at 03:23am