A little slice of my mind.

I'm not writing this with the intent for somebody to read it, but as I am making it public feel free to read. If you can relate, then that's cool too. Be warned, the next couple of paragraphs are not guaranteed to be filled with notes of happiness and well-being but instead just a collection of thoughts, written into words that could make sense to someone else other than just me.It's 19:17PM and...
February 16th, 2012 at 09:12pm

Islands In The Sea

Well, dear viewer of this journal, it's happened again.I've found a song that has suddenly overpowered me and made me realise that music is exactly what I want to do with my life and reminds me that I couldn't live without it. That song is Islands In The Sea by an amazing British band, Futures. If you haven't heard it, then go and search it on YouTube or something. You won't regret it. They are...
November 5th, 2011 at 03:40pm

Oh, how I do love to revise. (please note: heavy sarcasm)

So, it's that time of year again - exam time! Yay!Oh, how I love to sit there during half-term doing nothing but revising for Chemistry, Physics and Biology exams, getting stressed out when I find that I remember nothing and then taking it out on everyone else around me. The joy.The main point of this journal post is to ask a simple question - how do you revise and do you find it effective?...
October 23rd, 2011 at 02:28pm

Christmas Gala?

Hey guys!So, (not that any of you care but) today we got told to apply for our Christmas Gala and audition for our place next week. My teacher suggested that instead of my friends Sarah and Luke and I doing something serious christmas related, that we instead do a comedy act for it (but it still needs to involve singing and drama, maybe dancing). So, after a huge long brainstorm we finally thought...
October 10th, 2011 at 07:35pm

...I've just had the best day of my life.

Seriously.Firstly, I went to Camden to find some UV face paint for my photography assignment. We then got the tube to Oxford Circus, spent a little while in the drop dead store, bought some new shit, and then we made our way to Carnaby Street to seach for a Costa so that we could each get a cooler.I walked passed American Apparell in Carnaby Street, and the singer from my favourite band at the...
September 24th, 2011 at 10:09pm

I. Need. Money.

I recently discovered that the only time I actually get money throughout the year is at my birthday and Christmas, which really isn't helpful for a 14 year old that wants to buy everything she sees that looks interesting or cool.I know, I know. You're probably just thinking 'get a job, you lazy slacker!' and trust me, I would if it was that easy. However, I live in London. In London, there are...
August 27th, 2011 at 08:27pm

Car Crash?

Well, my friend and I just went for a drive to find my other friends house.It was a pretty calm, relaxing ride around country lanes until BAM, when we get home some poopy person crashes into the back of our car and makes me scared for my life. Funny thing is, just as we were driving into the lane that the lady behind us then crashed into us in, we were listening to Time Bomb. You know when it goes...
August 25th, 2011 at 07:31pm

Well, it's officially my birthday in less than 24 hours.

Well, it's now 12:44AM here in the UK and in 23 hours and 16 minutes from writing this I shall officially be a year older and I'm pretty much buzzing.I have such a perfect week planned out for my birthday (in my family we have 3 days of birthday, not just one. hehe) starting with a sleepover with my best friend tonight, and then going to Brighton on my actual birthday (the 23rd) and then off to...
August 22nd, 2011 at 01:51am

London Riots.

Hey guys.It's me, if you didn't guess. Well, I'm currently too scared shitless to sleep because of these London riots, and so I decided I'm going to write a journal. Since Saturday, I've been scared of falling asleep.I live in London, smack bang in the centre of all of the riots. I live in a lovely little area named Islington, in London. It's usually nice around here. Tonight has been an exception...
August 9th, 2011 at 01:51am

Movies I love

-Made this list for a friend, ignore it. It's just so she can get me some memorabilia for my birthday present for the media room in my house-Forrest Gump -own it on video, not DVD-The Green Mile -Own it on DVD-Harry Potter 3 - Own it on DVD-Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 -Video of 1, not got the other 2-Saving Private Ryan -own on DVD-The Great Escape -own as a file on computer from iTunes-Quadrophenia...
July 21st, 2011 at 06:38pm

Becoming a Vegan - Day One

I'm finally doing it.I'm finally becoming a vegan, and I'm actually hoping to live up to it. Today was day 1, I managed to not eat a single piece of meat or touch a singe pieces of dairy. I did pretty well, seeing as I almost caved in. I almost stole a slice of ham out of the packet in the fridge, but I resisted. I usually have no self control.For breakfast, I usually just have a glass of milk....
July 18th, 2011 at 05:52pm