Secrets | Question

I've been losing a lot of sleep lately. I guess I've always had weird sleeping habits; after 12 AM, I wake up every hour on the hour. No matter what. But lately its gotten worse and there are ugly bags under my eyes.I'm honestly tired of keeping secrets from my family, at least. My friends too, but not as much. I know I won't change anything, but I feel like venting. I've never told anyone about...
August 31st, 2011 at 01:01am

Fadefade fading

I'm sitting here on my bed in the dark.I like the darkness.I don't have to be bothered to see.And I don't want to see.I've lost my will to do anything.I don't want to up.I don't want to.I want to sit here in the dark.quiet.and once I stop fucking crying,I want to feel the laxatives kick in and give me pain.I'm in the lovely...
August 22nd, 2011 at 02:35am

My words have gone...

Lately, I've been... at a loss for words. I don't really connect with people. I find myself often wondering what to do or say in a social situation. It's so hard to bother talking to people, or leave my room. I am dreading going to the beach tomorrow with a friend.It used to be as if there had to be a reason to be sad. But now it's as if there has to be a reason for me to be happy. And then I just...
July 22nd, 2011 at 05:19am

Old artwork | My photography | Questions

Right, well. I used to draw a lot of anime people, I guess. I was really into it. Anyways, Hazymilk wanted to see, so here are some that I drew based off of images I found online.Maybe if I start any art projects soon I'll show you guys. Moving on to some of my photography....Last night I messed around with my cousins make up and took photos of them. Here are the ones I like best: QuestionsWhat do...
July 14th, 2011 at 06:47pm


There is this vast loneliness I face, every day. And I’m tired of pretending it’s not there. I’m exhausted of acting like I care about anything anymore. I can’t stand to do anything but lay here and do nothing, think nothing. I can’t do more than curl up in bed and stare into space, wondering if this emptiness will always be here, in the back of my mind. I don’t enjoy my friends or...
July 13th, 2011 at 03:19am