Nine Twenty-Two / Comments

  • Haha yup - I'd hate to be those people who are so into deep depressing stuff that they suck the joy out of everything and everyone that is near them. I mean, I know I'm not always a cheery person and I do tend to go on a lot about society which is an angry subject in itself - but that seems inevitable to me. Like the world ending. See! It just happens!

    Well if you don't WANT to lose the spark/joy of writing then I don't think you will. Mind over matter Josh.

    I should apologize considering that every time you comment on my poems I reply back with a paragraph. Haha, but that's the fun part! I've commented on some of your poems, but that's just me giving a response - I don't mind if you don't reply.

    The poems I haven't posted on here - I think there are 2 maybe and they're from 2010 and are very personal/ranty.

    YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW PLEASED I AM THAT I HAVE MADE YOU POLITICAL OMG THIS IS A DREAM. I love all of your stuff and I love that you're romanticism and I'm kind of the renaissance (ok that's a weird metaphor, it made sense in my head) BUT YES ART IS SO IMPORTANT TO POLITICS AND IF I'M INFLUENCING YOU TO CONTRIBUTE TO THAT - THAT'S BRILLIANT.

    When I wrote Instrumental Supposing - I was actually listening to this instrumental playlist. On repeat. For DAYS. And so clearly you can see the influence with all the instruments metaphors.

    Ah - so now New World can mean 2 things from you. Haha, I'm sure that the idea was always there but I'm glad I helped bring that up.

    Dear fuck I would never tell you that your novel sucks and no this isn't because I'm coddling you it's because from what I've heard so far it sounds incredible. I know I'll enjoy it and any criticisms I have will probably be technical! Haha, I can proof read for you.

    SO I'm hoping you haven't died? And that you had a great experience being all drugged up?
    March 26th, 2015 at 01:14am
  • Haha, it seems like I keep on unintentionally being deep with you. Nah - I'm sure you'll always write something. It's a part of you. You'll write or you'll hum a melody. That part will stay with you. Actually I should take back what I said. Even if the words don't stay with me I still would like to return here every now and then for a chat with you. :)

    Oh yeah - I always suffer mixed feelings about my poems. And then there are times that you've loved some of the poems I hated and then I get no comments on one or two of my poems that I absolutely was so proud of myself for. It is pretty weird. God yes - scrapping poems is the worst feeling!

    Of course you've influenced me as a writer! Even if it is "a little tiny bit". You're actually the only other poet that I interact with in any way and you're also, for the most part, the only person giving me regular feedback on my writing. I'm certain that you're to credit for SOMETHING. I'll definitely put you in the acknowledgements of that book if it ever happens. And yeah - who knows. Maybe I HAVE influenced you! I love it how every now and then you write something so extraordinary it's unbelievable. Like "Bored" - I went crazy over that one. And hey, we both have fairly different writing styles and I don't believe for a second that you are in any way inferior to me. Stop it.

    But now you're not My Anonymous! New World! Does this have anything to do with your book? I like it, either or.

    "People care about the beginnings and ends, but what's always important is the middle part of the story where we find out the emotional, spiritual, action-packed adventure the characters went on."
    --Precisely. You basically summed it all up. And your story does sound like it will become the type that sucks you in and takes you places.

    August - that's not all that far off but I think it's good to aim for a deadline when writing sometimes. Urgh - wisdom teeth. You have my sympathies in advance. I hear the pain is horrendous. But yeah - maybe you should try writing while you're out of your head. Maybe some hallucination induced writing? lol

    I'm certain you won't die due to dental procedure - and for all those who have, what an unfortunate way to go. I'd loathe that.

    'Assume the worst but hope for the best' - okay got it sir! Don't you dare go dying on me just yet! You still have so much to do!
    March 15th, 2015 at 09:05pm
  • Haha, it seems like I keep on unintentionally being deep with you. Nah - I'm sure you'll always write something. It's a part of you. You'll write or you'll hum a melody. That part will stay with you. Actually I should take back what I said. Even if the words don't stay with me I still would like to return here every now and then for a chat with you. :)

    Oh yeah - I always suffer mixed feelings about my poems. And then there are times that you've loved some of the poems I hated and then I get no comments on one or two of my poems that I absolutely was so proud of myself for. It is pretty weird. God yes - scrapping poems is the worst feeling!

    Of course you've influenced me as a writer! Even if it is "a little tiny bit". You're actually the only other poet that I interact with in any way and you're also, for the most part, the only person giving me regular feedback on my writing. I'm certain that you're to credit for SOMETHING. I'll definitely put you in the acknowledgements of that book if it ever happens. And yeah - who knows. Maybe I HAVE influenced you! I love it how every now and then you write something so extraordinary it's unbelievable. Like "Bored" - I went crazy over that one. And hey, we both have fairly different writing styles and I don't believe for a second that you are in any way inferior to me. Stop it.

    But now you're not My Anonymous! New World! Does this have anything to do with your book? I like it, either or.

    "People care about the beginnings and ends, but what's always important is the middle part of the story where we find out the emotional, spiritual, action-packed adventure the characters went on."
    --Precisely. You basically summed it all up. And your story does sound like it will become the type that sucks you in and takes you places.

    August - that's not all that far off but I think it's good to aim for a deadline when writing sometimes. Urgh - wisdom teeth. You have my sympathies in advance. I hear the pain is horrendous. But yeah - maybe you should try writing while you're out of your head. Maybe some hallucination induced writing? lol

    I'm certain you won't die due to dental procedure - and for all those who have, what an unfortunate way to go. I'd loathe that.

    'Assume the worst but hope for the best' - okay got it sir! Don't you dare go dying on me just yet! You still have so much to do!
    March 15th, 2015 at 09:04pm
  • Oh I won't make promises. I'll come and go. And I'll keep coming back for as long as the words stay with me. We've mutually had the conversation about being too busy. It's fine. Sometimes you just have to prioritise. Just now I've even had to prioritise my message. There were some emails that I've been ignoring and urgh, it just gets worse if you allow them to pile up.
    Don't worry too much. I'm sure you'll come back soon enough. I still have poems that I wrote last year that I haven't got around to posting. And I get what you mean about being unhappy with what you write. A scraped two poems last week that I began to like because I didn't like where they were going. I usually never do that - I usually stick with my poems, even if they're difficult. But I don't know. That was that. I'm glad you liked what I've written! Your compliments are my life!

    Yeah - I came back and looked at Protruding Reason, and it was as though I didn't know what that even meant any more. And you know that I've always been in love with Bitter Optimist. I always thought Love and Longing suited you, but My Anonymous works as well; we'll see!

    I'm sure there are some writers who are capable of writing characters without putting themselves into it - or maybe not. Who knows. It's interesting to think about. Especially considering the writing of dark characters. (think: Hannibal). The evil characters are always the most fun. The failure of your hero! Of course. It's predestined.There must be a downfall of a hero so that he can get back up. In literature it seems as though it is inevitable that the great will always fail. (Funny: I'm good at faking confidence/positivism as well. I'm an absolute sham, it's terrible. Don't know why I do it.) Ahhh I'm so excited - especially with insight into that plot twist. I'm excited on one side and am getting spoilers on the other. And yes, it's an art to work humour into that kind of writing.

    This is great! No no, don't apologize - I like reading your ideas and I'm sure it's good for your writing - that you're rambling it out to me and getting little comments back. :)
    March 8th, 2015 at 10:48pm
  • Thank you for the welcome! It's been so long that I was a bit unsure...

    I'm back to studying. But hopefully I'll come around here ever so often. You're like my personal cheerleader. ;)

    I could definitely see that line about saving humanity in a novel - especially the one you're working on with the epic nature of it.
    Ah - and you've definitely made progress. The struggles of the hero; it's so important to explain that well. I love how you've made the dream world be our present world. Who knows what they'll think of it. It sounds good in your head and it also sounds good to me. Things get so exciting when you finally get around to putting things down on paper. And I think you're getting into some original stuff that's unique to you, which is always exciting. The derangement of the senses! I certainly do hope you finish it! - However long it takes you. It's sounding great - I would hate for it to go unfinished.

    I remember the first time I read Orwell's 1984. Truly chilling that one.
    March 4th, 2015 at 09:53pm
  • "We're the last hope for humanity as we know it and it's our choice as to whether we save it or not."

    <-- That's a killer end line. The world would be lucky to meet you.
    March 3rd, 2015 at 11:14pm
  • Hope that you eventually got your accounting homework done. I'm supposed to be getting an early night since I have to be up early tomorrow... but replying to you is more fun. :)

    Bob Ross is the kind of person who should be giving life lessons to everyone. Imagine sitting in a lecture by him. And yeah you're completely right: he's a beautiful man who both paints and speaks beautifully. I can't even bring myself to be jealous of him, it feels like that would be an insult to his teachings. How wonderful would it be to be Bob Ross? I remember reading somewhere that he has incredible children as well. I just hope that more people like him live on and that he isn't forgotten. (Oh yeah - and why haven't we talked about his great hair? It's like a lion's mane. Magnificent.)

    I think maybe there's an art to how much you repeat stuff in music as well. I mean I doubt anyone would call Hallelujah a badly written song because of it's chorus. It's all about balance and meaning and essence. I'm sure there's a clear different between Bieber's "Baby" and "I Don't Know How" (I'll give it a listen). Haha, what really sucks though is when an absolutely awful song has a great melody and it just sticks with you. Heart wrenching. OKAY NO WAIT I just quickly youtubed it and only half a minute in I can say that "I Don't Know How" is definitely something meaningful. The repetition is a part of the song and is supported by other lines. It all works together I think.

    Well, to be fair, do people EVER look back and like who they were at 15/16. But there were parts of me back then that I could do with now and there are bits of me right now that are better than what I was then. It's all a muddle. We cynics, the real ones not the posers, never mean to go out and be mopey and hate on the world. I don't think we can help it so it makes sense that it'll always be something that will disappoint us of ourselves.

    The music does belong to the artist. Same with any kind of art form. And I can totally relate to your story of being disappointed by one of your favourite band's work when the writer believed it was one of his best (same thing has happened to me before). People have different perceptions - it makes sense. The music belongs to the musician but just think of one of their listeners making it their own - the song they're listening to during some big personal moment, or signing to themselves while doing the dishes, background music while writing or running or whatever. Art never truly belongs to the artist if it has an audience. That's why art is shared - why we have galleries and museums and radios and film. And if it remains undiscovered ... well ah - what then?

    I checked my inbox and looked at all your super secret poems first. Oh I definitely feel special. I should have known that you had something like this up your sleeve. How thrilling did you find it writing things so offensive? Being unapologetic and honest about it? Thank you so much for sharing. It's not very often one is invited to be audience to the more impulsive, animalistic side of humans. "With Feeling" was kind of something like that, I suppose - but not all the way reckless.

    I'm excited for you, that's what! Hope your Intersteller date is a bit less complicated by now. ;)

    Next year August/September for the first draft of your novel. That's certainly ambitious but you have a reputation of being spot on with your creative writing deadlines it seems. I'm sure it'll end up great!

    That's certainly an idea for the better - a modified Thanksgiving to honour your country. I'd respect that - and it's far more fair. I think we NEED an excuse to get together and spend time with family, as much as I complain whenever the occasion comes up. It's no secret that people are increasingly growing apart, becoming atomized, miniaturized. Tradition is a good way to hang on to what we need. I'd like to think that there's hope for our generation to change the world in a good way. There's always going to be two sides of the coin and we can never expect everyone to be all good - BUT more of us are good. More of us are willing to learn and understand and slowly listen. Though things are progressing slowly right now, hopefully with each milestone the process will speed up for justice and equality.
    December 17th, 2014 at 09:36am
  • The weather is very muggy here and I seem to have lost my ability to type properly but I want to make an effort for you rather than doing something else that is pointless.

    Skipping ahead THANK YOU FOR CALLING ME THE COOLEST PERSON. You're also the coolest person because I wasn't sure if you would know who Bob Ross was and the fact that you do and actually appreciate him for his brilliance is so special. I wish more people knew about him.

    "Repeat Stuff" has quite a few relevant things to say. It's a shame that not so many people know about it and how it was forgotten so quickly after only a short time of recognition. I can't remember what I was like when I was 15 but I doubt I was someone very socially aware. But I'm always hating on my past selves. I'm already looking back at moments of this year and criticising. But anyway - I think it's important that young people are aware, even if it is 15-17 year olds. And if they actually care about this kind of important stuff - than even better. It's far more better than ignorance and it's good to have generations open to social happenings and whatnot.

    Stop the trash, give us more art. Agreed.

    Bob Ross is such a motivator IVE LOVED WATCHING HIS STUFF ON YOUTUBE AS WELL. He's a pure, tranquil, wise human being and his art is beautiful. And I had forgotten about that dark and light quote you mentioned. You're right - it does make you feel better about being sad. Some of the best things ever do come during times of sadness. It's true. It's such an honest thing to say and god, don't you just wish that there were more people like him? I wish I was more like him and that more people could follow his approach to life. Think of the difference it would make to the world.

    Music belongs to the creator and even then how the audience consumes it can also be completely individual. And some people will be touched by a rap and some people by a piece of violin and that's extraordinary. What a tragedy - what you pointed out. All of the best songs in history that have never and won't ever be heard because they weren't good enough for the radio, or they weren't shared. It's sad but it's a reality and it's also unfixable. That's life. Love it.

    Insanity is truth! Why on earth would you hide that, least of all from me? Of course I'm not saying that you should do anything that you don't want to but please don't think that I'd think any less of you. I'm human. We thrive on the insane and morbid. Normality is boring. :D (See, who's coming across as insane now?) There's nothing weird about you writing about fish - just go with it. I get caught up on topics too. 'Don't be controlled by the jellyfish in your head" is a brilliant line. Reading your stuff written like this inspires ME to want to write something more metaphorical and otherworldly. It's a treat. As if you're a disappointment. It's a treat for a fan (me - of course I'm your fan) to get some author's insight into your work. It's anything but a disappointment. Behind the scenes is always fascinating. - - "..justifies his lack of sanity with the fact that he's happy" - now isn't that golden? LOVE it.

    Oh and while Interstellar was a disappointment, I hope things go better with that date of yours. She has no idea just how lucky she is to know you. Fingers crossed there's something there... ;)

    "Maybe our sorrows will be the next generation's joys." - THAT'S BEAUTIFUL. Write it down somewhere. It'll be one of your many famous quotes and you don't even know it! I'm in love with that one.

    There's literally no such thing as too much when it comes to a novel, let alone a trilogy with spinoffs! Just make sure you don't procrastinate the actual writing haha, no but it sounds like you've got things under wraps. It's incredibly exciting. You're far bigger than Mibba - please go bigger. Your work deserves a wider, more appreciative audience. And of course - let me know when and you can have my email address.

    I knew nothing about Mibba changing their logo. It's a start, I suppose.

    I think we're a long way off until Thanksgiving will be gone. Nope. As unjust as it is - I believe it will stay for quite some time. Long after even we're dead and gone. Humanity is lazy and we tend to stick to traditions. We'll need quite a revolution to change that one.

    Angst angst angst - I'm trying to imagine a future where socialization isn't tiresome but it seems a long way off.

    You're so right about not knowing being such a great failing of these cases. Not knowing and not being able to know. The nature of what is truth and the uncertainty surrounding it all. People who try and justify murder or truly believe Wilson was a hero, Brown a demon. It's distressing. We're both so safe. What about those who aren't. And this isn't even ferguson any more. You know about New York of course. And this isn't even America - it's everywhere. We even have it in New Zealand, although on a smaller scale, but these social injustices still exist. Don't be too hard on yourself. It can't be easy for you being so in the midst of it. I think that the fact that you're aware and that you're not accepting what's presented to you, the fact that you recognise that something wrong has happened, is happening - is a start.
    December 9th, 2014 at 01:42am
  • Omg I'm so sorry. I absolutely murdered your comments section on Listerine. Stupid Mibba. Sorry for the unintentional spam.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 09:10am
  • Hello again. Were you starting to think I'd got lost again? Haha :P

    I listened to Anonymous the another day and I actually really liked it. It's not the genre I usually go for but I found myself sucked in. "I don't even know your name" - It was stuck in my head. What a beautiful song.

    Oh yeah - the tragedy of music = money is endless. It's all capitalism and consumerism and art is dead. Just listen to Burnham's "Repeat Stuff". It's so accurate. It makes sense that different people perceive different genres of music to their own taste. Growing up I never really listened to a lot of instrumental works... but I don't know, sometimes a soundtrack from a film or TV show is just so great and then sometimes you just hear something here or there, my friends have introduced works to me and god, just the way it evokes emotion - the way it sometimes makes me stop and just FEEL. Songs for Sienna is a masterpiece. I have actually heard it before - but I had forgotten the title. I hope that some day you do reach a point where you play well enough to satisfy yourself. There was this painter, Bob Ross, and one of most famous quotes was: "Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do." And I think that's really something. Keep that in mind. I'm sure you already play beautifully. I've always wanted to play an instrument but it's just one of those things that never happened, I never got around to and I think I'll always be a bit wistful about that.

    Haha, your mum (or should I say mom? :P) sounds pretty cool. Aw the oldies, so hip with what's in, lol. I can't say my parents are guilty - at least! And whoa - what a lovely thing to say. "it doesn't matter how good you are, it just matters if you -feel- it, and I know you do". All artists should definitely keep that in mind. Music is so fluid and fundamental. God - it can be heart wrenching, a love story, it can be revolutionary, it can be a garage band, it can be a prayer, a hymn, a lullaby, a curse, a calmness, a motivator - music can be nothing and everything and just the difference a few notes can make... it's incredible.

    Ah - it's that thing. Fucking Burnham - he said "Tragedy will be exclusively be joked about, because my empathy is bumming me out." And it's so true. What else can we do at the end of the world but laugh? It's seemingly preferable to tears. I haven't read your new poems yet but I saw that you posted them and I'm keen to read them! (I'm so shit at getting things done - it's honestly ridiculous.) But "Jellyfish in Your Head" - ohhhhh that's a FANTASTIC title. I'm liking your new meaningless poems. They're quite different from your other work and some bits are very quirky. :) Haha, maybe we do need to talk about your fascination with fish, HMNNN??? And yeah - The Fish Song as an actual song! That's awesome!

    Yes, us poor bitter optimists - aren't we a sorry pair?

    Okay but WOW - I'm super psyched for you and your books! THIS IS SUCH TERRIFIC STUFF. You're honestly getting so much done and ahhhh I've just got so much second hand excitement for you. I hope you're MEGA proud of yourself! This is so exciting! :D Damn - a trilogy, and because youre taking the time to suss things out now it'll be even more enjoyable to sink your teeth into the actual writing bit when you get around to it. GOD! So excited. I just love fiction. And yeah, it's an ongoing process. You can't even expect things that you think are certain now to not change later on. Story writing is so complex and wonderful. Just think; you're creating an entirely new world. I'm really looking forward to it. Hang in there, love!

    C'mon Mibba - get with it! Why aren't you tech savy like all the other websites! lol. Dude yeah, I totally have buffering problems for mibba for some reason. It seems to take an AGE for it to switch to new pages. And I'm so glad I managed to give you a self esteem boost! You definitely deserve it, and God knows that you stroke my own ego often enough! !@#$%^&*( aw yiss we are so totes amaze *star eyes* haha

    God finals. And I hear it's just 184957348 times worse in the States... for reasons. I really do hope that you do well even though there's nothing in the world I don't think anyone can do to make them enjoyable. :( Nah - no Thanksgiving break for us.There's Easter break I suppose... If we're lucky we get a three day weekend if Labour Day is on a Friday or Monday. We have Waitangi Day as a public holiday (that's like when a document between the British and natives were signed - but it's pretty controversial since the Treaty was and is hardly recognised by Parliament and Maori have a history of being considerably disadvantaged society. I suppose that's true of Thanksgiving as well. Hoorah - thanks for the genocide of a race. Let's celebrate with a large dinner.

    ... The bitterness is coming out again - SORRY! Have I used up all of my optimism already???

    But dear lord, I can sympathise with your holiday angst. I honestly get so irritated at half of our family gatherings. I've got a wedding in the weekend and it's going to be two days of AWFUL. Someone spare me please from all the tiresome socialisation and boredom. Whyyyyyy/ "It's nice to see family" yeah, but as soon as I have to make conversation with them it gets painful. I hope you got some nice food at least! :P

    God where do I even start with your response though/ On Ferguson. Dude, you just said it all on point. Just all of what you said EXACTLY. The messed up system of Western society that works to the advantage of and to protect the elite to the disadvantage of everyone else. We need a fucking revolution - but dear lord, it's easier said then done. God the system - there were other lawyers coming forward and pointing out that the entire trial was invalid. There were people involved in the case behind the scenes saying that details were inaccurate and procedures weren't carried out. I mean, the shopkeeper himself had footage and stated that Brown paid for his cigarettes but ahhh. It's as though all of this evidence was just ignored. It was ignored. There are even incidents in the past that Wilson showed racism in his career. And he got away with it. He got away with it and he doesn't feel a bit of guilt, he described Brown as a demon and said he wouldn't hesitate to shoot him again; he got a new wife and she's pregnant. and he's commented on how he wants to go into teaching AND THIS IS ALL JUST UNBELIEVABLE. It's insane. The fight for equality has never ended and it's far from ending. God - I can't imagine how it must be for you - I'm hardly as impacted - but I can't even form a coherent response on the topic - the social injustices are blinding.
    December 3rd, 2014 at 07:54am
  • And don't songs just get 100% better when the lyrics are well written as well? Thanks for the music recs by the way - I always appreciate getting them. Will look into them when I know I can give them the attention they deserve. What's the point of music if not for it to evoke emotion..?

    Achievements with writing always feels so much more special than other things. And I like that you had fun writing The Fish Song. I always get a kick out of putting humour into my poetry - even if it is just some snarky swears, or sarcasm, sex jokes - etc etc. And when you know you've got it right, it feels so good. And yes - we all should laugh at ourselves, at the shitty world every now and then. Whenever we stop laughing we have to face how incredibly awful the world is in actual fact.

    And btw - Bitter Optimist is and will forever be (one of) the most incredible, relevant to me terms you've ever stated. It continues to stick to me to this day and I've harked on and on about it's brilliance to my friend.

    Your book! SO YOU ARE MAKING PROGRESS. Well done! Even a little progress is still so much. You're a far better person than me for getting started. And it's always good to plan. I've kind of promised my friend I'll write her a fanfic but I'm so awful at planning and terrified of it being awful that I keep on putting it off. But you sound like you've got some proper ideas and functions spinning around. Keep at it!

    Oh yeah - other than posting poems, you're the only correspondence that I get from Mibba. I would've probably stopped posting here not long after I had started - were it not for you and your conversation, drawing me back. :) Let's not even pretend that Mibba is a masterpiece of a website. We complain about it's settings and the staff often enough. I swear that even loading the page and opening different pages under Mibba takes a great deal more of buffering in comparison to other websites! And the encouragement goes both ways. I genuinely enjoy reading your work and you have no idea how every single comment you've made on all of my work is so important to me. It's mutually agreed that our conversations are epic and that we're both truly amazing. :)

    Oh wow - good luck for finals in that case! Hopefully they're not too draining! New Zealand (yes - you spelt it right! Haha, it is funny; I didn't think there would be any confusion over the spelling) doesn't have a Thanksgiving. I think the only day we have for being thankful is Christmas - and it's not official or anything, just you know - the entire family gathering and great big dinner thing.

    Though tonight has been terrible hasn't it - with Wilson walking free and all - the bastard. I'm appalled and it's honestly terrifying and this is me (and so many others) sitting in the safety of my home, on the other side of the planet. I can't comprehend the deliberate manipulation that the Justice System went through to let a murderer walk free. What a time to be alive. People have taken to the streets everywhere. Do you hear the people sing - indeed. Change will be a victory.
    November 25th, 2014 at 09:53am
  • Can't say I've heard that song - but I'll be sure to check it out. Those lyrics are beautiful - I can see why you used it for your new name. I like listening to instrumental music every now and then. I have some of the classics though this year, I really fell in love with this artist called Olafur Arnalds. It's some really subtle and delicately beautiful work.

    Unfiltered writing! You put it into words! Every writer should do a bit of that every now and then. Despite what good or bad results! I really think "Bored" turned out well - it was such fun to read. I'll always go back to "The Fish Song" and crack a laugh over it. And isn't that just the best achievement? - When your writing works to serve it's purpose for it's intended audience?

    I honestly, HONESTLY, //HONESTLY// will make an effort to stick around. Only because you're so sweet. ;) Hmn... things tend to come up when they do - and I'll let them do so. I don't think I've ever had difficulty talking to you. And go on - feel free to ramble, it's been long enough! Haha, and speaking of books, nudge nudge... anything new on that front for you? Has inspiration struck? You've been missed by me too - without a doubt. :)
    November 24th, 2014 at 06:51am
  • WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? A disappointment? You? Oh shut up. I had a blast catching up on what I've missed from you these last two months! I'm SORRY that I missed them. And you honestly should feel amazing. "Heaven" is such a beautiful piece, I don't even know where to begin. Usually we both point out a particular stanza from each other's work that we fell in love with/are completely jealous of BUT EVEN RE-READING IT NOW I CAN'T PICK ONE. From start to end - //dear lord// I just want more people to read it. It really spoke to me.

    Haha, and maybe you should write more poems when you're bored? It had a very 'fuck-everything' rebel vibe, felt like it was a middle finger to an asshole. Probably why I liked it so much. lol Haha, you're reasoning behind "The Fish Song" made me laugh. I suppose it's nice of you to write some poetry about those "slimy cold little guys". Someone has to! :D

    Will try and stick around for now, but I make no promises! And I notice you changed your name - after all this time! Any story behind that, My Anonymous? ;)
    November 20th, 2014 at 11:09pm
  • 2 months has got to be a new record for me. And I just re-read your last message and was overwhelmed by how much I have missed you and our conversations.
    November 20th, 2014 at 02:09am
  • I have no problem with grammar nazis - grammar is important! But the strict attention to the capitalization of titles is a bit excessive. Especially for poetry where we're supposedly supposed to have artistic licence to do whatever!

    That's alright if only we read each other's stuff - though yeah, it's entirely another thing to be getting greater recognition. I don't put tags on my stuff either. I suppose if we really wanted people to read our stuff it would be up to us to put our work more "out there".

    Haha, well I enjoyed The Matrix movies. Pretty interesting stuff. And I'm sure yours will be an original. With the "dream machine" idea - it'll be a cross between Inception and the Matrix! haha, I don't know.

    Aw - yeah you have to admit it would be nice to get more readers. Mibba isn't exactly the place for that. Unless you link your facebook page to it or something (which I would NEVER do). Haha, the other day I was thinking about how odd it would be if my english teachers from high school ever saw all my work. They'd either be very proud or horrified. You're probably the only person I really know who I talk about poetry with, like in-depth talk. I have like one other friend who knows I write and has read some of my work on hear but regardless, I'm still pretty self-conscious about my writing - so I don't really bring it up too often. Who knows. Maybe you'll be like Van Gogh - only recognized for your brilliance... well after you're dead! :/

    Haha, I'm glad we can understand each other on the procrastination level. And aw - I don't want to lose contact with you either! I'll be a boring adult with a hundred other things to do, but I'll still want to sit down and complain about taxes to you, lol. :D

    I appreciate you Josh! Haha, this is turning out to sound like Thanksgiving (I think? We don't do Thanksgiving here - I think it's just an American thing?). It's so good to hear that you actually do appreciate yourself. And you're right. It's an important thing to do - to appreciate yourself. Sometimes I do, most of the time, I don't. I'm working on it. I know there are a few people I know that appreciate me - but often it's so easy to forget / overlook them. Thanks for being one of them! God - you're going to overload my ego! A girl can only take so many compliments! :P

    Don't call me a more wonderful person than you are!! You have absolutely NO WAY of measuring that, dear sir! (YOU'RE actually really amazing - oh god, we sound so cheesy)

    Yes of course I've heard about Mike Brown! Though I don't blame you for asking because I only know about it because I like to keep updated with news through Twitter and all. It's sad because most NZers don't really know about everything that happened/is happening in Ferguson. It wasn't mentioned on the TV/radio news and only got a small section in the paper when Mike Brown was first shot. God I don't even know where to start. It's shocking. Terrifying. Truly upsetting and I am still so angry even though I'm on the other side of the world. I had no idea you lived so near. But god - I can't believe what I've heard with what the police had been doing early on - with all the weaponry and plastic bullets, a curfew, tanks, tear gas, not letting the media in??!! And the police officer that shot Brown is still walking free? People have compared the Ferguson protests (not riots - because they started off peaceful, wanting only information on Mike Brown before the police escalated the situation with force) to the Black Civil Rights Movement and horrifically, the similarities are not hard to see.

    I wrote "Bang bang bang" - around the time of the protests - a few weeks ago. Not strictly with the intention of it being a response to the situation - but that possibly was some of the influence. Bureaucracy worries me.

    I wouldn't say Auckland is nearly as large as Chicago, but ... I don't know. We're NZ's largest city, the most industrial one. The city is literally built on (obviously dead/dormant) volcanoes ... which is pretty hard core you have to admit! ... But mostly terrifying for when the world eventually blows up. We're really hilly - which is annoying. Our roads are the opposite of the grids of New York - they're all over the place, curvy, turning, intersections ahhh it's a nightmare for me since I only started to learn to drive very recently. But really - we're still pretty small. Especially in comparison to Chicago. Our CBD is practically miniature.

    Urgh - the old "being to tired to write down the perfect lines you think of". That sucks. Thankfully, for the most part I don't have on-the-edge-of-sleep inspiration or shower inspiration. It's usually just a funk that I get into and I just write. My biggest writer problem is when I fall out of a funk and just spend months writing NOTHING. It's incredibly frustrating. "Melodies Looking To Score" was wonderful and I'm glad that while you were unsure about it, what you got out of it was the encouragement to do something different. "Reasonable Things" is my wonder child. :)

    Ah see - sequels to poems is definitely a thing. I knew it! And ... what do you call it when there's a third poem? Threequel? Sorry that was terrible! :D A trilogy - I think. Don't think I've read those "North to Nowhere / Revisited / South to Somewhere" - but I might check 'em out. :)

    Companion song/poem to your novel - that's a great idea! And you should do brilliantly since you're so great at condensing/summarising the main ideas of something. A nice work in progress. That's awesome news!

    Urgh recycling lines is such a painful process argh. Originally "I Forgot how to Read" was never supposed to be such a short poem. I was going to add more and it would be a standard 3/4 stanza poem. But I'm glad that i just left it as it is. It worked better in the end.

    You can never force your writing! That's basically the number one principle for all writers! And urgh, don't we all just want to be original. That would potentially be the worst possible comment anyone could ever give a writer about their work: that's it's unoriginal.

    Haha, I don't know what people who don't like chocolate do?! Yeah, it's artificial - but it's temporarily effective. Maybe I'll write a poem about that! I suppose with the "November Snow" girl - with experiences like that, sometimes it comes out in your poetry later on, once you've settled and processed everything. I do that as well. Although some of my angrier poems are when I've just been in an argument or just had a rough day - I sit down and out it comes.

    I suppose with fiction, it's all about getting the right balance between detail and freedom for the reader to decide. You can detail your character's personality - but often the appearance is described fairly briefly, leaving the reader to come up with their own image in their head. I've watched all The Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit films but I didn't read the LOTR trilogy. Read The Hobbit as a kid and loved it. Still love it. The films are definitely worth checking out. They're either your thing or they're not, but it's a spectacular bit of fantasy. And Elijah Wood makes a fantastic Frodo. :) - For some reason I haven't seen any of his other work...

    Oh yeah, the music we listen to by all means influences the way we write - I would say. "Story of a lonely guy" for sure. And then there are times when lyrics of a song are so great AND I JUST HATE MYSELF for not being able to write on the same level. And then I tell myself off for being stupid. lol :D

    Oh, you have no idea how much I appreciate your sincerity - don't worry, it does comes across the internet, and I honestly am humbled by your praise. AND I'll say it again too just in case, you're a fantastic writer!!!!!

    Ah yes - long-distance relationships are hard. My sister and her boyfriend, it's not long-distance, but just the fact that they're both so busy with study and work puts strain on their relationship. Just not getting to see each other or talk to each other as often as they'd like. Oh don't worry too much Josh. You'll find her someday and I can't wait till you get to tell me all about her. Don't be discouraged - how does that quote go? Every relationship you have is a failure until you find the right one. Trust me, as a girl, as my "girl expertise", I'm telling you, you're a catch. A keeper, for sure. Sometimes it just takes a while, you'll find her or she'll find you and actually, it will be the most painful relationship you've ever had because the real deal is terrifying. The Real Thing will hurt; it will hurt so much in the good times that your smile will just burst from grinning so much, and it will hurt so much in the down times that you'll promise and do everything to fix it all. Just you wait, old sport, she'll be the perfect accident of a melody that you'll want to one day battle the apocalypse with!

    Well! That was a mouthful! Sorry - couldn't resist the Great Gatsby "old sport" dig. :D

    Good to hear you're fine with girls or guys - EQUAL LOVE YAY. Although, my boring heterosexual self is staggeringly single, haha. I haven't talked to you or written about my "success with guys" because they haven't happened (yet). I don't know. It just hasn't been a thing. I've met guys and damn, I walk past dozens of eye-candy that I fall in love over all day, haha. But nope. Nothing yet. I went to an all girls high school, so there's that. Also, being a fiction-reading/viewing female - I have ridiculously high expectations. Haha. I guess my writing giving me +500 sexy points hasn't kicked in yet? (though honestly, THANKS)

    Don't get my wrong I totally go into the I WANT A BOYFRIEND TO CUDDLE AND MAKE OUT WITH GODDAMNIT mood every now and then - and then other times I'm totally zen about it all. Eh, like I said. It'll happen when it'll happen. In the mean time - look out for the emotionally/sexually frustrated poems! Hahaha, kidding. :P

    I'm writing this in one sitting which is an achievement - yay! But lol it's still taking forever. We talk about so much!

    Oh my god, the more guy in your Macroeconomics class! That was pretty kind of your professor - but it's just so sad, even more so when students make an effort to go to class etc but physically just don't have the strength to stay awake. :(


    WHOOO 4am poetry!!!! God - that's SO hardcore. Haha, where are all the other uni students who are into poetry instead of partying? :P Good on you though! Can't wait to read them!

    Also, know that I always appreciate the puns. :D And we're both pretty shitty at keeping these messages short. Thank god Mibba doesn't have a word limit.
    September 11th, 2014 at 06:47am
  • Mibba's secret police strikes again! God - that is SO ANNOYING. I got a message too. They capitalized each word in "Bang bang bang!" so now it's "Bang Bang Bang!". They also did the same to "If I'm going to be Sad" - but I hadn't even realised. I don't really see why they think it's necessary to change something like capital lettering. Unless someone is writing stuff about how to make a bomb, killing puppies, and nazis - then I really don't see why they should interfere. And you're right about the titles on album covers as well.
    They call it "Mibba's Poem Guidelines". Sounds a bit serious. ...But doesn't "guidelines" suggest that they're only there are suggestions but aren't strictly supposed to be followed? I don't know. ... Or maybe it's some kind of automatic computer system they've forgotten about.

    And hey - I'm sure that you've got loads of secret admirers beside me. Isn't there a thing on your main poems page where it says how many people have read your poem or something? And either way - you're basically the only person reading my stuff - so there! The rest of the world is missing out, to be honest. lol.

    Ahhh and yay BRAINSTORMING yay POTENTIAL NOVEL. This is so exciting - hoorah! :D
    September 6th, 2014 at 04:07am
  • Yay - I said something deep. (!!!!) But honestly, you can't turn this on me. Room 204 was actually so well written. Wanting to escape but all of the complications ... It really hit home and argh I just want to post your stuff everywhere so more people read it, though even better would be to have your words made into songs. That would be so important.

    Haha Bo Burnham with his song #Deep might have changed the definition of deep for me forever. Go look it up on YouTube if you haven't seen his stuff before. He's got some great material.

    I always want to reply and I adore our conversations and yeah I have so much to say but ... I don't know. We procrastinate even the things we like (or at least I do) and I've always been terrible at time management. But thanks... for not minding. You're such a wonderful person. It kills me that it sounds like people don't appreciate you enough. :(

    THERE IS LITERALLY NO POINT IN PUTTING BOOKS IN STORAGE. Books are supposed to be read. They should be available for students to use ahhh! I swear to god, it's all so crazy. Who decides who gets to be in charge of those kinds kd things for uni? Because it feels like they never make the right choices. Things are always made worse or they spend millions on pointless changes that make very little difference to actually help out students. You're comple Oh god, and yeah - traffic congestion and public transport issues are so horrible in Auckland. Our buses and trains are so unreliable and we don't have nearly enough for I doubt it solves all your problems, but living on campus must definitely make things so much more easier for you.

    Oh yeah - when I’m sitting around at home and have nothing to do and when it would be very convenient for inspiration to strike I WRITE NOTHING. And then I’ll come up with a fantastic poem when instead I should be studying at some crucial point during finals. Sigh. I actually have liked what I’ve read of the things that you’ve posted recently. I can’t quite put my finger on why I liked “Melodies Looking to Score” so much. I DEFINITELY WOULD CALL IT ‘WEAK’ no way! But well, you loved “Reasonable Things” while I really did hate it at first - even debated whether or not I should bother posting it. I’m so glad you stuck out with “Melodies Looking to Score” and didn’t abandon it. It’s good to take risks sometimes and while me or others, your audience, might give you different responses for your different work - you’re always going to have your fall back writing style that you feel most comfortable in and will write in for the majority of time.

    Question: do you ever think about writing… I don’t know, like sequels to your poems? I’ve never done this. But a handful of times I’ve gone through the stuff I’ve written and maybe stopped at one or two of my poems, thinking to myself “this isn’t finished - there’s more to this one - blah blah blah”. I don’t know. Just a thought.

    What I ABSOLUTELY HATE however is that sometimes I’ll think of an amazing line. I’ll maybe jot it down so that I can add it to a poem or make something out of it later but then I CAN’T MAKE IT FIT ANYWHERE. God it kills me. Especially when it’s a one good line but too short to stand alone, unable to cooperate with anything else.

    I believe you. You’re not a phony. (lol) This sounds terrible - but when it comes to writing, I don’t think you can force yourself into it. It happens or it doesn’t. It might take time or it might not happen at all. But I think we’re safe where we are. You’re certainly not sticking around just to be deep and mystical. We’re fine.

    Ah - artificial happiness. Isn’t that the worst kind? It’s so draining when it’s over. But you’re right. We’re more likely to be happy if we’re not constantly stopping to check whether or not we’re happy. Definitely something to work towards. Do what makes you happy, surround yourself with people who are happy or make you happy. Go and eat a fucking chocolate bar. Happiness! :)

    Hey well, while I haven’t read The Lord of the Rings, apparently Tolkien goes off on tangents as well, spending about a page describing a singular bush. So if he can get away with it - so can you! You’re an artist, You don’t have to conform to any rules. There are no guidelines. It sounds like you should just WRITE. And not worry about actually sustaining a plot or worrying about anything else in your fictional universe. If you want to go off on a tangent about how the main character likes to drink coke on Wednesdays during the month of September - do it! And it doesn’t even have to be something important that later ties into why your character turns out to be “the chosen one” or whatever. I don’t know. I think I’m making less sense now. Details are never dumb okay. Readers stay because of the details - not because of the bigger picture. Or at least that’s the case with me.

    Ohhh and whoa, I don’t think we’d EVER succeed if we tried to write by Stephen King’s advice. The guy’s a genius - but no. He’s a kind of his own.

    Looking forward to what you do with the dream machine. Someday - who knows when. :)

    omg so was I right? Shot in the dark. Didn’t think I’d actually get it right. About “story of a lonely guy” influencing “the friendship replacement process” - just a bit. Oh god yeah, it’s an incredibly sad song. One of the best.

    You’re definitely a Blink 182 guy. They suit you down to the bone. You might as well be a member of the band!

    Our conversations are slowly turning towards the whole, “You’re a wonderful writer.” “No YOU’RE a wonderful writer.” “NO YOU’RE A--” haha.

    Dylan and Cobain are legendary. I’m ridiculously chuffed to even be mentioned in the same sentence as them - but I’d never allow you to say I’m on that level. At least not yet! :D

    Banksy is awesome. Stark and honest stuff. A lot of things that politics really should be addressing in more depth.

    AHHHH! Don’t you think for a second that you don’t write every poem of yours differently and uniquely every time. GOD I really hope you didn’t take it the wrong way. I was just meaning to say which … I don’t know, genre most of your poems fall under. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m sure I have a “type” too. But I’m terrible at evaluating my own work, so who knows? If anything - you’re even more of an amazing writer because you bring something new to your writing every time. Every time - it’s a delight to read your work.
    I’m going to reread “November Snow” after I’ve written this. I don’t think I remember it as well as I’d like to. I’ve never been in snowfall. :( These girls who you’ve dated though - argh! Why on EARTH did they leave you? It makes no sense. I doubt they know that you’re frustration over them has created wonderful poetry. It’s all so sad and unfair. It sounds like you need a break from the drama and someone who adores you. I suppose I’ll know when that happens and you start posting beautiful love songs. :) Looking forward to those!

    Meh - my “new ideas” are hardly original. Half the time they’re self hatred or along the lines of art is dead / humanity sucks. You don’t have to give me a medal for that - but haha thanks!

    We’re allowed to be melancholy writers and complete goofs! Haha, I totally grinned while reading you say: “We're writers! We like to get analytical about things! We like important things! Still it's always nice to talk about more goofy stuff like lollies and animated films.” - Haha, so accurate.

    And no I didn’t spend THREE ENTIRE DAYS working on your message haha. I would’ve written you a novel if that was the case. No, I just worked on it a little each day, over three days. Not sure why. It was pretty annoying to be honest- made me feel disjointed.

    God - that poor guy during finals. Uni students really are quite worrying half the time. It doesn’t matter what space it is or what time but I’ll always pass a couple of students dozing in their seats, using their arms as pillows. Poor things!
    September 6th, 2014 at 03:58am
  • Hello there. I might just ignore that it’s been nearly a month… Life happened. I lost track of it all. Please don't take it personally. I'm mostly a rubbish friend to my one other internet buddy and I'm an EXTREMELY rubbish friend to the people I know in person. Don't know why anyone puts up with me.

    I feel rude for just picking up conversation where we last left off - but ahh it's my fault anyway...

    So let me get this straight. They closed a library to make space for the education department. That seems a bit pointless. And how much space could the education department need? Surely not so much that the library space needs to be cut into. God yeah it's terrible, all the shortcomings students have to put up with, despite paying a fucking fortune to such institutions. I have no such illusions about tertiary education being free but god, they realllllly need to work on making the fees more reasonable. They're fucking looting students, putting them into debt from such a miserable age and causing inevitable slaves to the economy.

    Haha, are you saying that you read/remembered something while writing a reply to me that brought on such inspiration for an instant poem? That's incredible. And I could tell that The Friendship Relationship Process was one of your natural ones - it's clear that you wrote it in one sitting and that it was one that you didn't have to agonize over. I've had poems that I just CAN'T make work or can't finish and god, I hate those ones. It becomes a relief to finish it and if I'm lucky - there's a small probability of me liking the end product.

    AS IF I WOULD EVER MIND YOU USING THE LINE ABOUT PUNCHING THE MOON! Why on earth would i? The fact that you liked it so much that you wanted to use it is flattering as fuck. And yes! I'm so glad that what you analyzed from that line is along the lines of what i had in mind when writing it! Punching the moon would be such a pointless thing. It's like, sit down child, you've had too much sugar, you need to calm down, hush you don't understand. All of our stupid human triumphs. "No matter how hard I hit the moon / I'm still gonna see it at night" - see yeah. I really think you responded to and articulated that idea very well. Like I said before, again this is one of the things I really like about your poetry. the fact that you say such big ideas but with such understandable clarity is such a huge thing. You're definitely something towards blink 182 chez

    And that's one of the things I hate; when people get obsessed over petty things and blow the small things out of proportion to be huge. Make a drama out of things that hardly deserve the attention. I never had massive high school friendship dramas, epic breakups and tearful reunions and shouting matches across the house. Ill fight for something that I think is important and I can be loud through other means and circumstance - but I'm a pretty simple person.

    Well, actually I suppose that's what they all say. I can never know for sure. I'm a terrible judge of myself.

    It's good to hear that you'd been happy lately. That really is such a great thing to hear because I swear to god, we're such a bitter pair. Really hope that you're still happy right now and that it hasn't faded since the last time you sent your message. It's good to be happy, right?

    To repeat your words exactly, yeah NOPE. I have no confidence in myself as a potential future mother. But know way will you die a virgin. You're a fucking rock star. It would be impossible for such a thing to happen!

    Whoa yeah I'm terrified of getting into fiction too. Yeah because of the coherent thing like you, but also because I was an English student. I know what's good and bad writing and I enjoy reading the good stuff. And so the worst thing would be that I suck at writing and I would hate myself for it! Also I'd try and be a perfectionist with everything, never be satisfied and thus never finish anything lol. I really think that you should give fiction a shot. You're coherent in your poetry, so logically, that should reflect in your fiction. I don't know, it's your choice. But I'd like to read what you write. Gotta love a good bit of fiction. :)

    Ah see now that IS clever. Having another Twitter to divert people to instead of your real one. Why didn't I think of that?!

    OH MY GOD. YOUR DREAM MACHINE THEORY. GO BACK AND READ WHAT YOU WROTE TO ME AND TRY AND TELL ME THAT THAT WOULDN'T MAKE A BRILLIANT NOVEL. It even fits with the entire dystopia genre that everyone is so into again these days. Save your little theory somewhere and then one day WRITE A NOVEL. lol and no matter how much you're tempted, making me a character wouldn't end well. You'd have to kill me off in the end. Haha, just kidding.

    Yeah the monitoring purchases thing is so creepy. Especially since we're a society based around consumers and the economy. Oh yeah, and they're definitely checking out our search history. Even incognito is a lie!!!!!

    Blink 182 make me feel so old! They're like your parents. It feels like they've always been around and always know the best and will always be loved, even though I sometimes forget about them.
    ... Okay that was a terrible analogy, but you get what I'm saying. But yeah you're right. You're writing is the good kind of straightforward. Actually thinking about it - yeah I can easily see reflections of blink 182 lyrics in your songs. I can't explain it. It's like you both share the same rhythm.
    "Push it out, fake a smile / Avert disaster, just in time" . God I haven't listened to them properly for ages, but I'd never forget them. I actually remember reading The Friendship Replacement Process and thinking about Story of a Lonely Boy (or was it 'Guy'?)

    Lost the words, lost the nerve, lost the girl, left the line / I would wish upon a star, but that star, it doesn't shine

    So honest and so relatable. I can see why you love Blink 182. They're so YOU.
    You're an incredible writer too.

    God, you compare me to Bob Dylan and Kurt Cobain and go on about my work and I never know how to respond. Nirvana. Whoa. You're fantastic. And yeah. I never set out to do so and I never really thought about it - but I'm a bit "classical" or whatever with me work. I never intended it to be the kind of thing that could be jammed to or anything but yeah. Sometimes I write about crap but most of the time, for some reason it turns into a universal message. Even (the still unnamed) Don't Tell Me That Poetry is Dead. I remember starting it off, thinking I might finally write a love poem, a relationship poem after so long - and then,yeah. It turned into something else. My poetry are reminders yeah, but not of the good things.

    "The world needed someone to tell everyone how things really were AND they needed something that got them thinking." See you explain it simply but clearly while I just babble on. :D haha, turns out we all wish we could write like someone else.

    If you've never heard of him before, you should really look at some of Banksy's street art. It's simple but incredible stuff that are massive but sometimes, passive aggressive reality checks.

    I really love how you make things so personal in your poems. Honestly, when your lyrics are about your anger at life or a girl that left you - which you often write about - you're so good at it that I sit here on the other side of the screen and just hurt FOR you and FEEL your emotions and want to make things better for you. I dont have the guts to step forward and do something with my poetry and I get pretty chuffed by the two or three readers that have complimented me. But I'd really love to see you go somewhere with your work. You're writing is so well crafted and meaningful and we don't have enough of that in the music industry these days.

    Well. Is it just me or have our messages turned back insightful and analysing mode? And here I thought we were relaxing into the topic of lollies and slang and How to Train your Dragon.

    Also, you know how I said I usually sit down and spend an hour or whatever on writing a response to you? Well, I've been working on this one across three days. Strange.

    P.S. I forgive you for making inanimate objects talk. Totally. If it's 7am and you haven't slept then you can be forgiven for anything. Uni students have done far worse.
    September 4th, 2014 at 12:47am
  • See I knew you'd get your muse back eventually. And what a way that you've come back %^&@
    August 8th, 2014 at 11:43am
  • I'm back! Well for now anyway. Can't guarantee that I'll stick around.

    One of the things I fail to understand is why they can't have 24 hour libraries, especially for uni. If we can have 24 hour McDonalds, why not the library? But whoa it sucks that the library part of your campus is closed. Did they seriously just shut it? Or is it under construction or something?

    YOU WROTE THE FRIENDSHIP REPLACEMENT PROCESS AND YOU DID IT IN LIKE WHAT ABSOLUTELY NO TIME THIS IS INCREDIBLE THIS IS SO EXCITING. And yeah you're absolutely right. Half the battle of finding new friends is getting over the loss of an old friendship.

    Oh yeah definitely. We're cursed to be all mystic and trapped in the horrors of overthinking things. It would hope that that would cause some kind of improvement on the happiness scale. We're too young to be this sad. I don't want anyone to be as dissatisfied with life as I am. I can see my little sister who is 13 on the edge of moping around sometimes and yeah I get everyone becomes an angsty teenager sometimes - but I don't want her to become as bitter as I truly am. It's a million times worse with me, I swear, because I'm pretty sure I hide it well. Which probably isn't healthy. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand see here I go again being the "tortured soul". Moooving on then.

    Oh yeah. But don't worry. If you ever do have kids I kind of get the feeling that you just would.. I don't know, I just know that you would raise them alright and that they would be decent and intelligent and things would be fine. :)

    I usually try to get my reply to you done in one sitting... which usually means that I will be taking forever and mulling over what to write forever, haha. Even if I might wander off for a while or take a break. Haha, don't worry - I find what you write to be fairly coherent!

    Oh god. Just last month my kind of mentor asked for my twitter and i kind of just gave it to her because I didn't want to be awkward and I have a problem with just saying no to people and ARGH IT'S STILL A PROBLEM I'M A BIT WORRIED ABOUT because honestly my twitter is a shit page where i usually just complain about life or be dramatic and rant about hating everything or cry over fictional characters and honestly, anyone who I have convinced that I'm sane does not need to see it. So yeah, now because of that I am constantly monitoring what I tweet. Should probably work on toning down the swearing a notch as well... :P

    Inception - makes you wonder. What if we're dreaming ...

    Nah, I'm sure I'm safe. Pretty sure the government is mainly interested in google search engines and facebook. No one cares about creative writing websites. We're fine. But omg looking through your webcam? That's just an entire other level of wrong. I heard that in America there are even supermarkets that monitor customer purchases so that they can then advertise personal suggestions the next time your shop and increase sales. Crazy!

    Hey it's alright. I swear to god every single person involved in any kind of creative art is self conscious about their work. I mean, I feel like my work is half-crap most of the time and then you go around exclaiming how brilliant it is and everything! And I'm not going to lie, sometimes I get very excited when I think of a really good rhyme too! :D Your work is VERY relatable. I remember that being the first thing I felt when I read your work for the first time waaaay back. You write honestly but with passion, and about things that we all recognise. And your work is enjoyable as well BECAUSE it is understandable. It isn't all metaphoric and abstract like mine sometimes is where I might write meaning something and others either interpret it their own way or just don't understand it at all. Yours has a greater openness to it. And that's really unique. I am actually glad that you have pride in your work. Because you genuinely deserve to.

    P.S. Jealous of your Toothless plushie.
    August 8th, 2014 at 11:37am