DieDieDieMyDarling / Comments

  • yea,we both suck lol. i keep forgetting about this website too. i'm mostly on facebook now
    July 18th, 2010 at 11:35am

    Oh lawd it has been awhile indeed!

    Soooo, last we chatted, I had been moved into other classes because of that stupid guy I was previously seeing. Turns out that was probably the best choice EVER, because I met a NEW guy in that class who is entirely effin' adorable, and fantastic, and I've been seeing him since mid-March now. And if I end up over there tonight, I'ma be having the good ol 'where do you see this going' sort of convo, just to make sure we're both on the same page with each other and whatnot. Hopefully it all works out the way I want it to; I really can't see why it WOULDN'T. But boys are weird like that haha

    How have you been!? What's been up in your life, eh? :D
    May 20th, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • Hahah tell me about it. The past month/two have been intense for me.

    HAH. Stuff with me and that douche-fag are so so so so so soooooo done with. I have none of his contact info, and I'm assuming he has none of mine, since he reported me to security and is trying to get me expelled from school. Which ain't happening. Long story short, he was an assfuck, I made some public statements, NONE with his name in them, about how i wanted to shank him and blah blah blah. Stupid shit. And he reported me and I got a slap on the wrist and then requested to get my classes changed for at least the month or two.
    I like my newest classes so far; the last two I had were fucking retarded and I hated them haha I got B+'s tho so at least I don't have to take it again lol

    Anyways, now that I don't have a stupid boy to worry about anymore, I feel much less stressed out. Turns out, he was a waste of my time, and if I never see him again, I will be very happy about it. I pity his new little girl-toy though =/ She's too nice for that bullshit.

    Anyways how have you been, love? :)
    February 7th, 2010 at 07:59am
    Sorry that it took me a while to answer, I've been super busy with school work. =[
    I've been alright, how've you been?
    January 16th, 2010 at 03:13pm
  • Hey! I saw you commented on my last story, and I thought I'd let you know I'm back to Mibba with another Tom Sykes story if you wanna check it out!
    January 1st, 2010 at 04:42am
  • Sorry, I try and make all my stories like that, that way it keeps people guessing. I am trying to take my time on this one.
    December 13th, 2009 at 06:17am
  • Thank you for the story comment, I really appreciate it.
    December 11th, 2009 at 04:10pm
  • For those of you who were not lucky enough to be my friend before the long break, all you need to know it I'm 19, I have my septum done, 00 gauges and I just don't give a fuck anymore. <-And I mean this in the most positive way lol

    and thats why i loved talking to you, youre back bitch! hahah!
    still lovin the septum, still didnt get mine back ;D u have such a cuuuute little nose lol! xxx
    December 8th, 2009 at 03:04pm
  • hey chick!
    haha that hair is waaaaay old! 27th september 2008 (thats what the picture tells me ;D)
    im off emo, lil more tattoos and piercings than before
    im actually doing pretty good! havent been on here for a long time either until my emailinbox said i got a new comment on mibba ;D
    hows life? :D
    December 8th, 2009 at 02:44pm
  • Nahhhh; you don't need to know how to play an instrument. I'm sure it HELPS, but... a lot of the kids I'm in school with right now don't play anything. A lot of them just make their own beats and stuff. It's a really great school though, and a DAMN SHAME that you're not down here! Cuz that'd have just been craaaazy :P

    Yeahhh found out more information about the whole...guy situation. My friend Julie talked to him about it, and I thought what she told me he said was the entirety of what he said? But apparently he just OPENED up to her. Like a LOT. which is weird for him. And I guess he told her that the whole thing with me and him was entirely past the whole 'liking' stage...so obviously he likes (liked?) me. And I guess he just gets really confused and gets negative vibes when I kinda come at him the way I do, because he doesn't understand why I'm feeling that way. So...she more or less said that I need to just like...HURRY UP while I still have time and more or less just tell him that I understand that he just...doesn't get some things, and doesn't understand why I feel the way I do, and that I like him and want to be with him.
    I guess it's worth a shot. I'll probs do that tomorrow at some point. I just hope it's not too late. I had no idea that we were "past the 'liking' stage", as he put it. I mean, I knew that I liked him, obviously, I just didn't know what stage he was at with me. Cuz he never said anything. We just assumed too much with each other, I guess, which is just a silly thing to do. Blah. I'm hoping shit works out >.< Cuz even through all this bullshit, the fact that I'm still drawn to him as much as I am, and still like him...is kinda amazing. Usually things like this just deter me. But I can't drop this one =/
    December 8th, 2009 at 06:55am
  • wow! hiiii!
    its been forever! >.<
    eh its been alright. how are you?! :D
    December 6th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • has it really been a fucking year? christ on a stick! im good right now the end of the semester is consuming my life with finals coming up soon but other than that its good.
    how the fuck have you been??
    December 6th, 2009 at 08:43pm
  • And yeah...boys are boys. The don't understand anything. Because I called him out tonight about stuff and how I more or less feel like he's just been using me, and he had no idea WHY I could possibly feel that way, thus turning into like 40 minutes of us on the phone, with me getting angry/hostile and him still really not having much of a clue even when I explained the situation in the most blunt, to the point, terms.
    And I guess it's more or less come down to us working on getting back to where we used to be; I just don't know if it's ever going to be the same =/ I hope so. He thinks nothing has changed, and I know things have changed. Maybe he's delirious or something... He's a unique being, so I'm sure his mind doesn't work the same way as most do... Oh well. Guess I'll have to take each day as it comes.
    December 6th, 2009 at 07:41am
  • Hahah dayum! Full Sail seems like such a strange guess, but YES that is where I'm at :) I LOVE it here; it's just so different and new from any other type of college I've been to. Sure the hours are crazy, but I gotta do what I gotta do haha
    How do you know of that school, hmm??
    And actually no; you don't need any previous training in recording arts, nor do you need to know how to play an instrument to get into this kind of stuff :) I haven't decided fully yet if I'm going to go into sound engineering for music, or if I wanna do audio post-production for movies; I have an offer that's kinda been waiting for me for a year if I get into the post-production end, and it might be something I might wanna take up. But I will see how that goes when the time comes I suppose ahah

    Ooo graphic design. Loads of kids go to Full Sail for that lol I hope you get into that program though; it's sad when things don't work out the way you planned. I would know; it's taken me nearly four years just to get where I'm at right now, and it's not been a very easy thing..lol
    December 6th, 2009 at 07:38am
  • LMAO!! HI WIFEY!!!! I MISSED YOU!!!!!! now you left me with the start of a story that had me dieing for more will you be continuing that or you gonna be on some new ish?
    December 4th, 2009 at 08:39am
  • Oh. My. God.


    I have also changed greatly in a year. Dayum...how the time flies eh? lol

    Anyways, I'm doing alright. Boy problems that I'm trying to work through, which is gay, cuz he seems to not take hints when I discuss what the fucking issue is with him. I guess I need to be blunt instead of being the nicer, subtler but still obvious, me lol
    School is going amazingly. I moved down to Florida back in late August, to go to a recording arts school. Best decision of my life. I love it here, and I love my school. And I can't wait to see what is ahead for me.

    How have you beeeeen!?!?!?!
    Gah. Seriously have missed you haha

    December 4th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • Are you still writing stories babe?
    July 3rd, 2009 at 09:12am
  • hey hooker how are you??

    sorry college has consumed my soul
    April 22nd, 2009 at 05:40am
    I believe we haven't talked in ages, yes???
    How the hell have you been? lol


    PEE ESS - I LOVE your profile picture. Like...legit lol
    December 31st, 2008 at 08:25am
  • you wanna do me a favor and go to www.youtube.com/themilightgroup and comment or subscribe?

    haha i will love you forever
    December 31st, 2008 at 06:12am