Innuendo / Comments

  • You don't know how tempted I was to break the glass it was incased in with one of the chairs. =D
    June 15th, 2008 at 06:05pm
  • OH, and thank you for the photo comment.
    It made me smile.
    Isn't Edward to just like...die for? XD
    June 15th, 2008 at 02:38pm
  • Yeah, I tend to remember many people * surprisingly because I have such a short attention span* but I'm just so...well, I'm into procrastination, I have a thing for it, you might say. Yeah, I hear ya with the not many friends to go out with. I never understood Sims. I could never play it cause I never got the point...that, and I just didn't understand how to work the game. But I had my best friend over and we had a lot of fun doing nothing, if ya get what I mean. Just like the we do nothing so it's fun type thing.

    Aw, I'm so sorry about your prom! That really does suck. Tell ya what, I'mma hitch-hike over and blast music and invite random ass people and it'll be a better prom :] and I'll make you a cupcake, cause what [i]can't[/i] cupcakes solve?

    Ew. I loathe bugs. Specially the ones that attack you out of nowhere. I wanna try frying an egg on the sidewalk. :] Haha, yey someone else to suffer hot weather with me! hehe :P

    I know I won't the [i]highest[/i] grades, but I already know I'll do well cause I'm an Ace in all of my classes haha. But I mean, it'd be wicked sweet if I got the highest. Thanks for your support :P
    June 15th, 2008 at 02:02pm
  • I was the same way when I say the kimono too.
    But in real life!!!!
    *laughs at your jealousy*
    Queen pwns.
    June 15th, 2008 at 02:55am
  • *sweet profile arrangement by the way, it's pretty nifty*
    June 14th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • Congrats on scoring major on your english exams! That's totally wicked *high ten*. :O How can you think of more school when you're almost done, girly? You're a saint:P
    Aw, I hope you have an amazing time at your prom. Our seniors had a prom and a few of my friends went, they said it was amazing. I live in NY, so their prom was on a boat in NYC. They all said it was such an awesome night. And the proper clothing does make sense, not getting clothes that wouldn't fit or that you wouldn't wear in a few months is a tad bit pointless and a waste of useful cash.
    I've been fine. It's ridiculously hot here.How about there? I'm finished with classes. All I need to take are my exams, which start Monday and end next Tuesday. But I finished my driving classes today and I get to sign up for my road test XD I'm so excited.
    June 14th, 2008 at 10:49pm
  • Hey if you want me to make some edit (like more a section from the left into the right for the sake of balance) don't hesitate to ask me :P
    June 14th, 2008 at 11:16am
  • -hug- you're welcome ^.^
    June 14th, 2008 at 11:12am
  • Those are free layouts so you can use them if you want :p
    June 14th, 2008 at 10:34am
  • It's between English, Music or sport.
    We call it P.E. over here.

    I'm not that great at any of them but they're the ones I enjoy the most.
    June 12th, 2008 at 10:17pm
  • uhh. am inteles. imi pare rau. o sa va mai intalniti. noi ne intalnim periodic cu fosta clasa, si iesim la o pizza. e minunat, sincer, un sentiment asa cald sa-i vezi pe unii dintre ei.:)

    uf. tu te cunsoti cel mai bine, cred, si tu stii cel mai bine ce vrei sa faci in legatura cu liceul. inainte sa iti completezi fisa, gandeste-te super bine daca te-ai descurca la mate-info-engleza, fiindca am fost in exact aceeasi situatie si nu a fost chiar cea mai buna alegere. esti buna, dar buna la mate? fizica, bio, info, chimie? esti mai buna la materiile de real? nu uita ca latina e o simpla materie care se poate invata, in cel mai rau caz, mot-a-mot, babeste, pe cand la mate &co. daca nu ai un oarecare talent, it's really tough. sunt exemplul viu. desigur, daca stii ca esti genul care poate munci independent, si esti sigura despre ce e vorba, go ahead, e grozav la m.i.e. colegi buni, competitie mare, profesori buni, pentru ca e genul de clasa elitista. ai grija. nu vreau sa iti para rau indiferent ce decizie faci. ti-am zis la ce sa te raportezi. daca te-ai descurca la materiile realiste mai bine decat la cele de uman, ca romana, engleza, istoria etc.

    ce tare cu cantecele! mi-ar placea sa am un oarecare talent muzical, dar nu as putea canta nici daca ar depinde viata mea de asta... imi plac clapele totusi:)

    am patit exact aceeasi chestie cu tastatura de craciun, si mi-am luat una cu taste joase, ca tine. sincer, o ador. tastele sunt si mai mari parca, si fiind mai joase, probabilitatea sa apas pe una gresita sau din greseala e mai mica.:D

    :>stiu... si mie mi-e rusine. nu-mi place vocea mea, lol.
    deci ai grija cu liceul. poate sun ca o obsedata dar am simtit pe pielea mea... te iubesc. hugz.
    June 12th, 2008 at 08:49pm
  • ohhh ... imi pare asa de rau. foarte aiurea sa se intample asa ceva. si totusi omg:O cum sa iti taie pantalonii??? mean world, mad world.

    :)o sa incerc sa ma gandesc si eu la ceva.

    ma simt ciudat... nu am absolut nimic de facut, si nu ca in timpul anului faceam ceva cu adevarat, dar macar ma prefaceam sau aveam remuscari ca nu fac ce trebuie. si acu'... atata libertate... ma ia pe sus si face ce vrea cu mine, jur. maine o sa fie prima zi oficiala de libertate pentru mine. nu iau niciun premiu anu' asta *pouts* asa ca boicotez festivitatile si incep ziua in bazin, de la 9... apoi ies la shopping de nebuna, apoi dorm, si apoi imi iau camera in mana si merg unde ma duc picioarele. o sa ajung si in ciori spre seara unde o sa ma intalnesc cu toata lumea si o sa fiu fericita. suna bine:).

    te iubesc.:) si incerc sa imi adun curajul sa te sun. :-SS
    June 12th, 2008 at 08:21pm
  • Wow, 6 classes per week.
    Over here that's quite a lot.

    Is English your favourite subject?
    June 11th, 2008 at 09:58pm
  • daca nu vrei sa vorbim.... nu vorbim.

    stiu ca e stupid, dar dupa ce am terminat cu anul asta era chestia care mi-a venit in minte. a fost vreo doua zile "desperately in love" dar m-am simtit la fel de aiurea ca si la cel actual.
    portocalii sunt ale editorilor. am vazut acum ceva vreme un status de columnist si era mov. am incercat sa-l colorez dar nu am reusit.
    ai sugestii?:D
    te iubesc. hugs.
    June 11th, 2008 at 03:28pm
  • Woah.
    That's freaking incredible!

    Well done!
    June 10th, 2008 at 09:03pm
  • Yeah that's it more or less.
    But I got more than my friend did and she's taking it for these important exams in 2 years.

    June 10th, 2008 at 08:19pm
    I was like NOOOO, GARCIA!
    He was sooo sweet to her that next episode. Ah, I know that they're love is supposed to be friendly, but I so desperately want them to get together! >.<
    God damn it!
    June 10th, 2008 at 07:26pm
  • I did well in some of them.
    I was [i]freaking[/i] out for English. I didn't sleep last night, but I got 86% so I'm really happy.

    I also got 33% in French. I was quite impressed :tehe:.

    I hope you feel better soon. :arms:
    June 10th, 2008 at 07:18pm
  • Exams are over for another year and I have the internet back.

    This is all too exciting for me.

    How are you?
    June 10th, 2008 at 05:51pm
  • hey draga.
    nu mi-am sters commenturile si nu inteleg de ce nu mi se vede profilul... daca se mai intampla da un f5 si daca tot asa e, apesi, chiar sub prima linie de linkuri de sus, pe a doua, pe orice link te intereseaza(articles sau comments in cazul asta), pentru ca se refera la persoana pe care o vizitezi. cred ca stiai chestiile astea dar sunt genu de persoana care da explicatii inutile.:)

    chiar am scris, de fapt, un articol despre politica si unul despre fotografia de moda.:D

    have fuuun la banchet. o sa fii cea mai tare de acolo.
    pana la urma ce porti?
    desigur, o sa vezi chestia asta cine stie cand, dar in fine...:)

    te iubesc mult. hugz.
    June 10th, 2008 at 05:05pm