her serenity

her serenity
United States
Joined date
June 25th, 2011


I'm CRAZY lost in my own little world. I'm a video game freak, and im an odd one. I love to write poetry and have been writting for quiet sometime. I'm pretty good at knowing what it's like to be alone, I love all kinds of music but mostly Rock and Pop for some reason. I dress Punk, Scene, Skater, Emo-like :) but i'm not really all that dark if that makes since. I believe the only one that needs to make much since is me-and if you understand me then your golden. I'm pretty good at giving advice I do it everyday, I write rather. . .odd stories and yet I dont care if ya hate it. I'm in the middle of writing a book and my lifes pretty crazy. So I will share with you my insanity. :) I'm pretty strong emotionally, and I let my words speak for me. What can I say, I'm one of a kind, a limited edition, a crazy girl. Photobucket