There's a slushie in my face

Glee cast
About me
bebold, brave, beautiful, harsh, be you and never stop
Hi, I'm Ariana. I love reading, writing, and music. I friggen love glee (as you can see) and if you diss my show...I'll just have to break your legs, haha. Just kidding (I am dead serious) I love Chris Colfer (he's a gay golden god), He's amazing. And my best friend made this layout for me cause she had nothing better to do (and is writing this right now) and is the greatest friggen thing to grace the earth. My favorite bands are Panic! At The Disco, Linkin Park, Halestorm, Paramore, Poets Of The fall, and Falling In Reverse...So, Hai! How you doin!?

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Layout by Never Forget! A.K.A best person to ever grace the earth. Image found on Ficklr