KilljoyBekah / Comments

  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    xD yeah he's gonna hit Steve, but not a whole beating up thing
    July 30th, 2011 at 04:29pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Yeah, I prefer CD's too sometimes, the drawback though is that it limits the music I can listen to.
    By "if it's not ugly then how can it be beautiful" I mean when there are faults in something it makes it so that we can appriciate its beauty even more, but if some does not have faults then what is there to make us appriciate it? Kind of like if something bad happens to you like a grandparent dies it makes you appriciate your other grandparents more, and it makes you hold them closer and not take them for granite, but if that did not happen then you probably would take them for granite. There are other things to that saying too, but that is the main one in my perspective. Haha, that is good, but I think the next one will not be very short...Haha. I had an idea. =P
    Haha, I know what you mean, but unfortunately I only have two weeks of freedom left.
    I am alright, thank you. How are you?
    July 29th, 2011 at 02:53am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Why won't she let you use the laptop?! D:
    July 27th, 2011 at 07:26am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    I am so jealous haha, I have re-order mine somewhere. I am never happy with ordering something off of iTunes, or burning a CD if it is a band that I am truly invested in and in love with. =] Haha, bring the CD players back in style! =D
    Always! ;] If it's not Ugly then how can it be Beautiful?
    Oh good. =] I just had an idea and wrote like...6 or so pages last night..haha, so I will see if I can add that to the new chapter. Sorry that they seem to be getting a bit shorter in length lately.
    How have you been doing?
    July 26th, 2011 at 09:26pm
  • totallymcraddicted

    totallymcraddicted (100)

    :D wow thanks for the comments on both my stories ^^
    glad you enjoy YTML :)
    and yeah, Steve's probably gonna be an asshole... I'm writing the chapter but I'll probably update it tomorrow :D
    July 26th, 2011 at 08:27pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Oh my goodness! I tried getting that CD, but it kept getting back ordered until the company eventually said that my order was canceled. >.< I love how they sound on their first album, it was like the birth of them, so in a way it has more meaning than just the emotion and meaning that they put into it, it is like the begginning of them. My day was alright I think, thank you for asking, we will have to celibrate it again next year, and with their other albums as well. =] Keep it UGLY! =D
    Of course! I adore your story, so I am glad to comment for you. =]
    I do not know when the next update will be, it might be a while from now because I am a bit busy..I am sorry. =[
    July 25th, 2011 at 10:29pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Ah, they are actually kind of long, but I like that, it gives me more to read. ;]
    There is an International MCR Day? O.O Oh goodness! I hope you had a happy International MCR Day then, and could you please explain that to me? =] Keep it UGLY!!! =D
    Haha, I sure hope that my chapter will be alright, yours were incredible! I hope my comments were a bit of a help, I am glad that I read it. Your story actual brought full on water works to my eyes.
    July 24th, 2011 at 10:46pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Hm, if you have long chapters then it might take awhile for me to finish, but I will start reading today. =] I have a question, what is it about, I see that it is Bandit, but I have also noticed that some people have commented about Gerard and Frank, or something, and I just want to get the relations clear before I do read because I like to be in a certain mind set of things (I am so weird, sorry!). Even if it is long I will probably devour your story before the day is up or something close to that. =P Which I am excited for. =]
    Ah, yeah, iPod's are not fun to write on. T.T I think I tried on someone's one time and I accidently pressed a back button or something and ugh, it was frustraiting. Yes, I have it mostly figured out, thankfully. =] I have basically the entire plot line done actually, just small detail in every new chapter needs to be thought up, but I like to do that when I get there. =] Thank you for asking. I hope you can get to a computer soon!
    July 22nd, 2011 at 11:48pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    I will definately try to remind people of that before things start to get too far into the dramatics. =P Aw, thank you! The next one might be a bit boring though, but it is an important chapter for later on! =]
    I will pull some time aside and check out your story darling, I am sure that it will be explosive! =]
    Booyah! *Killjoy Hug* =D Just don't set the ray guns off!! That would be bad!
    How are you feeling? =]
    July 22nd, 2011 at 11:32pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    That's where all the drama will lieeeeeeeee, haha, will he stay with Bert or go back to Frank? Who will he choose?! Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. :D
    Ohmygod! Bandit and Frank bonding time?! I'm so excitedddddd, they're adorable. Uncle Fraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank- I'm squealing right now, please update soon, that's gonna be too cute for words!
    It may even cancel out Gerard's bipolarness, haha.
    July 21st, 2011 at 09:39pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I think you may just be unlucky hahahaha we need to get you a pair of awesomely amazing headphones that you could not possibly break ever under any circumstances. Like... headphones suitable enough for cockroaches, ya know?
    Haha, yayyyyyyyyyyyyy! I'm so glad you're excited, well, the chapter is up noww, so you can go take a looksyyyy, :D. I'm stoked to hear about everyone's reaction to it. Hopefully I didn't disappointtt.
    I'm gonna have to have a stern talking with Gerard and tell him not to be such a bipolar mess, Lynz is just as afraid and shit as he is, but she has her health to look out for, he needs to chiiiill.
    OHMYGOD Snape, I love him, I cried when he died, ugh. My love...
    July 20th, 2011 at 08:25pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Oh, phew! That is good, I was having a mini-panic attack in fear that it was hard to understand! Yeah, I tried to make it original, and a bit other worldly. I am glad that it does not seem normal to you, that is a big compliment, so thank you! =] Thank you for double checking, I am glad that you understand the story! =D
    Haha, yeah, I would probably forget who is an Incarnate, and who is an Adapter, and who is an Untouchable if I were not writing it, but I think you will get the hang of it soon. =] Yeah, I think I rushed explaining them a bit because I decided to just throw what they were, and their capabilities in everyone's face in the first chapter. That was not exactly classy of me, but we all have different ways to do things, I just turned out to not be patient when it comes to taking my time to explain what these new species are. There are still some species to come as well, just a heads up, so I would study what you have right now! =P
    Thank you again, and I definately will! =] Have a good day fellow Killjoy! =D
    July 19th, 2011 at 10:16pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Yeahhhhhhhh, I guess though that your mindset, when you're writing that, is thinking about them now, but either way, they're gonna be beautiful in their forties, so it's alllllllllllllllll good.
    I hate those random bad days that just pop up out of nowhere. And then everyone gets on your case about it and gives you shit, it's just like LET ME WALLOW IN PEACE DAMN IT. :D
    I think we need to get you invested in a pair of indestructable headphones, my friend, because you seem to have some baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad luck with them, haha. I mean, not even I have had that much trouble and that takes talent. :P
    I knowwwwwwwww, I was writing his part in the next chapter and my heart was fluttering, is that stupid? Haha. I was so excited.
    July 19th, 2011 at 05:57pm
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your comment on Desensitize Me! =]
    Yes and no, Gerard and Frank did have a past live together, but it was only Frank's past life, it is Gerard's current life (if you think about it Gerard is now around 80 years old, but still looks like he is in his late teens, kinda weird, huh?). Yes, Frank does not remember this past life, but he does get flashbacks of what happened in the past, though he does not want to. Frank was reborn into this new body, and instead of being an Untouchable like he was in his past life he is now an Incarnate. It seems like you have the jist of it. =] Which I am glad about because I really hope that things like that do not get confusing, some other things though...I might wish that upon other areas. =P Thank you again for your comment!
    July 18th, 2011 at 10:14pm
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    Heyyy, I won't be complaining if you focus on Gee and Lynz for a bit, they're beautiful and I love them, :D, it's hard to picture Lynz at 47, but Gerard at 45? I am all sorts of down for that, is that weird? Bahaha, I'm sort of a creep. :P I'm excited for the updateee!
    Hopefully you're just going through a little bit of a slump and things will get better soon, :(, I want you to keeeppp smiling, :D! <3 Ohmygod, I get so frustrated when the wires tangle! To the point where sometimes, I'd rather go without listening to music than try to fix them, haha.
    They ripped?! :O I will send you new ones!
    Haha, that was kind of the point, I wanted to suck almost alllllll the hope out, so when he did actually wake up people would be like !)!OIEWEOIJSLFDS
    July 18th, 2011 at 08:04am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I'm excitedd for your next updatee!
    Don't worryyyy, you have plenty of time to go see it, I'm sure it'll be out in theaters for quite some time. I hate when my headphones break... or my cats eat them, that's the worst. I feel your pain, :(, I hope the day got better.
    July 16th, 2011 at 05:54am
  • Tayyyyyy

    Tayyyyyy (110)

    United States
    I can't wait to see his actual reaction in the next updateeeee, that's fer'sure.
    Oh there is definitely some drama up ahead, so be prepared for some actionnn, haha.
    Totally just got back from the midnight showing of HP Deathly Hallows Pt DOS, it was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. Mischief managed, :D.
    July 15th, 2011 at 09:51am
  • Dumb_dumb

    Dumb_dumb (100)

    United States
    Thank you darling! I hope that the story will be a decent read for you, and THANK YOU for giving it a chance, I appreciate it to no end! =]
    July 14th, 2011 at 09:34pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well it's obviously a Frerard, and me and Em are drama whores...
    So yeah, expect an emotional rollercoaster with an eventual happy ending... ;D
    Let's see if you can guess it ;D
    July 11th, 2011 at 12:04am
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Wow thank you so much for the praise, I'm glad you like th length of the chapters! How are you feeling at the moment? Do you think you know where this is going to go?
    July 10th, 2011 at 09:53pm