birthday issues

So i need some help. I have a best friend her name is Colby and, my cousin her name is Briah.So Colby and Briah have the same birthday well close enough Colbys is august 6 and Briah is august 8. Anyways each year i have to choose between them because there parties are the same weekend, and usually the have one day birthday parties and one is on Friday and one is on Saturday, but this time there...
August 4th, 2011 at 09:03pm


well I've deiced that I'm a vegetarian now, i just told my family and my mom and my sister are supportive and well my brother and dad are too.... well kind of, they think it's wired but they still kind of support me by telling me how good i've been doing on not eating meat. I'm afraid too tell my friends because i think they'll think I'm some weird tree huger ( no offense to all the tree hugers...
July 19th, 2011 at 04:27am

gay teasing

My best friend Jamie is lesbian. I love her with all my heart. The other day i tried to call her but her sister picked up and said Jamie was having an "emotional break down" so since she lives 2 blocks away i just rode my bike to her house and she was locked in her room cry when she finally let me in after 45 minutes she told me some girls at school tried to call her dyke and a gay as 13itch just...
July 8th, 2011 at 09:07pm