Cassi_James / Comments

  • Miz Erie

    Miz Erie (970)

    United States
    @ Xxx.My_Chem.xxX
    Aww, sweetie! First of all I love you to pieces! Of course I want to talk to you! There were a few times I wanted to just stop posting my stories and go back to writing for myself, but I'd think, "Abby will be disappointed," so I'd post yet another chapter. And now look at me. I'm on two reclists, and I have (I'm really not trying to brag or rub it in or anything!) HUNDREDS of readers, and more people that know me for my stories than I can keep track of! I'm indebted to you as well, my dear! You never forget those that were there in the beginning.

    The Convential Weapons Album just isn't creating much hype over here. Pretty much the only people who care are us fans that have been around forever. And the band is doing little to promote it. Plus, it's a widely held belief over here that they're done; there's no proof, but that's the way people are acting. I hope not, so I'm keeping hope alive until the band makes some official statement about their future. usually has a picking up in activity when new albums come out and the band is being really active.

    I just want to help others. When I was new to writing, I tried to talk to several of the more popular writers, but few replied. Nuky was my person. She took me under her wing; we talked about fics, and she gave me links to stories she loved. She gave me a direction and the courage to post my darker stuff, the stuff I wanted to write. I could tell you ate up all the knowledge I could share with you, so I wanted to give you all I had! I still do, Abby! You can ALWAYS ask me for help or my opinion.

    I'm so proud of you! Keep writing! I love you, sweetheart!
    January 24th, 2013 at 12:46am
  • Cassi_James

    Cassi_James (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Miz Erie
    A run for MY money?
    DAMN, I need to clean my act up!
    I'll be right on subscribing to everything when I have a spare second.

    I noticed that TBP had slowed down a lot.. I wonder what happened? I mean, there's such a hype here (In England) about MCR at the moment.. I'm not sure if they're still buzzing over where you are. I'm guessing the population of the site is mostly American (From what I remember) so, maybe that's why? Idk.

    And by 'You' I mean... Everything I remember.
    You were.. I mean, hell, you still ARE one of my, possibly my biggest writing inspiration, ever.
    You helped me so damn much. You were one of the only people who tried to help me with my writing, and I adore you for it.
    I just hope you get that.
    I feel privileged that you take time to talk to me and share opinions with me.. It's crazy. Idk.

    I guess, just.. Thanks. I wouldn't of had the courage to even post anything without you. Now look at me. I'm hooked.
    Reputations, my newer fiction, has 37 chapters already written, but not posted..
    Reality's still running and I'm writing more everyday.. It's just what I do now.
    You helped me do this.
    January 23rd, 2013 at 11:08pm
  • Miz Erie

    Miz Erie (970)

    United States
    @ Xxx.My_Chem.xxX
    I've had some shit happen in my life in the past year and a half, so I totally get life happening!

    Ah, you can just jot a little note every now and again to let me know you're there; it's fine. I'm sort of semi-popular now (although I have tons of people that think I'm more popular than that), so I have plenty of comments on here to satify me. ( has, sadly, really slowed down, though.) I have one fan that's giving you a run for your money, though, hahaha. She reads, subscribes to, and recommends everything I post on here, and I do mean EVERYTHING! She says I'm her inspiration for writing.

    I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I was made a Fan Fiction Critic on just this morning. I'm so excited! Now I'm a mod on the two sites I use the most. And obviously I'm still writing, and I'm glad to say my writing has improved dramatically since YGFIL.

    "They're so.. You." I'm not sure what that means exactly, but that made me laugh!

    Oh, god yes! I'll subscribe to it so I get notices when you update, and I'll have to get caught up reading it.
    January 23rd, 2013 at 10:00pm
  • Cassi_James

    Cassi_James (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    @ Miz Erie
    I'm so sorry I just.. disappeared one day.
    Shit happened and I guess everything just jumped ontop of me.
    I still am your stalker.. I always check to see if you've written anything, even though I may not comment. I just.. I get so caught up in things. I'll make myself more active again, promise. :P

    And I'm good. Everything's fantastic, thanks.
    How're you, Beaut? Everything awesome?

    (Btw, I checked through your stories.. Nuiyvtcvuikla. They're so.. You. I missed that. :) Also, you wanna know how Reality's been going? You missed a lot. I post it on here now. :P Check it out. :D)
    January 23rd, 2013 at 07:19pm
  • Miz Erie

    Miz Erie (970)

    United States
    Abby, huh? I used to know a girl named Abby. She was my stalker fan, reading everything I wrote. I'm pretty sure she was my favorite reader on this other site. But one day she just... disappeared.

    Of course I remember you, sweetheart! I've been on Mibba for... uh, two years? And I'm on staff here, too. I pretty much live on here and now days.

    How are you? Everything going okay for you?
    January 23rd, 2013 at 01:08am
  • (100)

    United States
    Thanks for commenting on my story lol I really appreciate!

    And I'm sorry about what happened to Gerard xD
    August 10th, 2012 at 12:12am
  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    Awww your comment on my journal was too sweet <3 You reading is more than enough, really so thank you for that...if I'm able to become published one day, you will definitely get your copy <3 :) thanks again <3
    May 19th, 2012 at 05:06am
  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    First of all thank you sooo much for the comment on my story....second of all I read yours and it's ridiculously awesome!!!!!
    May 11th, 2012 at 10:03pm