Over a Year? ...Wow
HOLY HELL! It's been over a year since i've updated any of my stories! Geez. Im sooo so sorry for the long ass delay. Things have happened in the past year that's kept me away from writing and ultimately mibba. But i plan to change all of that. I plan on getting back into the swing of things and pick up writing again. I've missed it and I've missed you guys so much! I don't know exactly when a new...
May 2nd, 2014 at 12:34am
To Whom it May Concern
Dear Readers,No, I haven't died, disappeared, fallen off of the face of the earth or fallen off a cliff. I'm here, somewhat. These past few months have been nothing but constant busy-ness. Having a job definitely takes up any free time that i had to write or plan stories. Any free time i do have, I'm either at my brother's spending time with my niece and nephew or out with friends. In between..i'm...
September 29th, 2013 at 07:52am
One Shot Requests
Hey guysssss xD. Okay..so i was thinking about doing one shot requests to try and get out of this writer's block slump, something to kind of distract me from my other stories so i don't get too stressed out about them, ya know. So..if you have a one shot request, pm them to me and i'll get started. and if you want a certain story layout, let me know as well. I'm open to writing anything really,...
March 22nd, 2013 at 03:38pm
The ever-so-evil case of Writer's block
THE HORRIBLE DISEASE HAS STRUCK YET AGAIN!! Writer's block...stupid stupid stupid! I absolutely hate when i can't think of anything to write or lack inspiration! The will is there.. I want to write so very badly..but nothing comes to me!! WHYYYYYYYY >_>. Ugh. So to all of my subscribers..i'm sorry..and i imagine you're tired of my bullshit and want me to write something already. Soon..i can...
March 10th, 2013 at 04:40am
Mikey Effing Way
Shit has hit the mcrmy fanbase...Okay..okay..people..you need to calm the fuck down about Mikey and this new girl. So many fucking rumors are going around, we don’t know what is true right now. Mikey could have divorced alicia a LONG time ago, and it’s just now surfacing up, Then again, he could have really cheated..One thing is true though WE DON’T FUCKING KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. So until we...
January 27th, 2013 at 05:49am
Okay. I have some bad news. Some serious shit went down at my house, and i mean serious. Things are going to drastically change for me, and i more than likely won't be able to get on the internet for some time, so i can deal with this, which means, my stories won't be updated for a while. but if i have an opportunity to update, i will do so, because each and every one of you make me smile when i...
September 8th, 2012 at 05:49am
Okay. I know i haven't been keeping my promises on how often i would update my stories, and I'm sorry for that. You seriously don't know how sorry I am. School and my job overwhelmed me to the point to where i had to choose to further my education, or stick with my job to have money to help my brother, so i stuck with the job. And now the job is driving me insane and is wearing me out to the point...
June 6th, 2012 at 11:45am