Have you noticed the lack of Vampires?

It's like they vanished. Not that I'm complaining. It's clever really. They amp up one trend on t.v and then the next year its another. Last year everything was about vampires. You had the vampire diaries and twilight and true blood. This year, it appears to be fairytales. Specifically snow white. So far, I've seen trailers for two different snow white movie. There's snow white and the huntsman,...
January 3rd, 2012 at 01:37am

Diablo Cody/ Screenwriters/Voicing my frustrations at the film industry

Does anyone even know who Diablo Cody is? If not, then I'm not surprised. I was watching "Inside the Actors Studio" this morning and the host man said something that astounded me. I can't remeber the exact words but it was something along the lines of, " Anyone who has been on a movie set knows that the screenwriter ranks just barely above crafts services". I was like wtfbikjdbkj? The writers are...
December 29th, 2011 at 02:31am

Florance and the Machine is a racist?

I don't think so, but I can understand why people would assume that. If you've watched her video you might already know this. If you watch for the first time, and you're like me, you probably wont notice until the third time. Or maybe you're really observant. I don't know.They painted some guy black in the video and that angered some people. They were all like" why are you associating black people...
December 17th, 2011 at 08:37pm

Mother Fudger....

Of all the things my Mother yells at me for (messy room,unwashed dishes,teasing my siblings), this by far is the stupidest. My Mother is angry at me for staying up and doing my homework instead of sleeping. Seriously. "You need to sleep" she says. "I need to pass my classes so I can afford a bed to sleep in" I say back. She then yells at me for talking back. Another thing I hate. Parents never...
December 16th, 2011 at 05:41am

Is it normal?

To my fellow writers,I have finally come to the realization that I work better alone. There is no way in that I will ever be able to write with a partner. I have been struggling for the past few weeks to write a film script with my friend for my drama class. Needless to say that every day was like being in hell, or trapped in horrible, never ending abyss filled to the brim with pure rage and...
December 14th, 2011 at 05:54am

They made Bella Snow White?

These were the exact words that a little girl, about six, asked her mother while we were watching the movie trailers prior to Breaking Dawn. She sounded so disappointed. I couldn't help but laugh, turn, and comment on how cute she was. She stared at me as if I had just said the stupidest thing. Which I may have.Now to the point.Is anyone else disappointed? Kristen Stewart plays Bella in the...
December 12th, 2011 at 05:08am


Haha.So I was on facebook, browsing my newsfeed, when all of a sudden I spotted a picture of a few students lying on the desks in my english class. They were lying horizontally, with just their torsos on the desk and both ends of their bodies free floating. I stared at the picture for twenty minutes, wondering how my teacher could have allowed this and what in the hell they were doing. Then i read...
December 11th, 2011 at 04:34pm

One more word and I might kill her...

Just kidding.But she really is driving me insane.My best friend has become a maniacal, greed ridden, psychopath. She has been gone for two days. In those two days i have finished writing the beginning of our school assignment. She has not done much except given a few ideas. She came back and got angry with me because the teacher passed our script around the classroom. She had the nerve to actually...
December 11th, 2011 at 02:01am

I can't stop wondering...

Oh Gosh,I came up with a gazillion questions that I would like to have answered.1. How does one know If a guy likes her?2. Do you think God exists?3. How does one stop being shy? Without becoming socially awkward?4. How does one fix broken combat boots by themselves? Glue?5. How does one beat depression without meds?6. If meds are the only way, how does one get them without their parents...
December 7th, 2011 at 04:34am

I really should have thought this through...

There are many things I should have though through. One of these things being my law class. I am in high school and have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. That being said, I know that I have absolutely no aspirations to become a lawyer. Why did I take the class? I thought it would be fun, despite all the warning I received ahead of time. This class is taking up all my valuable time and is...
December 5th, 2011 at 10:14pm


Hey!!Today, I was feeling completely bored and miserable. As usual. Anyways, I logged onto my mibba account (which i haven't done since the summer) and saw that I had an unfinished story up. I kinda like this story, but I'm not sure if i should finish it. What do you guys think? Should I keep going? Or should I just start it all over?On a side note: What should one do about broken combat boots?...
December 4th, 2011 at 04:17pm

I've never done this before...

Some people actually use this as a sort of online diary type thing. Thats cool and makes perfect sense, I guess, except i wouldn't want random people reading my inner most thoughts. Just the random ones. Then again, i guess its better than having your parents read your journal right? ahaha. Okay, i'm done with that.What i want to know is if anyone out here listens to the Dodos. I only know of...
September 24th, 2011 at 11:45pm