wethelow / Comments

  • totally fine. I write a little and you just hit my pet peeve is all. I am a firm believer in having the story finished before it's posted unless i'm posting a "tester" chapter. I really do love your story though!
    October 1st, 2011 at 06:44pm
  • Hi! Thank you for your comment on my story- I'm glad you enjoy it. I just wanted to clarify about the updates. I feel badly that it's coming off that I'm holding my updates "hostage", because I really am not doing that. If I was, this last update would not have happened because I had hinted at 10 comments and got 5. If this is because I left at a cliff hanger, I would have left it just like that either way. I merely said that thing about comments in my A/N because I've been struggling from horrible writer's block and comments always help me get back on track! I hope that makes things more clear(: Thank you for reading and commenting. Like I said, it means a ton to me!

    September 30th, 2011 at 04:49am