princesa4eva / Comments

  • MissEL19

    MissEL19 (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment!! :)
    July 6th, 2011 at 04:59am
  • princesa4eva

    princesa4eva (100)

    United States
    Lol thank u (: i luv gettin advice. Oki hav a long distance relationship nf i c ma boyfriend once in a while but i rlly wana tell ma parents bout him.nd he bw ahe wants me to tell them too but idk how :/
    June 27th, 2011 at 04:36am
  • Leah...

    Leah... (100)

    United States
    It's no problem at all.

    And here a little more advice on the same topic: I see that you're 13. So I have at least 4 more years of experience than you do. (And probably more due to my past), anyway. I know the world may seem like it's all about here and now. Like it matters so much. And it does... now. But when you're older, most of what you do in middle school and high school doesnt matter too much. Yes there are things that do, don't get me wrong. But what im trying to say is don't fret too much. Things, and people, come and go. Significant others too. And at 13, you're really just starting to hit the age of understanding relationships. Im not saying you're a child or anything.. just from my own experiences.

    Im 17 and I still am figuring this out!

    I dont mean to sound like mommy, but seriously. Stuff can wait. That goes for love as well. At least for a few years. I found love at 13. My first time I was in love. First boyfriend. Went out with him for a little over a year.

    Now im with my second boyfriend and we've been going out two and a half years. And counting. And im insanely lucky compared to a lot of girls.

    Waiting for someone, someone you actually get along with really well. And they're a friend as well as a significant other. Is probably the best thing. If your boyfriend (or girlfriend depending) is only that, and not a friend, than it probably wont last very long.

    Im rambling. If you want me to keep going go ahead and tell me so. I can give a bunch of advice. You just have to ask. And im here if you need anything. Despite just meeting. But maybe thats why my friends call me mommy Leah. x3

    Oh and welcome to Mibba. :)
    June 25th, 2011 at 08:09am