toptastic / Comments

  • Hi i really liked ur storie 'lier game'? Just forgot the name but it was really good hope u keep writing more. Ohhh hi im gloria but like being called C.G.
    January 1st, 2012 at 01:31am
  • thanks(:
    December 26th, 2011 at 12:52pm
  • Thanks so much for your comment.

    I love Noah. I loved Nixon too, but eh. Noah is so much better.
    December 5th, 2011 at 10:26pm
  • Thanks so much! You have no idea what it means to me to have someone say they love my work that much. You just made my month! So, thank you again!
    I will definitely check out your story and (more than likely) message you my thoughts. ^^ Just so others don't see anything that you might not want them to see (don't worry, I don't bash), and so you can access it easier for later review. ^^
    And AH!!! I'm soooo glad you like "Meet the Band". I'm loving it, too, and hope to write more and more as quickly as possible. I'm obsessed. ^^
    To be honest, all the (main) female characters are parts of me, so if you were to smash them together you'd have me in a nutshell pretty much. All I did was take out certain traits I have and blow them up and add to them to make Merideth, Tammy, Laurel and the others who I have yet to introduce. But Merideth is, so far, my favorite out of the girls. ^^ She's so cool and chic. And the boys. . It's hard to choose. Juil is definitely the cutest--he makes me want to squeeze him. >//< But Min. . . He's my least fave, actually. lol. I kind of hate him. lololol. Awful to say, but it's true. He's needed, though, so there he is. ^^ I'm just glad the difference in their personalities come out so clear already in the first couple chapters. And I know what you mean about wanting to keep them to yourself. . Part of me would, squealing like a girl the way Tammy's going to later, but the other part is like, "Meh. They're people, too. They just happen to be on tv and stuff." lolol.
    I hope to update Chocolate Love soon! I've been working on a chapter when I have time, so look forward to it!
    November 17th, 2011 at 07:11am
  • well i'm sure you're as pretty as a princess;
    October 9th, 2011 at 06:49pm
  • It's Matthew
    October 9th, 2011 at 12:38am
  • Thanks :).
    & yah sorta Lol.
    October 8th, 2011 at 09:37pm
  • ehh yours is cuter;
    October 8th, 2011 at 06:56pm
  • Thank you.:)
    October 8th, 2011 at 05:55pm
  • Hehe
    It's a nickname
    But no one calls me by my real name
    Well, my ex did
    But yeah
    Sharky is I

    Nice to meet you too
    October 8th, 2011 at 06:51am
  • thank-youu
    and thanks i kind of like it too c;
    October 8th, 2011 at 05:55am
  • Thanks for the welcome
    I'm Sharky
    October 7th, 2011 at 10:38am
  • There might be. I'm not so sure yet. Normally I let the characters decide what happens, but I think, in Meri's case, there will be a love triangle. Or at least, the misunderstanding of one, if that makes sense. O.o I plan on making this a five-book series. Each book for each member of the band, right?? So. . I'm thinking that maybe there will be a love triangle in the third book (if there even IS a third book), with a different member and maybe a model. . ?? Or maybe I'll keep it within the band. Still working out the kinks, but I have a vague outline and key points for each story. ^^ Just a matter of getting it down.
    October 3rd, 2011 at 06:27am
  • Did I tell you about that story?? O_o I have a really bad memory. lol. I knew I told SOMEONE, I just couldn't figure out who. >.< And yeah! I'll definitely update soon, I hope. I've been terribly sick, though, for a while now and college has taken its toll on my free time, but I'm hoping to update everything sooner rather than later. ^.* I'm glad you enjoyed it already even though it's just the first chapter (which was super long for a first chapter lol). And, somewhat, yeah, Just 4 U is kind of a knock-off of SHINee, although I think I was originally taking them from a down-sized Super Junior--cause having thirteen main characters (all of them boys) is just insane! THAT concept didn't work at all. . So, yeah, somewhat a SHINee love in there. ^^ Definitely used their pictures. hahaha. *shurgs* But I'm not complaining. They work for what I was going for. ^^
    October 3rd, 2011 at 05:04am
  • Thanks
    September 28th, 2011 at 01:02am
  • I commented on Liar Game for the swap :)
    September 26th, 2011 at 10:03pm
  • Oh, god. You have made my night. Thank you so much for the story comment.
    September 26th, 2011 at 05:40am
  • Phew. *wipes forehead* Glad it makes sense. lol. And don't apologize about asking questions!! I LOVE questions like these. They're fun and interesting. You can ask me anything you want. ^^
    Hmm. That's a tough one. . A lot of time my emotions fuel my writing, so it's hard not to get attached to any and all of my characters. I supposed, because i understand them best, it's easy to feel sympathy and relate to why they do what they do. Especially the villians. On some level, I'm sure it changes the story, but I'm not exactly aware of it, I suppose. Like with Sean from "CL", he's not REALLY a bad guy, he's just a frustrated teen, so of COURSE I feel horrible having to write that for his sake, but when a scene like that happens and it's his feelings that are the main focus of the chapter, I end up thinking why I wrote it and where it's going to lead the person. Even if it doesn't necessarily show up in detail in the story itself, I always think about what they would do right after and what's going to happen next. Whether or not the situation gets fixed is up to the main character. I can't forced Lily to accept Sean if he apologizes if it's not in her nature. Just as I can't make Sean go apologize if it's not in his. But on some level, I think guilt on my part makes me force characters to do some things so I can reach a certain turning point.
    September 16th, 2011 at 04:01am
  • Okay, that makes sense. I knew I recognized him. >.<
    About your question about my writing. It's a little bit of both. I have an odd writing style. With "New" (and all my other stories, but "New" is done, so it's easier to explain), I have particular points I knew I needed to get out for the story to continue, but I had no idea how it was going to end, to be honest. A lot of the little details in the beginning that meant absolutely nothing suddenly became important later in the story without my realizing it. There are some times when I write out a scene, thinking it's great and then realize that it won't work because a) I thought too much, b) I lost sight of the character's personality, or c) it wouldn't lead me in the direction I knew the story needed to head. So I have a vague idea and certain significant points I know I need to work up to through a story, but most of the time, I let my characters' personalities guide me through. And it works! All the time. I mean, I REALLY spend a lot of time figuring out who my characters are before I start writing. It gives you an easier sense of what each person needs to do in the story before you actually write it. I remember that I had a scene all planned out where I knew someone was going to die in a certain way, but couldn't figure who. So I placed each character in the scenario I set up and only one person clicked with it. The others would have had different reactions and not died, or just completely annialated my whole storyline. So I guess it depends. Sorry it's so long! But you asked a difficult question. I hope my answer made sense!!
    September 15th, 2011 at 12:16pm
  • By the way, who is that gif on your profile featuring?? I could have sworn I've seen that guy somewhere, but can't place him. . O.O
    September 14th, 2011 at 07:25am