No.Thought.Of.Me / Comments

  • Hahahaha
    I like that.
    You are out enjoying the sun and I am out shoveling massive amounts of snow out of my drive way. :P
    Well, I will be once I get back to the states.
    I prefer the snow though. Me and the sun are not amigos.
    Your migrains must be pretty intense for you to have suck strong meds.
    I wouldnt follow the alcohol rule either.
    I dont drink much but everynow and then I like to relax with a bottle of wine and just be lazy
    November 22nd, 2010 at 04:53am
  • Wait, stay out of the sun do to your meds? May I ask what type of meds require that? I am just curious.
    Yeah. I am back for X-mas. Only I was bummed when I found that out. I truelly hate x-mas with a passion. I just have really bad memories and the whole experience was ruioned for me since I was like 12. Now, startying the day after thanksgiving up to jaunary 2nd I am the grinch and then some. Its pretty intense and my family get a kick out of making things extra christmassy just to push my buttons. This year it shouldnt be so bad seeing as how i havnt seen my family for 6 months but we shall see. We dont really have defined christams traditions but we make sure to keep it a family thing.
    I know. I am a horrible person for hating christmas
    November 22nd, 2010 at 03:05am
  • Woo, read and commented! Loved it!
    I haven't done anything since writing that big section but I think I'm gonna do some work on it here in a lil bit and really try to get it done and posted.
    November 22nd, 2010 at 12:02am
  • Girl!
    Long time no see!
    I hope those migraines die down!
    I loved the new chapter by the way!
    Haha, I may be brown but I still hide form the sun!
    I look yellow now...that is what happen when brown people shy away form the sun...we turn yellow for some odd reason.
    31 days till I am back!
    I am so ready to head back!
    I have people to see, sins to commit and mayhem to cause!
    I have been well-ish.
    Stressed but that is life.
    November 21st, 2010 at 02:25pm
  • I'm happy that you got some stuff done, yayyyyyy! I can't wait to see the next chapter!
    November 20th, 2010 at 10:47pm
  • I hope that you got some work done, I know I did! A whopping 2 1/2 to 3 pages in about an hour and a half. Once I got going, whoa. =D
    I should be able to finish and get a chapter posted when I get up today. I'll let you know when I get it up. I might try and work on the Tahoe sequel after that gets done, I have some ideas brewing for that piece.
    November 20th, 2010 at 12:41pm
  • Yes it is. :)

    Yeah! That would be a good idea!

    Lucky you with the good weather, its been cold as hell here bleh. Pretty windy too so it makes the cold worse, ugh how I despise this weather. Aww poor you with migraines, those are evil. Ooh I can't wait to read what you have next for Flightless!

    Oh yeah. I watched their game the other day, that was a good one! And the Hawks that night, wow talk about some ass kicking lmao. I was cheering my butt off (as said, I was home alone so I was able to be as loud as I wished which was great lol), especially when Tazer got that 3rd goal. When he got his second one, something told me "Just wait, he's gonna get a hat trick tonight" and sure enough, they come back from intermission and like right after that BOOM he scores and I'm like "Hell yeah! You go Tazer!".

    Lol. I am going to bed, I've been staying up late like every night (well with the exception of Monday and Tuesday) since I haven't had to worry about waking up the 'rents. One last playing of my latest favorite song ("Rockstar Baby" by Nick Carter, amazing song) and then I'm outta here lol.
    November 19th, 2010 at 12:17pm
  • I KNOW!!!!! I was happy to see that, good for him!!! And Buff is one of the alternates, sweetness!

    I've been voting bunches for the All-Star game. You can actually add people to the ballots so I've taken advantage of that lol. My usual ballot consists of Kaner, Stally (had to add him of course), and Sharpie (had to add him too, can't believe he wasn't named!) as forwards, Seabs and Tanger (again, why do they not name awesome people!) for defense, and for goalie, Flower. Gotta rep for my two teams lol. I'm curious to see who makes the team, its a shame that it won't be announced for a while. I can't wait to find out the team names they're going to use, I hope they're funny or cool and not lame.

    On another note, I am really going to try and get some work done on May I and then the Tahoe sequel today since its pretty much my last day home alone. My parents have been gone for almost a week, they went on a vacation to Florida. I would have worked on the stories earlier this week but I had jury duty (oh that was an adventure, let me tell you lol) on Monday and Tuesday, I used Wednesday as a lazy day and then today (aka yesterday lol) I had some babysitting duties but I should be pretty free today (other than watching the Hawks tonight and the Pens too of course!) so I'm really going to buckle down and try to get at least some good portions done. I feel soooo bad for making everyone wait so long for an update but this writer's block has been just killer!
    November 19th, 2010 at 11:52am
  • [i]is she fucking insane???[/i]
    you should already know the answer to that :D *evil grin and cackle* haha
    yup she is! of course she is! haha

    glad you liked the two updates so much :)
    hopefully I can get the muses to come back and will write more then, but right now I'm workin on Vik... swedish boyssss <3<3<3 hehe
    November 17th, 2010 at 06:14pm
  • I knowwwww, it SUCKS!!! I went "Noooooo" when I saw that Teej busted his ankle. Poor Teej. =[

    Hahahaaa that is just funny.

    On another note lol, I found the best picture for my background on my phone. It has Kaner, Stally, AND Seabs, my three fave Hawks!! I was so excited when I found that picture, you have nooo idea lmao.
    November 12th, 2010 at 07:59am
  • I'm just gonna start calling him Gimpy. What a streak of bad luck for him.

    No it wasn't noticeable like at all. Poor Potulny and Jelly for getting hit with pucks.
    November 2nd, 2010 at 04:03am
  • Awww poor Jord, he has an upper-body injury to deal with now too. Poor guy just can't catch a break. Geno and Tanger are listed as day to day. But as for the Hawks, Soupy is making his return tonight!!
    November 1st, 2010 at 09:34pm
  • *sigh* back to the drawing board... XP
    October 30th, 2010 at 11:00pm
  • Okay...see if you follow me on this:

    Vik rhymes with maybe Trickster?
    October 30th, 2010 at 12:08pm
  • I'll watch them later today after I sleep lol. I am being driven nuts by Vik and the nickname thing, but I will be going to sleep real soon.
    October 30th, 2010 at 11:58am
  • See? Told you. I wanna go hug him now lol. Poor thing.


    No I haven't, am I missing something funny?

    I swear finding Vik a nickname will drive me nuts....I can easily make something up for the story but I want something to call him in real life you know?
    October 30th, 2010 at 11:34am
  • Yeah you should lol.
    Yes he's hard to nickname jeez. I'm gonna come up with something though.... No I didn't see that, I'll have to look at that later.

    Yeah I do that too lol.
    October 30th, 2010 at 10:58am
  • Well what happened was that one of the Oilers checked him pretty hard (was a clean hit though. Hard....but clean.) and then as that guy started to skate away, he pulled his stick with him and it came up and caught Kaner across the face and down went Kaner. At first I didn't see what happened, I just saw him laying on the ice and I started to freak a little but then he got up and the poor thing looked like he was going to cry. (I'm not sure I blame him, it did look like it hurt and it looked like he busted or swelled his lip up too, from chewing on his mouthguard as he fell most likely...the dummy lol) After they showed the replay, they showed him and there was blood running down the side of his nose and everything. He didn't stay off the ice for too long though.

    No I didn't but holy bejeesus that is crazy!!! I'll have to check those out later.
    I have decided though, that Stalberg is my third guy; right up there with Seabs. I do think that Stalberg needs a good nickname though. Vik is alright, Viky....uh no. Can't call him Stalsy or Bergie cuz then I'd get him confused with the Staal boys and Patrik Berglund...

    Nice nice. I'm messing around on Polyvore, creating outfits and I have Rocko's Modern Life playing on my tv while I listen to my iTunes which is currently on BSB.

    I'll probably be working on that Tahoe sequel later today (it is about quarter to 4 in the morning here lol), I'm determined to get that done soon. I'm still working on some of the details but hopefully those will come together when I'm working on it later.
    October 30th, 2010 at 10:44am
  • I KNOW!!! I'm sitting there like "WTF?!". But did you see what happened to Kaner? Why did they not call high sticking on that guy? But anyway, Kaner gets props for coming out and scoring a goal after that. And he nearly got into a fight too, I was like "Go Kaner!", my mom goes "He's already got a busted nose, he doesn't need more injuries" and I replied, "I don't care, he never gets into fights! I wanna see him fight!" lol, I'm so nice.
    Damn Flyers. Ugh.

    Woo, good luck!!! =D
    October 30th, 2010 at 07:58am
  • Yeah I thought they had a shot too. Oh they made sure to shut down Sharpie and Hossa...I was yelling at the tv when Bergie scored "Damn you Bergie! You're cute but DAMN YOU!" XD

    Hahaa nice. Woo, go Flower.
    Haha nice for you lol.
    October 24th, 2010 at 12:52am