No.Thought.Of.Me / Comments

  • Ah!
    I saw the update but I havnt read it yet!
    They cut my internet at home so I am at work stealing thier crappy connection.
    The original was to read the 15 story updates I have pending...but that was shot to hell when I woke up wiyth an ear infection that was worsened by the cold shower I took since I have no moeny for hot water...
    China is kicking my ass before I leave... No hot water, no AC, Broken suitcase, Broken headphones, no internet, favorite pair of shoes broken, was attacked by a cockroach, I am broke...I swear I I get mugged imma laugh so hard.
    As soon as I can look at a computer screen for more tht 5 minutes without crying I will read an comment!
    I cant wait for your next story!
    Well, I can....cuz reading makes me want to die right now, but if i wasnt sick i would all over that like sweat on hockey players!
    And not long at all!
    8 days!
    How are you? Everything good and merry?
    Oh! my day just got better in the last 10 seconds...Tania gave me Dorayaki!
    Its been...13 years since I had me some good Dorayaki!
    December 14th, 2010 at 11:21am
  • But mine is the best comment ever then!! XDDD You know you love me.
    Yes! I say flashbacks would be good.

    That game....I dunno what to say really....'cept that EVERYBODY NEEDS TO GET HEALTHY LIKE NOW! And that this losing and playing badly crap better not happen next game since I'll actually be there. I have yet to see them lose in person (*knock on wood*) and I hope to never have to! We're going to the game as a birthday thing for my nephew (the kid is 5 now...where did time go?) and I'm pumped cuz its Seabs bobblehead night.
    Well I heard those two fought but I didn't really pay too much attention to it.

    Yeah, we put up the tree the other day. We decorated a lil bit but we aren't doing too much since we're going to be spending Christmas in Kentucky with family. We don't have presents under it yet but it won't be long before there is, I'm sure.

    Speaking of presents though, I cannot wait until my dad gives my mom her present. I think he's giving it to her before the game since its the Sharpie jersey she's been dying to have. Pretty much everyone has a jersey right now except my parents and Mom has always complained about feeling left out since we all have them. But I cannot wait to see her face, she is going to freak out and I will probably be on the floor laughing my ass off.

    As for that video, I'll watch it later cuz I'm about to crash, I'm tired.
    December 14th, 2010 at 09:49am
  • I'm guessing it's the Belfast Giants dancing All I want for Christmas?
    Yeah saw that on Puck Daddy... "This video is not available in your country..." damn copyrights fight! WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE WHAT THE FUCK!!!
    December 14th, 2010 at 07:09am
  • Yeah, I'm not sure what it is but he's just one of those people you just want to make fun of and not for malicious purposes.
    December 9th, 2010 at 06:55am
  • Wow at least I know I'm at least writing for someone who truly appreciates my story! not that others don't but' that's dedication to read it that many times and comment and you should know how much I love those =D And you even go as far as to read my authors notes. I will also keep the DJ thing and laughter in mind ^_~
    December 8th, 2010 at 08:29am
  • Okay so I took your poll and as you should have expected, I picked option two. I do prefer the Pens but I don't think I would mind reading about one of those cuties on the Bruins. ;D

    Any more thoughts on my hockey hubbies? Lol. So we have Milan, Teej, and Joffrey as potentials so far...anybody else?
    November 29th, 2010 at 06:02pm
  • Haha nice.
    Woo! I did get to kind of see it. I found a place to watch the game, its glitchy but its better than nothing.

    Woo, good for them. Haha yeah they should revert when playing the Hawks or Pens...we can't have our boys losing now can we lol. ;D
    November 23rd, 2010 at 03:50am
  • Hey I just looked at the boxscore for the Pens and it still shows Tanger got credited for the PP goal, not Kuni. I'm sad though because I can't find anywhere to watch that game. Oh well...its almost over and Raw is on so I'd only be paying half attention to the game anyways. -shrugs-
    November 23rd, 2010 at 03:20am
  • Teddy bear huh? I can live with that, I like teddy bears. ;D (That's just horrible lol, I think we need to make a trip to Atlanta with a razor or something, what do you say? XD)
    Ooh a musician, that I like. Oh my, seriously? He didn't know about the heaters? LMAO! That is hilarious. Psh, I think pretty much everybody talks shit about their ex's.

    Aww poor Tanger for not getting credit. But hey, at least they scored!
    Woo, go Dev's!

    I so forgot the Pens game came on, I got wrapped up in watching 2 Fast 2 Furious. I'll catch the game when the second period comes on or something.
    November 23rd, 2010 at 02:06am
  • Me and shy boys lol, I dunno what it is. Can't say I know much about Milan other than the fact that he's cute and that he's surprisingly only two years older than me. Of course I know lots about Teej, I think I like the idea of him being one of the hubbies ;D. As for Lupul, he isn't bad looking.

    Aww poor you not getting to laze in the sun. As for is no sun to speak of lol. It has been raining on and off all day and its just been gloomy as all hell. Dad said it even hailed this morning.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 10:39pm
  • Yeah I'm with you. The guy has to be able to deal with my dirty mind and also has to be able to handle sarcasm. Sweet but fun too.

    Haha yeah I don't see Kaner settling down for a long while. I'm kind of clingy to Stally, I dunno what it is. Him and Tanger with the cute accents and the damn hair....
    But let me know what you come up with lol.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 11:44am
  • I know but it made a good Jord story... ;D
    Yessss, Tanger love! Gotta love my birthday buddy! XD
    Oh yeah those three Bru's are cuties, speshly Segs. I agree, Duchene is a lil bro type cutie. Del Z is cute too. We can't forget Stally...and Skille...
    Damn the NHL for being so loaded with good looking guys. XD
    Ooh Schenn's...those boys are cuties.
    Haha nice. Lmao that sounds like fun. I'm unsure as to who my hubbies would be lol. As much as I love PK, I'm not sure I'd wanna marry him haha. Now Seabs and Stally on the other hand....and then there's Tanger....XD
    November 22nd, 2010 at 11:22am
  • Ooooohhhhh I would love to read a Tanger story. Just thinking about that makes me do the girly giggly sigh lmao.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 11:03am
  • Oh yes, epilogue please!!! Haha yeah Any ideas on what is after Flightless? I know you had that NoDak story with Lis if I remember correctly but do you have anything else in mind?
    November 22nd, 2010 at 10:41am
  • XDDDD I know I am. I gotta have my fun somehow lmao.

    So, just out of curiosity, how many chapters do you think are left for Flightless?
    November 22nd, 2010 at 10:31am
  • Haha, I know it took forever, I'm sorry lol. Yes Seabs shall get his shot. I couldn't just leave poor lil PK by himself, I'd feel too bad! As for Seabs' plans...well you're just gonna have to wait and see cuz my lips are sealed! =D
    November 22nd, 2010 at 10:20am
  • Its uuuuuuuuuuppppppp. =D
    November 22nd, 2010 at 09:47am
  • Pfftt those girls obviously don't trust their boyfriends then. And major kudos to you for helping your friend. That's a hard thing to go through, I had to talk a friend out of suicide once and it was pretty scary.

    Nice nice. I'll watch in a bit. I think I've procrastinated enough, I need to work on the story lol.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 06:25am
  • Oh yeah, I've always been better friends with guys because of sports and what not. Plus I don't have to deal with as much drama that way. I have had more than enough drama as it is, I don't want any more of it than there is already. I'm normally a fairly nice person but bring in drama and oooh boy. Its been about two years or so since the last humongous drama-fest I had to deal with started and its finally died down within the last couple months, I can't tell you how glad I am to not have to deal with that anymore. That mess was like the biggest clusterfuck ever and it just went on...and on....and on. Ugh, it was horrible.

    Thanks. ;)

    Exactly lol.
    Ah, I get you. Yeah I let the stuff play out in my head and I write it down and if I don't think it fits, then I make the changes to get the story transitioning smoothly.

    Right. Ah I see, smart thinking on their part.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 06:00am
  • Ah sounds like me and this last PK/Jenna scene, trying to get that figured out was killing me. I think you made the right call with Henry being more friendly. I think that Linda would be more protective of her sons, especially in such a unique situation like the one Jordan is in, you know?
    Ah, gotcha. Anything I can help with?

    Oh boy...I hope they're alright, Geno too.

    I'm gonna work on my story here shortly, I'm just kind of coming to terms with what I watched on WWE's Survivor Series. Yes, I am a wrestling fan lol. I've been watching it on and off since I was a kid to be honest. My best guy friend is utterly mystified by the fact that there aren't more guys that want to date me, according to him I'm practically the perfect girl. I'm not super girly, I love sports, I actually understand said sports, I enjoy video games...he's like "why aren't they all wanting to date you?" and I laugh and go "I have no idea."
    November 22nd, 2010 at 05:29am