SoulMate Companion <Three of Seven>

I've found several links from one story of mine to another. If these links persist in showing up, though, it might be too unreal and lengthy for me to sew everything together.Alright, so Koume meets Raijin and Lyssa while Ke'ra has this whole thing going on with a pack being formed. Where do they all come from? What are their stories? To write about them all would be foolish unless someone was...
December 15th, 2011 at 02:06am

Youth + Marriage = DISASTER

WARNING: THIS IS A RANT CREATED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF A TOPIC I BELIEVE TO BE OVERDUE FOR A BASHING. IF YOU FEEL OFFENDED, YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME TO RANT BACK AT ME.^_^I swear, people are idiots.Honestly, hasn't anyone ever thought about NOT getting married? You crush in HIGH SCHOOL (granted, most people never do come out of that era, but still) and claim you loooooove them to death only to...
June 26th, 2011 at 11:18pm

Believe What You Will

My statement: Religion is a load of bull for those seeking "something else" in life, anti-religion is a superfluous belief (maybe even a system of beliefs) that contradicts it's purpose. Science has it's moments of enlightenment as it continues to explore more and more like a voracious glutton, "psychos" don't make sense to science in the sense that they can be explained but never truly...
June 22nd, 2011 at 02:09pm

The Crime Scene

Pen, paper and a hasty message, "Be back by 8," addressed to no one, signed by no one, left on a plastic countertop near the open, empty refrigerator. A half-moon stain on the corner of the note marking where a sweaty glass used to rest- the shattered crystal on the floor just below the sink. Two bullet shells, .45 caliber to the trained eye and still warm to the touch, sitting innocently by the...
June 20th, 2011 at 05:53pm