No.Thought.Of.Me / Comments

  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I know I have to get to work on updating as well but I refuse to write until I find the job and the hunt is going...well, I fail at life.
    I am still alivish though.
    How are things down there with you?
    January 23rd, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • MaliceInWonderland

    MaliceInWonderland (100)

    United States
    Haha ;D The first game was for this friday...ironically against the Barons lol. The game we're going to is in February, against the Houston Aeros.

    Me and stairs have issues lol. I'm so talented, I've managed to fall up the stairs lmao. After I fell Mom pointed out that both Dad and I have fallen down the stairs and she hasn't yet. I told her 'You better knock on wood cuz you're next'. XD

    Oooh sounds interesting, I can't wait!!
    My not yet. I'll try later today but we'll see how it goes.

    Oh yeah he does deserve it, that I agree with but I was half expecting them to go Crosby/Ovechkin or something just to mess with us.
    I wanna know everything now! Lol.
    January 19th, 2011 at 10:06am
  • MaliceInWonderland

    MaliceInWonderland (100)

    United States
    Hehe. Oh and that wasn't all, Crawford and Dowell were there too. Dowell walked right in front of my mom and I while we were in line for Skille's autograph. We got Crawford to wave at us too when he walked past. Mom told Skille 'Nice goal the other night' and he said 'Thanks', plus my sister said that Dowell had come right by her and my nephew Matty and she asked Matty if he'd give Dowell a high five and Dowell's like 'I want a bite of his hot dog'. That made me laugh. Oh and I get to go to another Hogs game too because they gave out vouchers when we got there that said just for going to that game that we could get free tickets to one of two other games. So yeah a pretty sweet epic day. Well except for me being sore because the night before, I fell down the stairs lol. I have this habit where every time the Hawks score, I rush down the stairs, beat on the wall and then go high five my parents. Well the pants I was wearing that night are too long and the bottom got under one of my feet and I slipped and went sliding down the rest of the stairs. I'm fine but I just started laughing really hard and so did my mom, we both ended up crying because we were laughing so hard. I'm so smooth lol.
    I know, its not cool that they have so much time off. Ooh looking good Sidney! Haha nice Flower, nice. Sorry boy but I'm a Bears fan. XD And awwww that next pic is just too cute.

    Yay! And its alright, I can wait. =D

    Woo! And I saw the captain announcement earlier. I have to admit, I wasn't really expecting big Staalsy and Lidstrom to be the choices but I'm not complaining, they could have chosen worse. Should be amusing to see how the draft plays out! I hope they split up the Creepy Twins just to piss them off.
    January 19th, 2011 at 08:58am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Lol! Not time yet! I went to get the touch up and the extra stuff i wanted but thy said that it cant yet cuz its not healed properly yet. xD
    BUt I do need an ass kicking, I havnt found a job yet, i havnt been able to write and I havnt been able to follow all the pens games. sigh.
    I agree on early games though, I hate waking up early!
    Good you are making progress on ur story even if it is only a title haha.
    Sad face that you have no energy! I have none either!
    What else has been up with you?
    January 16th, 2011 at 01:16am
  • MaliceInWonderland

    MaliceInWonderland (100)

    United States
    I know!!! I was so happy! Yeah hopefully this carries through with good momentum for a while.
    Haha nice. XD

    Thanks! I am excited, hoping for a girl this time but I'd be happy either way.
    I know right? XD

    Ugh job searching is horrible for me too. Its not fun at all. -sigh-

    I haven't had motivation or anything lately. Yeah, I've been pretty zapped of energy too.
    Hopefully we do!
    January 13th, 2011 at 09:33am
  • MaliceInWonderland

    MaliceInWonderland (100)

    United States
    Hi! I know its been forever since I've replied but life has been pretty weird and crazy since I went to the relatives for Christmas. My holidays weren't bad, how about yours? I came home on New Years Day and did catch the end of the Winter Classic. Poor Pens. My nephew was all excited because my sister and Matt got him a goal light that lights up and it makes the goal horn sound. I've been told he makes it go off when the Hawks score. XD But also that day I got the news that I'm going to be an aunt again! I'm pretty excited since we weren't really around much when she was having Matty, so I'm happy to get to be around for the whole experience this time. We only saw my sister a few times during that pregnancy and then by the time we moved up here, he was born a week or so later. So yeah, exciting.

    On the Hawks, I'm so glad that everyone is pretty much healthy now. You have no idea how happy I was when PK finally scored for the first time since his injury. Now if Stally would score, I'd be delighted.
    The All-Star game is going to be interesting for sure. I laughed hard when I saw the fan voted players since they're all Hawks or Pens. XDDD Made my day.

    I'm going to try and work on May I soon, I haven't been in the writing zone lately. How are you doing with planning out the new stuff?
    January 12th, 2011 at 06:54am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Hahaha! I really need to stop procrastinating and get those pics goal is next week after I have gotten the touch up and the ring downsized...please kindly remind me to do so...and by kindly I mean smack me across the head with something if i forget.

    It was! I loved the game, specially cuz in the morning I actually got to see the other three winter classics because of the delay and everything. I agree, the wrong team one...I was sulking by the end and my dad walks in and some point and he is like...they still have "n" minutes to score 2 goals...they can make it...I glare at him and then the caps score again...he laughed and left...I almost through my coke bottle at him. I know! I was so happy to see Staal playing! I spent the game explaining it to my sister and talking about the players! You would have been proud of me, lol! And I have to admit...that fight was kinda hot...
    And worst! Its not only my friend who like Ovi...It's my my sister, who is my best friend, who likes Ovi. She growl every time she says his name. Its freaky! I cant disown her!
    I heard about the all star game! Wait...when is that? I havnt seen one either but I am also excited to see how it plays out with the captains choosing the teams! It should be really fun to watch!
    I am so excited!

    Christmas was tired but good. We all shared presents. My dad gave my mom a doll house. My mom gave my sister the green flying ninja pig she had been ranting about for months. My sister gave me a an avenged sevenfold shirt. And I gave my father a Chinese bracelet with jade for luck and protection and all that Chinese fun stuff. (its not all we got but the highlights xD). As for new years...a lot of waiting, some guitar hero playing and awkward moments. That was about it.
    January 6th, 2011 at 07:38pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I am finally in America!

    Holy short bread! How did puting that fire out go?

    Ha! My Stevie twin has developed this massive crush on Ovie! Its not even funny...well it is cuz she cant say his last name but its awesome! She doent even follow hockey!

    Hahahahahahahahahahahah! I love the Avery rule! That is too funny!

    Squid is your name for Sid? o.O Squid Vicious LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! That just made my entire week!

    I got the ink done and a lip ring! My mom has not sdeen the ink but she saw the ring and almost killed me right there and then...its was funny yet disturbing. I really need to put more pics up...I will get on that. I must! BUt of the new ink not until after the touch up and the thing i want to add to it :P

    Merry Christmass to you too! I hope it was awesome as well as your new years!

    I saw my first full game. The winter Classic. I cant even begin to describe how much i loved it and how much crap my dad has been giving me for loving Hockey! So worth it though hahahaha
    January 3rd, 2011 at 01:26am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    I don't know the title of the song buts its old school. A classic.
    [i]When I was just a little girl
    I asked my mother
    What will I be?
    Will I be pretty?
    Will I be rich?
    Here's what she said to me.
    Que sera, sera
    Whatever will be , will be,
    The future's not ours to see.
    Que sera, sera...[/i]
    It was really sweet of them.

    I actually have seen Ovechkin. And while I am not a fan of his general look cuz Russians aren't my thing...he kinda cleans up decently. And I have no fashion sense of my own so I cannot judge him on that. Hahah. But I don't have a crush on him now! I am just saying. I like me some bad boys with power and no morals. Like Lex Luthor (From Superman xD) or like...the Joker...

    Lol! What rule is named after him?And Youtube is another thing I cant access in China... Damn this place! Not really. I love it, it just kills me with the banning and censoring sometimes.
    o.O Oh wow with Pronger...
    OMG!!!! That is one video of Carcillo I HAVE to see now! That must be so epic hahahahahahahaha!

    Soccer? I lived in a soccer worshiping country for 11 years...never got into it. I played a few times. I sucked at it. It just kinda bored me.
    Um...dumb question moment...squid?
    You get a penalty for diving? May I ask why?

    Humidity...shudder. When I first moved to china, it was hot as Syn wearing nothing but a candy cane in my bed, humid and raining...I almost cried. I wanted to get back on the plane and go back. I never really got used to it. Damn. I feel for you and your migraines! I am glad your weekend was smooth in spite of the weather!

    Yes, 14 hours, 13 if you have the wind in your favor...and sadly it is not the longest flight I have been on. Try Camberra, Australia to LA... 16 hours, on a good day. Its only 2 hour difference but when you have been on a plane for that long, them 2 hours stretch on and ooooooooon...
    And yes, 7 hour layover. I have a plan though!
    After my arrival at 8:30am (I will be living December 22nd twice) I will go to Subway and pig out. Then I imma catch a cab to the bank and deposit the money I owe my parents in their account. I want that settled and off my chest as soon as possible. Then I am cabbing up into the heart of San Fransisco and getting me some new ink. For the spaces in between I actually do have a deck of cards, a couple books and Lord Pastulio III (my ipod)

    I have done this enough times to know how to entertain myself...if all else fails...I'll got to the movies hahaha.
    December 20th, 2010 at 02:28pm
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Oh I am curious to learn more about Ovie and observe him...see this all or myself...knowing myself, I will end up with a massive crush that I will have to hide in the form of a shrine in my closet...

    Huh, I had not heard the term diver before... I wonder what else I have not learned about yet! So much to learn!

    Lol! You have a douche bag list? I am trying to place the name Avery and for the life if me I cant do it... Care to enlighten me?
    Why do you consider the other two douches. What I see is limited here and I am curious as to how you view things :P

    Sweet!...right after Mexico I am paying you a visit xD...27 is too much for me...anything above that and my brain doesnt function properly. Not that it ever does but you get my meaning.

    Oh I am counting them down alright. The day after tomorrow I have a 14 hour flight and a seven hour layover before a 3.5 hour flight...I am seriously considering going in strike and refusing to leave California. I have already taken one flight...two more might be the death of me...specially with all the extra charges on my luggage...

    Psh...China is trying to kill me for leaving. My goodbye was simple and just really awkward...I suck at goodbyes. The girls did, however, sing to me before I left. It was sweet.

    I am so ready for all of this to be done with!
    December 20th, 2010 at 11:29am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Sounds like a plan!
    So if a puertorican shoes up at your door with a bag and an know who it is and why.
    I can sleep through the cold-ish...more like I go into this state where I am half awake and half asleep. I rest a bit but not as much. I am not a fan of the heat but when I sleep I like to be wrapped in something. Like a cacoon! I like that word...
    Well...originally the Farenheit system made sense. His goal was a temperature measuring system based on 100 degrees being the constant temperature of the human body...His measurements were not so accurate leading to the temperature being 98.6 instead of the round 100...
    NOt that the average American knows that or cares...but there you go.

    Oh oh oh! I understand about the red wings now. I dont have a team I hate yet...ok, that is not entirely true. I dont like the flyers. In general. I dont exactly hate them...but they dont make me happy.
    I actually dont have a problem with the caps...then again I dont have much to go off of... Ask me again after a few weeks in the states.
    The hostility towards Ovechkin! I kinda love it...I love me a talented douche bag...which reflects in my failed relationship history xD
    OK, someone has got to explain to me the Crosby Ovechkin hate fest thing going on!
    Teach me the ways master!
    December 19th, 2010 at 06:59am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    HAHAHA, no worries, I wont touch your boys.
    I dont know if I could deal with them either...but a girl can dream!
    Ok...explain the red wing to me...I feel I am missing something here.

    28? Holy flip I'd die... NO worries on the F...I never did figure that out. The only country that uses it really is the states and I only lived there for a year...
    NIce cool breeze...
    I would trade you in a heart beat. It is cold here. Which is fine but my heating doesnt work and I dont have proper covers so I have been freezing my ass off at night. I am sleep deprived because of it. Too cold to sleep.
    December 18th, 2010 at 10:16am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Sweet! I will be watching that! True on the snuggling theory but look at it this'll be extra intense snuggling when he is there...:P I think that kinda makes up for it...haha.

    Letang...only so-so in my eyes.
    My number 1 is Crosby. Which is cliche but I cant help it if I want to do naughty things in inappropriate places with him.
    My number 2...Jonathan Toews. What can I say...I have a thing for men with power. Captains have power...
    I just checked out Shane O'Brien...damn he is hot. hot, no doubt about it but blonds kinda dont do it for me. Not that I would kick him out of bed but you know what I mean.
    TJ Oshie...not at all, not the man for me.
    Patrice, so-so.
    Though for the sole purposes of Eye candy (yet another Canadian) Andrew Cogliano form the Oilers...he is just...I like a boy with color and he is tan ok! Dont judge me.
    A euro huh...that is gonna take some thinking...give me a minute...
    Holy shit! I just saw who Vladimir Sobotka is...begrudgingly? I am not one for blonds but I would take him in half a heartbeat! He is FINE! Euro pick besides the newly discovered blond god would be...Jonathan Ericsson of the Red Wings...He is what? Swedish?...either way...he is hot.

    OK...enough drooling over unattainable men for now.

    BBQ time! Enjoy and go crazy! weird that you said summer since here it is winter...ok, not weird, just funny.
    December 18th, 2010 at 08:09am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Nice! That means, in theory, that I should be able to see at least one or two episodes back in the states! sweet!

    I just like the word zillion hahaha. I will! Positive thinking! Now I just have to get over my shyness...

    They are! Canada has been holding out! Oh...the accent of a french canadian...makes me shiver in all the right ways...o.O yes, I just said that...dont judge me, I am sleep deprived!...Really? The snow would be the selling point for me. I love the snow, I love the cols...and it gives me a good reason to cuddle up to them and...preserve the warmth :P
    They do what? Damn! I wish I had the money to do that!!!

    Sweet! I knew you would keep my evil plans secret!

    We are officially friends! yay!
    December 18th, 2010 at 06:08am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    There is no control in my house!
    She wanted cookies and cookies hse got!
    It was punishment cuz i refused to help put up the tree...

    Barty! teehee, sexy heart eyes. I wnat new ink too. Soo bad. Before January is over I WILL have new ink. even if I have to sell my sisters virginity. DOnt tell her that though...she might try to get away. o.O

    Dude! You have met a zillion people. I have sister. That is it!
    Damn! I must do something to catch up with you! I must!

    Haha, glad you approve of my choice. It has come to my attention that Canada makes good men and I think I want to move there and marry one. But that is just me.
    December 17th, 2010 at 08:20am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States mom is weird like that...
    I would not mind but
    A)She doesnt wear much to sleep in
    B)She likes to cuddle and that does not fly with me.
    C)She wears a Darth Vader mask for her sleep apnea and waking up to that is just scary...
    D)I am a grown ass woman and dont want to be sharing a bed unless it is with a 5foot9, 200 pound, Canadian, orgasm on skates, hunk of a know who I am talking 'bout.

    Gah! She made me bake them last year...I made 4 different kinds, like 12 batches...and I didnt even get to try them! I was bitter about that...

    Hahaha! Start saving up girl! Its time you get that ink! You met travie? Swoon! I am so jealous! I have met no one! No one! HAHAHAHA! Steal my idea! Go for it! Would be hella funny!

    SWEETNESS! I cant wait to get back sate side now!
    Haha, I will probably be watching it in the airport. I have a 7 hour layover in San Fransisco. Imma gonna be getting some ink during that time just for the hell of it!
    HAHAHA, Note to with headphones.
    Is it a weekly thing? daily? One time thing? What is up with that show?
    December 17th, 2010 at 06:19am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    oh wow...that is long...sorry
    December 17th, 2010 at 05:03am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Haha, when I manage to pull it off (and yes, I plan on making it happen! Positive thinking dammit!) I plan on it being glass seats. Go big or go home, right? O.o That mentality landed me with a tattoo, in China and slightly insane...its worked so far.

    Desiree, beautiful name. Just had to throw that out there. Oh yes! Do it! I wouldnt be entirely opposed to the idea either hahaha.

    AHHHHHH! I wanna watch it! I am starting to resent china...xD hahaha Damn. I will be state side in...shit 5 days...hopefully my luck with hockey and all thing related will improve there.

    Lol. No problems on the ranting. I do it all the time. I am also disappointed when I dont get the feedback I want. We cant help if people are lazy. But your story is awesome and you should be proud regardless of how many people do or do not comment. Smiley face!

    o.O My mom said that she wants me to bake cookies for the neighbors when I get back...I was like "are you flipping kidding me? I am sleeping until new years when I get back!". I dont bake cookies for people I like, what makes her think I will slave over in the kitchen after 30+ hours of traveling for people I dont even know?...I think she is going senile. She also wants to share a bed with me the first night I ma back. That brought on another outburst from me "I have been sleeping on a bamboo mat on top of a box spring for sic months...I am sleeping on MY with NOTHING other than my baby blanket and as many pillows as I can get my paws on!!!"...She was heartbroken...

    Bucket list! It is a joint effort. Eve and I will do all things on it together. We think of something and add it. Simple things.
    1- Got to a concert together. ( we both love music and want to go all crazy together, this includes throwing grandma underwear on stage at bands we dont like)
    2- Chinese style BBQ!!! (Go to the middle of nowhere with a bunch of random meats, vegetables and steamed bread and have an open fire chinese type bbq. There may or may not be massive amounts of alcohol and we shall invite anyone within walking distance)
    3- Crappy movie night. (Go rent all the worst movies ever made, sit down with a massive amount of junk food and let our brains turn to mush.)
    4- Hockey game! (Up front, glass seats to a game where at least one of our favorite teams is playing)
    5- Get tattoos together... (just cuz we can)
    6- Bass! (He wants to teach someone, I want to learn. Good bonding time)
    7- There was a seventh one but I cant remember it...It'll come to me.

    None of these are all that crazy but we are working on expanding the list, and who we do them with is just as important, if not more, that what we will actually be doing.
    December 17th, 2010 at 05:02am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    There was no avoiding the pit. It was massive. People kept opening up to just run at each other and suddenly when I look around...I am at the edge of it. I was like FUCK! I glared at him, braced my self and sort of survived.
    This story was awesome!
    I am so excited for the next batch! hahah
    Haha, my dad was just being a turkey.
    My family has never been big on any sport. At all.
    So he finds it hilarious that his lazy ass daughter went to China to fall in love with hockey of all things.
    It is addictive!
    Me and my friend Eve have a bucket list together...going to a live hockey game is on that list!
    December 16th, 2010 at 07:04am
  • Guns and Alex

    Guns and Alex (100)

    United States
    Someone better tell china that I dont want to leave but that I dont have a choice!
    Oh well.
    Feeling better today!
    I will be reading the update soon!
    As soon as I answer all my profile posts and...that is.
    December 15th, 2010 at 06:39am