
United States
Joined date
June 27th, 2011


Hello I'm Hannah. People call me many things, but my favorite would be Hannah Rose (Since that is my first and middle name).

I love Justin Bieber, Twilight, Mikey Way from MCR, and much more.

Some may know SexyDork16 by her amazing stories, but I know her as Anita, my obnoxious sister who I love to death:D She helped make me this because I'm forever reading over her shoulder which ticks her off, only problem is we have different taste. She loves the frerard/frikey/Ryden scene while I'm more kicked back and into original fiction.

I'm single because, hello I'm 13! and of course straight. There's not much that bothers me, but if I'm in a bad mood you will know! I have attitude and am nothing like my sister even though we've been told we look alike(which means don't tell us we look alike, it irritates us:P). If I could describe her with a couple of words they'd be: athletic, smart, and scene-y (even though she will disagree). I'm more girly and while I'm smart, definantly not the smartest, but that's okay with me. So you know me and my sister, but not sure if she's mentioned us all. There's 4 to be exact, she's the oldest, I'm the 3rd, my older brother is the only boy and the 2nd, and the baby is my youngest sister. Neither have a Mibba, but that's because neither love to read or write, well matter of fact they hate both, but no harm:) I highly recommend you go see/check out my sisters stories, I find them really good and I hope you do too!!:)

get to know me, I'm really cool, but I get hurt easily so if you have nothing nice to say, then just keep it to yourself because I don't need to hear it.

All layout credit goes to layout by Charlatans and Saints and my sister for all her help! :D