Back To Where We Started

Secluded and left alone in a world filled of hate and fear. A cruel world walking among us. I like the seclusion, the quiet nothingness surrounding me. Its peaceful and serene, it allows me to think and clear my head of all troubles. Nothings as it appears to be. People change with the movement of the world around them, adapting. There may be chaos among the adapting but they still find a way to...
June 10th, 2011 at 08:58am

False Hope or True Love?

How do we know where love is found? there isn't a sign that says "Love found here". Its not on our GPS or on Google. Its impossible to say that love will never hurt you. Once you think you find love you try not to let go of it, no matter what the circumstances are. The truth is that love can and will hurt you. It will Blind you to lake you think that it is the only thing that matters. But once...
June 10th, 2011 at 08:55am

Why Bother To Get Back Up?

Should we bother to impress people? Should we bother to try not to fall out of place? Why do we bother at all, i mean like is it even worth it? We fall and then we try to get back up. If we succeed in getting back on our feet don't we realize that we will just fall back down again? We might fall on our faces for all we know. I don't know about you but I'm tired of going to fast in love because i...
June 10th, 2011 at 08:54am

My landlord is a dumb bitch.. awesome right??

Hi there, my name is Kelley Johnson, if you didnt know that then hi im Captain Obvious, and i like to rant. When you get done reading this (or if you finish) you'll either think im a bitch with a corrupt mind or you'll just simply agree with me, either i dont particulary care. Im fluent in sarcasm and speak it often, especially to dumb people, and i dont care if i spell wrong. But anyways lets get...
June 8th, 2011 at 06:13am