A question about comment swapping I have, among other things.

Well starting this off with a Girl's Generation song, so if you don't like K-pop go ahead an skip it. But, I must admit, it's so addicting!Onto the title of the journal, I just wanna say a thing or two about comment swaps. First off, the idea is good, and it's a good way to get your story notice when you start out writing it, but I also have a little problem with them: What about when you have to...
August 7th, 2011 at 03:46am

God must have been drunk when he made me. (I'M MAKING A MIBBA CHAT)

Ugu, Hyuna is so pretty and look at her moves. ;_; I swear, just as my title states, God must have been doing something wrong when he made me, because he got my gender and race wrong. Whatever, it's fine. I'd rather be a white boy than a white girl anyway. But back to the song, can you believe Hyuna (the singer) gets a lot of crap and is even called a slut because she pops her booty? It is just so...
August 6th, 2011 at 03:32am

Nick Jonas and Animewolfgirl666 are my otp

Ugh, usernames like Animewolfgirl666. :( Whaaaaaaaaaat are you dooooooooing? Although, worse still, are all the tumblr url's that consist of things like: angrycunt, kawaiibitch, unicorns666. I don't get it. Who are you trying to impress? Those names just sound...so...so ugly.This song is ridiculously catchy and the video is beyond whack. Spoilers: she farts out colors at one point.Finally, I must...
August 5th, 2011 at 05:27am

I wrote a poem that I am proud of and look at this music video.

I wrote a poem. It is my only poem that is online. Please read it, it is called Electronic Messanger. I wrote it for my friend, because my friends (all three of them) seem to think I'm a "poet" but most of my inspiration comes from overly-cutesy Japanese songs, but it works for me so it's fine.Also, I forgot what the code or whatever is for youtube videos, like how to make a picture appear your...
August 5th, 2011 at 01:50am

My camp counselor is a dreammmmmmm~

Ugh he is so cute I swear to god I am going to die. And, for the second year, I don't have him. God, it makes me so sad. Every morning his group and mine stand next to each other and I watch him. ;_; I'm so creepy. I'm a closeted whore. My close friends know how incredibly sexually and emotionally frustrated I am with boys. I want them all inside me please.omgBut aside from my occasional bouts of...
July 1st, 2011 at 02:55am

Hi my name is Alex and I'm a boy. Also I am already trying to promote one of my stories. :(

I really like anime, but I read manga more than I read anime. I'm super gay and it's probably just because I'm going through puberty, but all I can ever seem to think about is boys and there are 2 that I really like, but I also don't really like them because I don't actually know them. I just happen to think they are both so beautiful and I "love" them. I have a dog and he's very fluffy.I can't...
June 26th, 2011 at 04:31am