Marine Corps FTW

My god.... I love this so much! The Delayed Enlisting Program is pretty awesome! I workout with the Marine Recruiter 3 times a week sometimes 4, and making a whole lot of new friends! It really couldn't get better then this, well unless they served some kind of delicious frozen treat :3. But Im really loving this, its hard yet its still fun! I have one more year tell I leave for basic, but my...
July 28th, 2011 at 05:31am

Le Gasp! He didn't break up with me!

Okay so a little while back I was worried that my boyfriend was going to break up with me, BUT INSTEAD he did a surprise visit just to reassure me that he still loves me with all his heart! So I guess that even though I am a BIG worry wart about relationships, that my suspicions aren't always correct. So I need to chill and just hope that for the best! ^-^ Gawd Im so happy that he didn't breakup...
July 15th, 2011 at 05:19am

Breaking up...

So... Its sad... My boyfriend is avoiding me... doesn't answer my calls or texts.... and whenever he does respond he says "I'm Busy Ill text you later"... I don't know what to do... Cause I'v Fallen so hard for this guy.... He says he loves me.. and that he wants me.... but the way he's been acting it doesn't seem like it... and then the other night he asked me outta the blue "Would you tell my...
July 10th, 2011 at 04:53am

Marine Corps

SO TODAY I JUST ENLISTED INTO THE MARINE CORPS! (DEP; Delayed Entry Program) :D IM SUPER EXCITED FOR THIS!!! :D After I get outta High School I go straight to Basic :D Its exciting :D 1 MORE LONG YEAR AND ILL BE A UNITED STATES MARINE! :D WOO HOO :D, and this info made Mama cry and tackle me ;-; It hurt... SHe tackles like a man.... BUT IM STILL EXCITED! OH AND THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS IS IM...
June 29th, 2011 at 02:29am

The New York Times 1 in a million project

Well a lady named Sarah Kramer contacted me from the New York Times, and asked me for my coming out story. So I wrote her a letter of my story and it was published in the New York Times 1 in a Million Project :D. ----> There are like 3 people within my state who wrote a story and it was published and Im...
June 22nd, 2011 at 12:04am