
i feel you watching me, stalking me. i can hear your heat beat intensely. i wanna be afraid of you, but it seems impossible. i wanna love you, but it seems insane to love any part of you. all i can do is feel nothing for you. my emotions run dry when i feel you around. i feel heartless, even soulless when i think about you. sometimes i ache for you to reveal yourself to me. but i know that would...
June 18th, 2011 at 10:31pm


that hunger you have for me. so intriguing. i can't stop myself from craving you. the hunger building up inside us both. your fingers tracing down my stomach, up my inner thighs. my hands sliding down your back as i moan in pleasure, feeling your finger slide slowly up my inner thigh. i'm intrigued. i want you. i need you. the fire burning inside me. the fiery passion. feeling your lips on mine....
June 18th, 2011 at 10:23pm

My Fall

the words on this page describe my fall. my fall by suicide. understand that this is not what i truly wanted, but it seemed to be the only way. i'm alone in this, i can tell no one about this evil and unjustified deed. i'm a masochist. a cutter. you wonder why i'm such a dark child, well find out. you people are the ones who should know me best. i thought i could be happy in this life. oh but how...
June 18th, 2011 at 10:12pm


LIfe is full of numbness. Nothing to truly live for. Nothing at all. Nothing but ruthless drones acting as if nothing's wrong. Oh but many things are wrong with the world. Nothing is exactly perfect. Not me, not you, not anyone. This page used to be blank but is now filled with the words of hate, anger, and fury. The words of this page talk nothing about happiness, I'm deeply sorry to admit. My...
June 18th, 2011 at 10:02pm

I lie here....

I lie here waiting in this sorry excuse people call the world. I lie here waiting to die. This place is my own solitary confinement. My own prison. I'm tired of it all. All I want is to be gone from this place. I could be happier if I didn't have to see these people. I could be happier somewhere else. Trust me on that... I could be happier in my own in-between or my own Wonderland. Somewhere where...
June 18th, 2011 at 09:56pm