Miz Erie / Comments

  • I don't find that odd at all :) Gerard is a wonderful artist just as you are :) I think everyone is a bit mad. My brother used to tell me that that because it would make me feel better and then he would go on to say that the world is more bearable when you look through the eyes of abnormality. I don't always know what that means but I like it. I guess everyone can always improve, but I don't think perfection means to be without flaw. I know that is not the dictionary definition or most people's definition, but it makes more sense to me that way. I think perfection is more like a state of elation. If people try to be without flaw then we are denying our nature as human beings. But if we find true happiness then our flaws don't seem so important. So in that sense I hope you do find your perfection :)

    Only if you want to :) no rush :) I'm sure you have more important priorities :) Like maybe the next chapter for Sing for Me, Pretty? haha :)

    Maybe that's what I feel but I think I feel sad mostly. I don't understand the world so my perception of it is very small and probably very wrong. What is your perception of the world? I'm afraid I don't really know Gerard's. I think our species is fascinating but so hard to understand. Your characters are truly wonderful to follow because they are so realistic:) Umm does Gerard love Frankie or the idea of Frankie? I guess that has puzzled me for a bit and I tend to go back and forth on this a lot.

    I don't know if that would be good or bad haha :) It's nice to have someone understand me and to have someone to talk to. I usually only have Andy and my brother to converse with. But my mind is well different I guess, it's kinda hard to explain. There's a word for it, but it has escaped me for the moment. But I'm happy to talk with you, I feel like I have another friend :)

    Awe, I think that's cute :) You could use those names for characters in you ever do an autobiography :)

    Would the term followers be more acceptable to use? You do gather quite a few admirers of your work though :) Umm I don't really know that I am curious about you and Victor, because I recognize that it is a close relationship so it is not really any of my business. It must be lovely to have someone like that :)

    I truly hope they will :)

    Yes I have a few questions. I don't understand what the little ribbon things on our profiles mean, nor the numbers my our users names. Will we be able to see recommendations on our poetry? I'm sorry that I just bombarded you with questions :(

    Would you rather talk through PMs? :) I'd really like to continue talking with you :) I understand you're in a situation so I shall have patience haha :) Ummm well I typically just go by Zack but if you wish to come up with something better I have no objections. I've gotten a few nick names here or there but mostly derogatory other than when Brother calls me Zacky
    November 6th, 2012 at 07:10pm
  • @ Never Good Enough
    You are going to find me incredibly odd in a moment probably... When I hear the word artist, I think immediately of Gerard Way. He is just... fucking BRILLIANT in my humble opinion. The man is practically my deity. I want to be like him SO badly! But I don't believe I have anything remotely close to his genius. So, when you imply I am an artist, I am truly honored! There is no greater compliment one can give me than the title "artist." And I am a bit mad, so it would only make sense I would chase a maddening goal, now wouldn't it? Haha. As I see it, all writers have room for improvement; until one has achieved that unobtainable perfection, they are simpy flawed (including by beloved Gerard).

    I like romance and death, especially together! And I'm not familiar with the band, but I can read it as an original fiction still. *wink* I think I'll give his stories a little peek soon.

    I don't feel angry, but I feel aggravated a lot. I seem to have a different perspective of the world that others cannot see, and no matter how I present my view, they still can't understand. (That is something I feel I DO share with Gerard.) Human beings are not simple by any means, so please don't feel stupid for not understanding them! If we were simple, we'd be a very boring species... and a lot less artistic! I try to make my characters human, and so they are flawed as we all are. No one wants perfect characters. If you need help understanding a character of mine, you are welcome to ask; if it is something yet to be revealed about them, I'll let you know.

    No, you are not confusing to me at all. Perhaps we think similarly. :')

    It seems simple to me, as well, but I have had many people tell me they said my username wrong. *shrugs* Sometimes I refer to my husband as Mr. E online. So we're misery and mystery. Yes, I'm completely dorky, geeky, cheesy... pick a word!

    I take no offense to the word fans. I'm flattered when someone calls themselves my fan or states I even have them, but I feel, I don't know, arrogant to claim for myself I have fans. People who have fans are "someones", and I fear I've done nothing yet to be a "someone" worthy of fans. (But I also have very low self esteem; I'm working on that, though.) And you are welcome to be nosy; if you ask something I'd rather not discuss, I'll politely let you know, but you'll never get to know anyone very well if you aren't willing to ask questions to satisfy your curiosity. I certainly don't find it to be a bother! (I have a suspicion you are curious about Victor and myself in some way...)

    I am sure things will work out as they should in time, both for my novel and for my current circumstances. Thank you for your concern!

    At some point, I recall you asking me about the site, and I don't believe I ever answered you. Yes, as a staff member, I am fairly familar with most of its features, so if you need assistance with something, please let me know! I'll help as much as I am capable of.

    I actually enjoy talking to people, too, although I usually do so through PMs. And being rather honest, I'm growing to like you rather quickly! I'd be pleased to continue chatting with you, as long as you don't think I have forgotten you in the coming weeks! Just one question sweetheart: what shall I call you?
    November 6th, 2012 at 07:20am
  • An artist can always find flaws in their own work, that's how you know they're true artists :) It's not wrong to want to better yourself as a writer, it's quite honorable really :) It's just that the search for perfection will always be maddening because if we understand perfection than we are not normal to begin with. You are already a great writer :) Whether there's room for improvement I cannot say because I'm quite inferior so I wouldn't know haha but I think your writing is remarkable :)

    You do not have to if you do not wish to. My brother's work isn't as good as yours honestly. I'm not as good of a writer as he is but I can recognize he's not at your level either. His stories are mostly romance and death or Motionless in White fanfiction. If you're not a fan of the band, it may not be to your liking anyway. So yeah... I don't remember where I was going with this anymore.. sorry .

    So I'm not alone then? I don't understand why people get so angry... I understand what the emotion is but I don't understand why people feel that way ... a lot of actions don't make a lot of sense to me actually. If I read it I can follow it, but when it's physical beings I just can't seem to grasp it and then I feel stupid because I can't understand something that people say is so simple. I like your characters. They're not like most at all. I like the mystery of them a lot :) You characters are complex but they make sense.. well most of the time. Sometimes I still struggle...

    You should be! It's a very enticing story :) One of my favorites for sure :) I'm not? People usually tell me I don't make sense and then they don't talk to me anymore.

    Well at least I know what it meant lol I understood the misery, I don't understand how that could be mistaken. I like it :) It's a fun little play of words. No my brother would never do that, he only uses possessives when he refers to Damien. I apologize if I caused any offense by using that word, I didn't mean to. I don't want to be a bother so I won't be nosy.

    I completely understand :) I was actually accurate, that's nice to hear for a change :) Oh I see :) *hugs* I hope you can get published :) That would be a wonderful achievement for you :) I really do hope it works out! And I hope things get better for you and your husband soon :)

    I'd really like to keep chatting. I like talking to people, it's just rare to find people who like to talk to me, so I'd really like it we could keep talking please?
    Best of Luck :)
    November 6th, 2012 at 05:39am
  • @ Never Good Enough
    I am proud of my works, but when I go back and reread them, I can see flaws in them, how they aren't good enough. I want to be better; I want to obtain the unobtainable perfection. So I'll never be satisfied completely with my writing. I often say I am merely amateur at best. I take comfort, though, in knowing that many of the "greats" didn't believe themselves to be worth much, so maybe there is hope for me yet. It is kind of you to say, but I'm not so sure I'm really all that popular either.

    I've never read any of your brother's works. Perhaps I'll look into that when my life gets back to being more normal. I tend to stay within the "Frerard" fandom, but here lately, I have found myself branching out a little.

    I don't understand real life people too often either. They are too complex, and they present themselves falsely sometimes, even if it's unintentionally. I like my stories and my characters because I can know and understand them honestly. And my characters don't reveal themselves to me from the beginning most of the time, so I am unable to reveal them completely to you, the reader, until I know them. (I have a friend on another site that teases me about my "mysterious" characters a lot. I've never thought of them as such until she started pointing out little things to me. Haha.)

    I am very proud of " Sing for Me, Pretty." It has actually become my favorite work of my own. And you are not confusing at all, my dear!

    My username actually has a story, a pretty lame story. I posted the drabble under my stories actually, but there is more of me explaining things than there is of the drabble. I think I titled it "She Was Born Someone Else." And my full username is pronounce misery; I get "Miss Eerie" so much, and it annoys me to no end. As long as you nor your brother call me that, you are free to call me any pet name you'd like. Well, as long as you don't put "my" before it; in my online life, I belong to Victor, so only he can use possessive words for me. As far as I'm concerned, comments on my stories and profile page are public for anyone to read; if someone wants to be a part of my little world, they had better make sure they use their manners. I have never had the issue, but I will not stand for elitism amongst my readers. ( I am no one to have fans, so I cannot use that word as you did.) And besides, I doubt Victor would care if you read his comments anyway; he's so very nice.

    I don't want to give much away about Sing, Pretty Gerard, so I'll refrain from commenting on him just yet. With Black Blood Gerard, you were incredibly accurate. It's not in the oneshot, but Gerard is trying to teach his victims lessons by raping them; they aren't just objects. Frank's lesson was modesty. But that is a very long story I will send you in a PM once I have my internet going again. I hate that I'm being forced to stop posting Sing, Pretty so close to the end! I have it all in my head, but I just can't get it written fast enough! And my Black Blood novel is going to have the same name, and with only character name changes, the oneshot is actually the first chapter of the novel. Unfortunately, I will not be posting it here on Mibba; Black Blood is supposed to be my publishing debut. I'm researching publishers as I write it. Sorry. *hugs* (Yes, I have aspirations of being a published author one day, probably not famous and well known, but at least published.)

    I am happy to keep chatting with you until I no longer can, if you'd like that is. If I suddenly don't reply for more than a few days, I'll reply when I return. Hugs and loves!
    November 6th, 2012 at 04:58am
  • It's very kind :) My brother used to try to answer all comments too, but I think sometimes he gave up because they never commented again. I wonder if that's why he stopped writing, I wish he would write more :/ I apologize for my digression. I try not to be a "silent reader" but sometimes the work just isn't that great and I feel like they wouldn't apprecaite my comment >.< But your work is some of the best I've happened upon on mibba :) You're not conceited at all :) You are a wonderful writer and you have every right to take pride in that! :) Your effort to comment back is still very nice, you're quite popular so I can only imagine it must get confusing sometimes haha :)

    That's very interesting that you can just let them develop as you write. I think I would struggle with that, my characters would probably make no sense at all if I attempted that haha :) I think people are fascinating, even though I don't always understand them... I think I'm a bit dim witted so my brother has to explain things to me if it's an actual being. In stories I can figure things out on my own and I think that's why I enjoy them so much. I like your stories in particular because the characters are different and they are mysteries. I like how they don't unravel all at once, it makes it easier for me to follow I guess. I don't know, I think my brain is odd so I like odd things.

    I really like "Sing for Me, Pretty" :) I think it's my favorite story so far. You must be proud of it :) At least I hope you are because you really should be if you're not haha :) ( I'm sorry if I'm confusing, things that make sense in my mind often don't make sense to other people.)

    I like friendly people :) Most people aren't so nice it seems :/ I like the name Miz, it's unique :) I should like to call you Miz :) You should probably know that my brother and I share an account. He uses names like hun, sweetie, and darling from habit, so if he responds he might use those names. I could ask him not to if its bothersome to you. Oh I try not to look at other people's comments, apparently most people find that rude :/ (people have yelled at me for that before)

    I know that characters for Gerard have some differences because one has different personalities and the other I'm still figuring out :) I guess in some ways the Gerard's similarities intrigued me as well because the Gerard in "Sing for Me, Pretty" doesn't want to hurt Frankie but sometimes in a fit of rage he can't help himself and hurts Frankie. But the Gerard in "Blackblood" only part of him doesn't want to hurt Frankie (but still wants his way I think?) and the other half wants to hurt him and enjoys it. And "Sing for Me, Pretty" Gerard first saw Frankie as a god and now well I'm not sure of a good word for it :/ but in "Blackblood" his mostly just an object. I guess I'm wondering if Gerard in "Sing for Me, Pretty" if his mindset is going to change or not, and how it's going to end I guess. Just curiosity mostly :) You're writing a novel similar to "Blackblood"? Are you going to post it up? :)

    Do you know the new mibba well? I'm confused on a few of the minor things and I was wondering if you could explain them to me.

    I hope you had a great Halloween and I hope you're doing well :)
    November 1st, 2012 at 11:44pm
  • Haha no worries, most writers do not even reply to comments, so I honestly wasn't expecting one. It is very kind of you to reply to your comments :)
    I'm a fan of several of your stories, but "Sing for Me, Pretty" has become one of my favorites. Perhaps I like how in depth you go into the personality and behavior of the abnormal character in a strange circumstance. It's fascinating really. I think I've reread all that you have so far a few times because it intrigues me so. It's absolutely lovely :) Do you write some of your story in advance or do you go chapter to chapter? o.o

    I have been following a few of your stories so I have commented before, or at least I'd like to think I have. I honestly do not know you well, at least I do not believe I do, I called you Miz because that's how you would sign your author's notes at the end of your chapters haha. I apologize if you don't like it, is there a name you'd prefer?
    October 30th, 2012 at 08:56pm
  • By the way, I did mention this in my email, but I figured I'd give you a treat. Even though I wasn't planning on it, just for you, I'll upload five chapters on Saturday :) Call it... A Halloween pressie. (lol)
    October 16th, 2012 at 10:43pm
  • Thanks for the signature! I'll get on to popping that on now! Thank you so much for the loves and comments on my one shot, I am so happy that you like it! I just felt I needed to get my creativness flowing again, I also thought, if I get all my other ideas out of my head temporarily, in the form of one shots, I could get back to I've Locked Myself In It with little distraction and get the damn thing done!
    I thought you'd forgotten our PM, I was most unamused! (lol) But I'm glad you've remembered again now ;) Haha ~
    September 24th, 2012 at 10:47pm
  • Not at all, I found it quite entertaining, to say the least. It was a good comment :]
    September 24th, 2012 at 08:02pm
  • @ santi santi
    Oh sweetie, that's fine! I just try to avoid those who add me at random! I am happy to add my "fans" as friends. (I use the words fans very loosely, as I have no other words to use. I am no one to have fans!) I was just trying to place the associations.

    I will add you now! Wink

    I hope you will continue to enjoy my different posts, and you are welcome to comment on things as you'd like! I very much enjoy comments and rather frequently reply back!
    September 19th, 2012 at 11:23pm
  • I guess not, I enjoy your articles and your blog posts, and I just wanted to add you
    September 19th, 2012 at 10:33pm
  • Chill out man
    September 19th, 2012 at 10:03pm
  • Oh, it got fixed x] But seeing as it's my dad's computer, he's being more cautious with it and whatnot.
    September 1st, 2012 at 03:23am
  • Hey! No worries about not leaving me a message - I'm in the UK so I went to bed pretty much right after sending the request, so I wasn't sitting here all pissed off or anything x)
    I have no idea how you can say that you're terrible at comments! Both my profile comment and the one you left on B&B were huge even if you felt like you didn't say much!

    Thanks a bunch for what you've said about all three fics. I'm glad you could make it to the end of "...Coffee" even if it's not really your thing - that can't be a bad thing, really! I've never really written anything that fluffy myself, really. I just wanted to go a different route. You see, both Coffee and Monster were presents for the same person, so I didn't want them to be too similar :)

    And really I'm still quite new to Frerard writing in general, when I stop to think about it. The ones uploaded here are actually the only ones I've written (apart from a massive project that I'm working on but not uploading anywhere until it's finished - just in case it never comes to completion) so your positive comments are pretty rad to receive tbh.

    Regarding Griefers, it's not usually my thing at all, but /Gerard/ is my thing, and I fell so utterly beyond in love with the video concept that my brain was concocting Frerard within that 'verse before I even stopped to think about it.

    I'll give you a basic lowdown of the vid/'verse before I post if you so wish n.n
    August 31st, 2012 at 11:05am
  • Awweh! Don't worry, I don't mind the way you speak to me, it's fine!
    First up, I am going to sort out the "Mickey" problem, the reason that came about was because spell check didn't recognise "Mikey" and so it auto corrected it, and then after some time I realised but I didn't have the time to sort it. But today is a bank holiday and I'm going to get on it! I'm also going to sort out the spelling errors of the first few chapters! (lol) I was going to wait until I'd finished the whole thing, but it's obviously pissing people off. Haha ~

    Oh, don't worry darling! It'll end as it will, theres no point worrying ;-) Haha ~ Also, it's not a couple of months, it's a year and a couple of months they have left, so calm down! It's not over yet! It did make me laugh though when you realised that the begining is the ending, because from reading comments it would seem that others have forgot this. To be fair, I don't even know why I did it... As I say, my story line gets altered every other day, so I can't remember my origianal intentions, BUT STILL - It will end then ;-)

    I'm glad you enjoyed my sexy part darling, I though you would :-3 And yes, I had tried to show Frank easing into it for a change to make it more of a loving act. Thanks for noticing!

    Anyway, I'm going to get to editing this mother fucker! (lol)
    August 27th, 2012 at 12:11pm
  • Thats THREE new chapters, Mrs! ;-) Hehe ~ I hope you enjoy them! ~ Actually, considering that beer was involved it was pretty poor. (lol)
    August 27th, 2012 at 12:17am
  • i am okay..how are you?
    August 26th, 2012 at 06:56pm
  • I'll offer warning, just in case you are sensative to it. My oneshots are dark. I mean, in the sense of gruesome, violent, and bloody. But you are welcome to read anything I post.

    Bad grammar and poor spelling are no reason to not write; that's what a good beta is for. I just happen to possess those two skills naturally. I always want to offer help when people say that, but I've got a ton going on, I'd be so slow getting back with revisions.
    August 26th, 2012 at 06:24pm
  • I can not wait to see what you have planed !!! I have yet to check out your other stories I jump from story to story some times and forget that the author has written other stuff but I will have see what else you have written :)

    And no I do not write I have really bad gammar skills and can not spell to save my life, I have thought about writing I have so many ideas but I'm to afraid that others my pick up on the bad gammar (I don't even know if I'm spelling that right) also life's a little crazy right now ( just turned 18! So much more is expected of me now ) lol
    August 26th, 2012 at 06:12pm
  • It no problem :) and yeah! I really love your story I stop everything when you update ! I have not read many Stories written in diary form but I have to say yours is one of my favourties :D
    August 26th, 2012 at 05:48pm