vivalasjenna / Comments

  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ everythingburns
    Hey!!! Yeah, I'm still keeping up! I just don have time to comment! I'm so sorry!! The story, However, is going wonderful! I seriously can't get enough of it. I'd comment it I can but I never have the time. It's the end of the school year and being a junior in High School I had a bunch of college tests and its crazy. Right now I have a week left of school and I want it over with. Then I can comment when I want!!! So sorry though! I didn't meant to make it seem like I stopped! Because I didn't. I love your story! You're doing a phenaminal job!!!
    May 23rd, 2013 at 06:07am
  • reedus

    reedus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hey! I was just wondering if you're still keeping up with the story? I miss your comments! xx
    May 19th, 2013 at 09:39pm
  • reedus

    reedus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Lovely and detailed as always! Thank you so much :)
    February 25th, 2013 at 09:59pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ everythingburns
    Awe, you're very welcome! I'm glad I can get you to smile! I seriously love your story! Reason to why most of my comments are longish. But keep it up! You're doing a great job!<3
    January 10th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • reedus

    reedus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Your comments always make me smile! thank you so much! <3
    January 10th, 2013 at 02:12am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    That's awesome that you had a great experience meeting them. My All Time Low concert was amazing too. This concert, they were even more funnier than usual; I was laughing the whole show. Haha. Alex was just looking like perfection (if you can't tell yet, he's my favoritie. Haha). When then sang Somewhere in Neverland, everyone was singing; it was amazing, and they were so shocked about it. After the song, Jack was like, I'm surprised you guys knew the words. My sister and I had the best place to see them, at the top of the stairs on the balcony. We would have stood at the bottom of them on the railing but the security guards kept telling people not to stand there. There was this one girl, I'm guessing she was about 18 but she was acting like she was 16, no offense, and she kept complaining about how all the parents were taking up the seats and saying how they don't give a fuck about the band and all this stuff and kept yelling at the security guard about how he yelled at her about her doing things and he wasn't yelling at them. She was being rediculous. She was also complaining how she sweats a lot and can't be in the crowd. I was like we don't care. Her friend was drunk off her ass, making a fool out of herself. They both were dancing in front of my sister and I at the top of the stairs, and I was waiting for them to fall down the stairs. I know that's mean but I really wanted it to happen. The guy that was sitting on the end looked like he wanted to punch the drunk girl and when she left, he relaxed a little, and then she came back, and he got tense again because she kept rubbing up against him, and his wife and kid was sitting next to him. Jack only came out :(. My sister got her picture with him and he signed my Don't Panic CD cover. I didn't get a picture with him because there were sooooo many girls pushing and shoving so I said forget it. There was this one girl there that was saying her 64 year old mom had a crush on Alex and she was going to have her talk to him, that didn't happen. She was dumb too, and when he didn't come out, she started crying to Cameron from Downtown Fiction about how she didn't get to meet Jack and that her friends were assholes for leaving her and he didn't know what to do. My sister got at picture with Cameron and Brian, the lead singer of The Summer Set. Like, nobody came out for us. There was this really hot guy taking pictures with people but I don't know where he was from. Haha.
    I like Dirty Work and I espeacially love their lyrics. I sometimes don't know what half of the words mean, but it still sounds good. Haha. I just want to know who writes the lyrics and posts the stuff on their Facebook page when it's just a little status. I'm going to guess Alex does the facebook postings because the way he talks at concerts and when I met him the first time, it sounds like him. Haha. And I'm going to say that they all might have a part in the writing but Alex does the most because on all of their albums, there is always a song that he says means the most to him, which I find cute. Haha.
    I have had Chipotle twice this week. Haha. I had it today after school. Haha. My mom told me that I should get business cards from all the Chipotles I've been to to see how many I have been to. She told me that they were sitting on the counter by the register, but I haven't seen them, so I don't know. Haha.
    This summer was the first time I have ever been to Warped Tour, and I would so again only if there are a lot of bands that I want to see. If there are only like two bands, then I probably won't go unless Simple Plan and/or All Time Low are there, then I will for sure go. Haha. The day I went (July 31) wasn't that hot. I think it was like 89-90 degrees. There wasn't any breeze or anything and that's what made it hot. I will be more prepared next time too. Haha.
    October 26th, 2012 at 03:44am
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    aw thank you! Like normally, when people think of fan fictions, they don't think of them as highly as original fictions, so I tried to make it the most original that I could. I'm glad that you liked it and caught my hints! I tried :)
    and yes, I would have died too. I mean, it's Garrett Nickelsen and John O'Callaghan. How can it be easy? :)
    October 21st, 2012 at 06:19pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ pelican park.
    no problem (: You're am amazing writer and Dance with a Devil is probably one of my favorite stories I've read since I've been on here. You gave hints, but it was still hard to catch who she was going to pick, and when her final decision came it was just as if time had frozen over and I was shocked. I love that she picked John, but I also wished she picked Garrett. I was on both sides if that's even possible, but I'm glad she made the final decision because I probably would've died if I had to make one between them.
    October 21st, 2012 at 03:53pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    I'm glad you love it! I love it too! and the concert was kfajskovnasijkdvnIOASJFIOAJDVKASNVa freaking amazing. I touched Jack three times that day. It was beautiful (2 times sweaty, 1 at the CD signing). Zack freaking said hi to me. Yeah, Zack, the one that seems like he NEVER talks. He said hi, I about went into shock. And Jack said I had a cute smile and Alex was just perfect and Rian needs to shave..... haha, it was amazing<3
    All albums are better than the previous ones, but they were so down about Dirty Work, but I loved that album more than how everyone else felt about it. They are really smart, I think that goes with every band. Yeah, All Time Low, makes a bunch of penis jokes but that doesn't mean anything. Its okay if you're not a fan of WATIC, but Kiss Me Again is amazing with Alex in it. I mean I like when Jordan sings in it (the original) but Alex's voice with Tay's is amazing. And its his type of song, it just suits him. The music video is a tease. I hate it, but it's so good<3
    Chipotle<333 I still haven't had any. I'm dying for some right now. ANd its 8 in the morning... that's a good plan. Everywhere you go, go to a Chipotle. I'm gonna do that now... if i ever have money.
    that sucks tho. yeah, I'm going to be more prepared next Warped because this year it was on the second hottest day. so hopefully I won't die again....
    October 21st, 2012 at 03:49pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    hi! I just wanted to say thank you to the moon and back for reading and commenting on Dance with a Devil and I'm excited that you're excited for the sequel! :)
    October 14th, 2012 at 06:05am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    I got their album and I LOVE it!!!! I think it's probably the best one, but I've noticed that every time they come out with a new album, it's better than the last one. If you look at them and watch how they act on stage, they look like the dumbest people ever, but in reality, they're really smart. My dad said that singers in bands are really smart and they have to be to write the music, or the whole band. If you have a band that the people in it don't know how to write lyrics and make them catchy, nobody's going to like them. I'm not a big fan of We Are The In Crowd. I tried really hard, but I just couldn't get into their music. The only song I have on my Ipod by them is Kiss Me Again with Alex singing. Haha. Simple Plan is my favorite band and All Time Low comes in close second.
    I could go to Chipotle everyday of the week if I could. Haha. My parents went on a 8 day cruise, and I ate it 6 out of the 8 days and my sister ate it 7. I usually try to have it at least once a week. There's one where I go to college so after class, my sister and I go there. The only problem is that it costs too much. My sister and I try to go to as many as we can. We are Chiptole Testers. Haha. Every time we visit a new place and/or state, we have to find the closest one and try it
    I straightened my hair for Warped too and right when I walked in, it curled up. I didn't put it up for some unknown reason. Haha. As I look back now, it didn't matter what I looked like. I didn't meet any of the bands except T. Mills at the beginning of the day. I was going to put my hair in a bun, but I was thinking that I was going to meet bands, but I didn't.
    October 10th, 2012 at 09:52pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    yeah, i got halfway and my phone died when i listened to it (: You'll love it though, plus I got the CD already and I'm downloading it now, so this is just 10x more exciting than what i thought it was. They really are geniuses. They may not seem like it but they really are and that's what's so great about them. They're genuine human beings with a heart so big that you can't even explain. The first song i heard by them was The Coffee Shop Soundtrack and it was the end of 4th grade or maybe the summer going into 5th grade, but I was at a friends, who was and still is a big music person, and she was into this one band (All Time Low) and she made listen to the album (Put Up Or Shut Up). I loved it and have been listening to them since then but again I've never really cared what they looked like till Nothing Personal. When Dear Maria got big, I think I saw the video but never really cared on what they looked like because I loved the song so much, you know? The Maine is at a tie between We Are The In Crowd and All Time Low for favorite band. There's just something about them that makes me feel at ease with myself. Like (I'm not sure if you've heard or read the book) in Perks of Being A Wallflower when Charlie says, "And in that moment, I swear we were infinite" well that's how I feel when I listen to their music. I get that feeling.
    Ohhhh, I see. That's understandable. Still that's REALLY LONG! haha, even for one day xD Dedication my friend. Ded-i-ca-tion. CHIPOTLE IS AWESOME<33 yeah, usually bands go to the HOB here so nothing special. Or they go to the bottom lounge which is downtown by Goat's Burgers and a vegetarian restaurant (which is surprisingly delicious!) Or to Mojoe's which is just a bar in downtown Joliet. So, always fun times. But i've only been in a pit once and I loved it, but i'm like you. Girly with the hair. I hate Warped Tour because it fucked up my hair. I was mad because I straightened it, but got sweaty and dirty and ended up putting it in a pony tail with tangled sweaty hair. I hated it, but I loved it soooo much<3 and your last statement is actually really convincing (:
    October 9th, 2012 at 06:44am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    I saw that Hopeless did that, and I want to listen to it sooo bad, but I don't want to ruin the moment when I get it. Haha. I have listen to For Baltimore and Somewhere in Neverland over and over. I don't listen to them because they're attractive either, I find out what they look like after I listen to them, or my sister says the lead singer sounds hot, lets see what they look like. I first heard All Time Low right before my senior year, and I'm a junior in college. I was on vacation with my family and my sister and I were watching MTV and Damned If I Yo Ya came on when the credits of a show were rolling and we were like thats an awesome song, so when we got home, we got all their CDs. All Time Low's lyrics are sooooo cleaver and awesome. I don't even know how they come up with some of the words, they're that good. I like The Maine too. I have seen them in concert twice. They're not one of my favorites, but I still like them.
    I also think Synyster Gates is attractive too, and I agree with you, all the member are attractive in their own way. When I go to a concert and a band comes on that I don't know, I stand there and watch them and clapped when they're done. I think leaving a concert early shows rudeness.
    When I waited for 5 1/2 hours for Simple Plan, I travelled all the way to Pennsylvania and was in a hotel for two days. It was either stay at the hotel or get in line early and be close to the stage. Haha. I usually don't wait that long. My sister and I love Chipotle and there's one right next to the concert hall we go to so we leave like 2 hours before the doors open and eat and stand in like for about 1/2 hour. I used to be one of those girls that goes into the pit, but then I realized that at some concerts you get to meet the band members. I am a total girly girl with my looks and my hair is curly but I straighten it for the shows and when I got sweaty, my hair looked like crap, so I stopped going in the pit. Plus, I think the farther back I am, the better I can see and nobody is bothering me.
    October 8th, 2012 at 08:59pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    It is (: She's the sweetest girl I've ever met! The album is amazing! Hopeless Records put up a stream of the entire album. I love it<3 Plus, I got the album and the AP magazine<33 I swear, my life has just been made by this. I cried when she asked me. All Time Low are my saviors. I'm not like some fan girls who say it because they think that the band is hot and etc, etc. No, that's not me. They literally saved me. I've been going through a really tough time in my life and their music and The Maine's music has helped me through it. All their poetic quotes and speeches help me with every step of my life. They help me keep moving forward and staring at life with a whole different perspective. Yes, they're attractive, but that's not why I'm their fan. I didn't even know what they looked like until Nothing Personal, which is sad because I've been listening to them since 4th grade and I'm a junior in high school now.
    I agree with you though. Zacky Vengeance is the cutest one in the band, but i don't know, there's something about Johnny that's really attractive, it's probably the mohawk, but that's probably just me. End of story that entire band is attractive is some way? That's sad though, how those 3 girls only went for the heck of it, same with the people that left during secondhand serenade. I stay for the entire thing. I mean you spend all that money and only see the one band? That's a waste. I went to see Avenged Sevenfold in Evensville, Indiana for their Nightmare After Christmas Tour. I didn't know New Medicine, and I barely knew Stone Sour (I knew like one song) and of course I knew who Hollywood Undead was, but I rocked out through the whole thing and had the time of my life. Then I saw them on the Welcome To The Family Tour and I had no freaking clue who Sevendust was, but my uncle wouldn't talk to me when I told him that, I didn't like them, they scared me. And Three Days Grace was there and of course they were amazing and then A7x, but i'd stay for the entire thing and try to enjoy myself. I'm not one to leave in the middle of a concert. It's music, listen to something new and learn to love it. Why waste money if you don't enjoy it?
    Damn, 5 1/2 hours? I usually get there 1 1/2 hours early and I'm always like the third or fifth person in line. Unless it's a big band like A7x, but I was in the front of the pit when i saw them the second time? I don't know how that happened?
    October 8th, 2012 at 05:41am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    That's so nice of her! :) I have been counting down the days until the album comes out. Haha. There is one band though that I think the guitarist is the cutest one of the band, it's Zacky Vengenance. I was at a Simple Plan concert like 3-4 years ago, and there were these three girls standing in front of us and talking about how they don't like any of the bands that are playing and stuff like that. I didn't see them after we all got into the arena. When Simple Plan came on and they were about half way down, I saw the girls push themselves to the front, and I was already in the front, like the third or fourth row if there were seat, but we were standing. I was like, you three deserve to be in the back. And then, there is a little concert hall in downtown that I go to to see bands that come, and it's right next to the university, so all the college kids come and just drink and not enjoy the music. You have to buy a ticket to go to a concert, so I just think they're wasting their money. At the same Simple Plan concert, there were two guys and a girl standing behind me and they were talking about just seeing secondhand serenade and then leaving. They were standing right next to me in the pit and when secondhand serenade came on, they left. When I go to concerts, I arrive about an hour before the doors open (at Simple Plan, I waited 5 1/2 hours.), and stay until the end. I try to get my money's worth by standing the whole show.
    October 6th, 2012 at 03:48pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    that sucks that you have to travel so far just to see them. they're amazing songs! and i just got the CD today! My friend surprised me with VIP tickets. and she gave me the magazine and CD today. I'm excited! And I can't wait. I literally cried when she told me and when she gave me the stuff. It was super sweet of her. haha, i do that to! I always go for the lead singer and bass player and occasionally the lead guitarist and drummer, but mainly bass and singer. it's weird how it always ends up like that though? I hate fake people though. when they know who you're talking about but they only know one song... i'll look at them and be like 'leave. now. you're a disgrace.' it's not right. i understand if your a fan, but at least get to know more songs than just one. how else are you going to enjoy the concert without knowing what they're playing, ya know?
    October 6th, 2012 at 06:23am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    I live in columbus ohio, so not a lot of bands that I like usually don't come here, they go to cleveland (three hours from me) or cinncinatti (two hours from me). All Time Low has been to columbus twice, SWS, The Maine, Forever the Sickest Kids, Family Force Five, and others I can't remember. Haha. And I'm originally from northwest indiana, which is about an hour away from where I used to live. All my family is from there. We take the south shore (the train) there and spend the day in chicago sometimes. I have listened to both of those songs, and for warped, I listen to Reckless and the Brave over and over because I knew they were going to sing it. Haha. At first, I didn't like Baltimore, and I have no idea why, but when I listened to it with the lyrics video on youtube, I loved it. I love both of the songs, I can't wait to see what the rest of the album is going to sound like. I bet it's going to be awesome. :) Usually when I first hear a band, I like them for their music because I obviously don't know what they look like, but I have to be honest, their looks make their music ten times better. My sister and I pick which member we think is the cutest, and I usually always pick either the lead singer or the bass player, there are some bands though that I pick the guitarist. While my sister and I were at warped, we ran into our friend that we really can't stand but we just act like we like her, and she didn't even know who T. Mills was or SWS and my sister met T. Mills and the friend took my sister's autographed picture, took a picture of it, and put it as her cover picture to look like she met him just because she thought he was hot. She stage drove (if that's how you say it. Haha) to get into the front when SWS was playing, and she was saying how the lead singer (Kellin) was hot and that she didn't care if he was married and had a kid. And then she went and bought clothes from his new clothing line just because he was hot. She also said she was a big All Time Low fan, and at warped, she didn't know any of the words to the songs and she sat the whole time and didn't watch them at all. She's going to see them the day before I am in October, and on Facebook, she put on of those event things that saying she was going and at the top she put NOW I GET TO MEET ALEX AND JACK. Meeting the band is just a bonus when you go to a concert, the music is the best part. I love when I get to meet the band, but just seeing them in concert is a blessing.
    September 26th, 2012 at 04:46am
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    They seem like nice people (: I just want to give them a hug. They got me started on listening to their type of music. The only music I've never listened to is radio music, when it plays I don't even know whats going on. So if its a song i know, yeah i'll jam along with it, but it's not me. you know? in chicago, sws, all time low, and so many other bands aren't played so i usually just ask about bands thru friends or use the trusty website known as youtube :3 That sucks though. I wish I could have met them to. but i did meet Vinny, their merch guy and the other merch guy, who i believe is named Travis. I also got hugs from Rob and Jordan from We Are The In Crowd. They're awesome people :D i didn't have money then, and usually i have to ask my parents first but they're always holding things back till weeks before so when i found out i was so upset! I can't wait for their album! I pre-ordered it on iTunes and I'm going to buy the album when it's in the store I usually go to. i can't wait<3 I'm so excited! Have you listened to For Baltimore or Somewhere In Neverland yet? If not, do that right now<333333 GAHHH i dislike people like that. They say they're fans and they say they know all this stuff about them. It bugs me. My sister and I hate one of our friends because I guess we got her into Of Mice and Men, Sleeping With Sirens, and Pierce the Veil; yet when she heard SWS and PTV she asked why they sounded like girls, but now she's obsessed with them because they're oh so gorgeous and they have beautiful voices. And she doesn't even know anything about them. Same with Austin. Like we had to tell her all this stuff about his heart, his mom, etc, etc, stuff about Alan, stuff about where Austin was then and why he's here now. and yet she only listens to them because of Austin because she thinks he's hot. SHE ONLY LIKES THEM BECAUSE OF THEIR GODDAMN LOOKS!!
    gosh, i'm sorry. it irritates me. But yes, i'm sorry, but she is stupid. she probably doesn't know about Jimmy's death or else she would've understood it.
    September 25th, 2012 at 12:02am
  • xPoppinxChampagnex

    xPoppinxChampagnex (100)

    United States
    @ jennabobenna
    Simple Plan is probably the nicest band I have ever met. When I saw them the first time, Pierre was sick so he couldn't sing anymore and promised a singing. They waited until everyone got through the line. When I met Alex, he was so nice, and smelled really good. Haha. There were little girls there, probabally like 13 year olds, telling him stories about stuff, and he just listened away. I thought that was sooo cute. I didn't get to meet them at Warped Tour. :( By the time I got to their merch tent after watching T. Mills and Sleeping With Sirens, the tickets were all gone, and there was a really long line. I got my All Time Low ticket for October the day they went on sale. On Facebook, I am up to date with tour dates. I creep on bands' facebooks just to make sure I don't miss a date. Haha. And their CD comes out on October 9, and my birthday is the 10. I was like, really, couldn't you have just pushed it a day back. Haha. I have never seen Avenged Sevenfold, and I really want to, only if it's just one time. My sister saw them back when she in junior high or high school (I can't remember) and she and my mom asked me if I wanted to go, and I said no because I didn't really like them then, but no I regret it. I live right where Rock on the Range is, and when I was a junior in high school, they were playing at it, and I told my mom that I would sit on the highway to see if I can hear them. Haha. That never happened. My cousin's girlfriend, who I can't stand, saw them on Uproar Tour. She told me one time that she didn't like screamo music, and I told her that at the beginning of their career that they kind of were, and she told me that she started liking them when their self titled album came out. She was over at my house when the "Nightmare" music video came out, and she said she didn't get it, and I was thinking, you aren't a big of a fan as you say you are. My sister and I just looked at her like she was so stupid. Haha.
    September 23rd, 2012 at 04:02pm
  • vivalasjenna

    vivalasjenna (100)

    United States
    @ xPoppinxChampagnex
    Dang! That's awesome! I've seen Simple plan never, but they were probably the first band I've ever listened to along side Blink 182 and Bowling For Soup. I've seen All Time Low once at Warped Tour this summer (funny story. At their signing i didn't know you needed a poster so i left, came back and found out they were giving them away but ran out, so i left again and came back when they were leaving. Alex and Zack walked out in front of me and I said hi and Alex held his arms open for me to give him a hug but some girl walked in front of me and gave him a hug, thus me recieving a puppy dog face from me, i shrugged and said hi to Zack, who smiled and waved, but tripped and awkwardly but causally walked away like nothing happened. it was cute and awesome at the same time. Best day of my life)! lol, but I can't see All Time Low in October because it sold out a month ago. I literally cried. But my friend said she'll have them call me, hopefully. i'm excited ((:
    But i've seen Avenged Sevenfold twice and ran into M. Shadows on the way into the concert. It was fun. Good times. Good times.
    September 23rd, 2012 at 06:37am