homosexual zombies! / Comments

  • miss scarlett.

    miss scarlett. (100)

    I just went through your comments. I was so young! Reading my old comments to you made me smile. I wish I had your replies, that's what matters most. I do have your emails still.
    April 12th, 2010 at 05:47am
  • miss scarlett.

    miss scarlett. (100)

    I don't know what to think.
    April 12th, 2010 at 05:11am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    On my way to the coffee shop, I was listening to a song.
    It reminded me of you.
    I smiled of course and sent my wishes your way.
    i love you dear.
    September 3rd, 2009 at 01:00am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    ima cry because I miss you so much. I feel like you kept me sane over the past few years. I believe in a theory my sister created that is too complex for me to explain right now, but I do believe that you are my other half. sounds silly, and slightly obsessive, but it's how i feel. and right now, I feel like charlie from perks. and i'm crying and laughing at myself for that. in a sick twisted way, this is how I mean to say i love you and keep on missing my other half.
    July 21st, 2009 at 08:25am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    I miss you and hope to talk to you soon.
    I know I am always spamming your box, but just visiting your page sometimes makes me smile [:
    March 16th, 2009 at 07:29am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    thought I'd keep you somewhat updated with my life, lacrosse try-outs started today and they got from Mon-Wed (I believe). I can't believe it's that time of year again.
    February 21st, 2009 at 11:09pm
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    well thought I'd stop by today.
    and say I love you.
    January 29th, 2009 at 04:44am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    happy new year love.
    it's 2009.
    may it bring some sunshine into your life.
    January 3rd, 2009 at 07:35am
  • screamyourheartout

    screamyourheartout (100)

    December 29th, 2008 at 12:51am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Baby, I feel awful, can't remember if your cakeday fell on the 7th of Nov. of the 27th of Nov.
    Either way I am wishing you a belated/early cakeday [:
    November 20th, 2008 at 08:49am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    I [i]would[/i] never try to break your heart, never ever :]
    You're never at fault; and I understand why you're never on.
    I would love to be with you right now, that would make my day times ten...well it would make my day everyday.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed you everyday and make my every 11:11 wish for you because I love you all that much (and yes I believe in wishes coming true :] )

    Did I ever tell you how much you inspire me to make something better of my life?
    Well now you know :]
    You make me so proud and I know you won't quit.
    You will graduate from High School and do it with a smile knowing you accomplished your goal and I'll be here smiling for you as always so no need to force smiles. (I know, it all sounds cheesy but I really care for you love)

    It's good to hear drugs have not take over your life or alcohol.
    For it's consumed the lives of my friends whether I want to admit it or not.
    But my school is known for the 4.+ GPA's and where you can find a drug dealer to be your lab partner.

    As for me, things are up and down constantly. I can be on top of the world for a minute but of course being me, I always find ways to screw things up but I will keep my head up and learn from every mistake I've made.

    ily :]
    November 3rd, 2008 at 06:11am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    well (i need to stop starting with that, makes me sound needy >_<)

    I have come to the conclusion of 'spamming' your comments, but only every so often. Last comment was the 16th and it's now the 30th has of 2hours ago and 13minutes.
    I've fallen into the habit of not wanting to sleep. Or actually desiring the need to sleep. I read an article on lack of sleep, and I might end up becoming obese. Because apparently lack of sleep causes hunger growth and makes you make unhealthy food choices.
    Ironically, I've done the exact opposite. But that may be only because my mother is now doing weight watchers so we have a lot of good, nutritious, and delicious organic food.

    I'm doing basketball this year. Seeing how I miss it so much, just thought it could be my last who-rah here at school. Scary how first quarter ended only days ago and I've felt like I just started school again.
    The drama in life still continues. Played 10 fingers and let's just leave it at it may have ruined a relationship between my friends.
    The guy I like, he's dating the friend of mine who I lose every crush to. It's all right though, 'cause I was starting to get uncomfortable around him in class with him reading everything I wrote down. Some of it rather personal. >_<

    But enough with things that aren't up lifters. I always come to the same conclusion, I miss you and I know full well there are a lot of better things to do than to log on so I never mean to sound like you should never be away from the computer :]

    October 30th, 2008 at 10:23am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Well babe, can't say I don't miss you 'cause I do. I really miss chatting with you and all that fun jazz. And to be honest, there is so much to say but not a single word comes to mind except for whining and saying I miss you over and over again. ily
    October 17th, 2008 at 08:45am
  • Ragxdoll

    Ragxdoll (100)

    United States
    hey you
    long time no talk i guess
    so hows your exciting life been haha
    September 27th, 2008 at 01:50am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Sorry, babe I haven't replied to you lately. As you probably witness yourself this year is hectic but I don't think I remember a time when my life wasn't really hectic. School itself is just an load but add friends and lacrosse on top of that. It's all fun, really is but I miss my Casey and love of my life.

    There is this meeting we have to attend to about the school helping up fill out college apps and I'm just ready to piss my pants because how do you sign up for college when you don't even know what you want to do with your life. I know tattooing is a major goal for me but no art institute really jumps out to me waving its arms up and down.

    Though I try not to focus on that and just to each day as its own. My two friends talk about college in Europe and they chat about their future. Me, I'm scared shitless of the future and what it has in store for me.

    Any-who, taking myself away from my panics I'm helping coach our middle school lacrosse team so that keeps me busy and I've been addicted to watching friends. I spent all day sunday watch friends and laughing my ass off to the point where I lost my voice.

    i love you babe. <33333
    September 9th, 2008 at 01:07am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    I get those going to school naked dreams, well I start out clothed but with each class I go to, I loose an article of clothing somehow...huh...it's weird having someone from school in your dream (especially if it's someone you see everyday but never know them) 'cause when I go to school after my dream all I can think about is...'Oh my gosh...you were in my dream.'

    I've had dreams that are like old hollywood (except the way I dress) I'm dressed up as a bum though but my dream will be about me smoking a cigarette and having the smoke slowly exit through my lips so it's all defined. Weird part is though, you only see my lip to my mid-waist when I'm smoking a cig.

    My sister read an article today about 'Anti-Emo Violence' in Mexico in an issue of Spin Magazine. It was really sad and made me realize how judgmental people are. Because the 'anti-emo' kids would beat up the emo kids because they think guys with skinny jeans/girl jeans means they're gay (and that's not tolerated in mexico) so the end up thinking 'well all emos are gay'. It makes me open my eyes and think, "Oh shit, are they that hateful towards each other?"

    Get out of here, I love you way more, like mucho more! =P
    August 19th, 2008 at 06:57am
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean. I'm excited to become independent but at the same time I'm scared of the future more than I fear cotton balls. I had a dream though (a back to school dream) and I was a complete badass in my dream; like I said what was on my mind to anyone, cursed a teacher out (though I had that teacher for seventh grade) and I got beaten up by a guy I've known since daycare when him and I were four; though he is a complete pot head now.

    It's funny, 'cause my school is full of potheads (ask any student in our school or our community) and they will tell you the same yet we're all 4.+ GPA scores (except me, I fit in the 3.+ section).

    I love you more darling =]
    August 17th, 2008 at 07:48pm
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Of course darling, I'll go insane with you.
    Why are you going insane though?

    I'm 5'4'' inches, which is either the average height for women or I'm just an inch or two below it. I can't remember. I have a friend though, she's 4'11'' and she's been that way since the fifth grade.

    I could never picture my brother doing that, though. My brother is too much of a mama's boy to really curse her out and stuff. When I think about it though, I'm pretty lucky to have siblings I get along with for the majority.
    When I go to friends' houses their siblings with always be around and the two will always get into some sort of fight and I'll sit there awkwardly thinking to myself I'm happy with the siblings I've been graced with.
    August 6th, 2008 at 07:39pm
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Okay, so today I was playing Mario Kart against my brother (he's ten soon to be eleven) and I will say I'm that over protective sister with a proud smile. Any-who, I was kicking his butt on the Wii and all of a sudden I hear him mutter, "oh shit" under his breath.

    I can't say I never cursed in front of my older sisters, but if I did it was only once or twice.
    I was much shocked though, I couldn't believe my brother would curse like that (he's the one always running around saying I owe him a quarter for saying 'stupid'),
    I gave him a lecture though, never to curse again and that he was lucky he cursed in front of me rather than my mother.

    Oh yeah, I haven't grown at all since his b-day last year, which is sad 'cause I'm at least six years older than my brother and he's only four inches shorter than me.
    Soon, I'll be the shortest in the family.
    July 31st, 2008 at 09:35pm
  • penadia

    penadia (100)

    United States
    Awe, you always make me feel loved in this world =]
    I get what you mean, I'm pretty much over writing stuff at the minute.
    Either I lost my creative flow for the summer, too lazy to write, or I'm over writing in general.
    (I am too rad to stay away from ^_^)

    My friend, Tree Man (I call him that 'cause he's tall and skinny, plus from far away you could mistake him as a tree) said I had OCD, but if I think about it, I really don't. My room is a disaster, I make too many spelling errors, and a lot of other stuff that count against me having OCD.
    July 30th, 2008 at 01:39am