
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
December 30th, 2007

isabella: 16

I'm Isabella, mostly known as Bel to those who know me best. I'm one of those people who will shout 'No!' when told to grow up, and I have a feeling I shall still be one of those people until I'm old and grey. However hard I try to be as care free as a child, my mind often gets polluted with worries and I'm no longer ruled by curiousity. I miss when I could see this world with innocent eyes and find everything so beautiful and amazing, when I didn't have to think twice about what I said and what I did. I hate change. I'm a passionate person and sometimes it gets the better of me and I come across very aggressive, but really I'm a really nice person who trips over her own feet way to often. I'm constantly shouting 'It's always me!', but it's not, and I'm a drama queen but hey, I'm a teenage girl so I think you can cut me a little slack. I love music, but who doesn't? I like feeling to connected to every person in the room at a gig as I belt the bands lyrics out along with them. I wouldn't swap that feeling for anything. Reading is my escape and my refuge and once caught up in a good book I feel like a little girl again, escaping down to the bottom of the garden.