Nine Twenty-Two / Comments

  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    A lazy procrastinator. I'm fairly certain that everyone has one of those inside of them. I know I do. My finals start in two days and I've made close to no effort to properly study. I'm going to regret this in, well a couple of hours, I'm guessing. I'll probably end up cramming. urgh. ~ Ah I think I'm liking 'Philosophical Josh'. Feel free to slap me and then call ME chessy, but what you said in your last comment really reminded me of Augustus Waters. He's one of the main characters in one of John Green's books, 'The Fault in Our Stars'. Have you read it? It's brilliant. John Green is brilliant. I really do love him. Of course, if you don't know who he is or haven't read his book then you're probably sitting there completely confused. I'm rambling again. Sorry. ~ The fact that you have the ... what's the word? Ambition? Desire? Goal? (I don't know) The fact that you actually want to make a positive impact on the world makes you unique and worth while. Chances are that because you hold this desire, you'll choose your life choices according to this and one tiny step at a time you WILL make a difference. You really do have some positive ideas and concepts for a 70 something year old guy. :)
    November 10th, 2012 at 09:36am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Here's me giving you a cyber high-five! I love the positivity in you. You're right. It's not like we're always sad. As humans, when we do hit a depressed moment, we tend to linger on them for longer and make things out to be worse then they seem (or at least I do). Haha, you are smart. Don't even try and call yourself stupid, because you're not. And I can see that from the other side of the world, through your thoughts and your words. You seem almost philosophical to me - someone who is motivated to flourish to their greatest ability while they're alive. Dare I say it? YOLO. :D haha. In saying that, I guess that there's no way of me knowing whether or not you're actually a creepy 70 year old man!
    November 10th, 2012 at 08:20am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Thanks - for saying that I'm a nice person. I didn't think you'd be getting that vibe because I tend to be all moody and sad whenever I come onto Mibba. Haha, you're right - you do make me smile a lot; I do enjoy our conversations, in case you hadn't already noticed. You seem like the type of person I might be friends with if we actually met in real life. And I like how I can relate to you. You make me laugh during our conversations and we've been talking about "positivity" and such lately but ... you're like me. We both write (mostly) sad poetry. What do you think that says about us?
    November 10th, 2012 at 06:39am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Haha Josh, I'm sorry! Though we all have to get off the internet every once and a while. It's hard enough without YOU tempting me to stay on. Haha, kidding. You're fine. I can understand why you love the show so much. I'm not nearly as dedicated as you are. I'm not much of a TV watcher so I've only watched a handful of episodes, but still, I've got to admit to their awesome-ness. It just makes you wish that you could be a part of their world and have Barney as your best friend. Oh my, don't start with the proverbs Josh. I get enough of them from my mother! Well maybe if I talk to you more often, your positivity will rub off on me. Wishful thinking!
    October 27th, 2012 at 10:23am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Yeah, I know that show! I love Barney - he's just THE BEST! “When I get sad I stop being sad and start being awesome instead. True story.” You're right though, the show gives a lot of life advice things. Maybe I should just work on giving myself more high-5's... Haha, I guess positivity really is the best thing - I think that's something I personally need to work on. If I fail my finals it's my own fault - there's no reason you should think it's yours.. I should probably get off the internet, that'd be a good start I think.
    October 22nd, 2012 at 06:45am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Haha, it sounds like you haven't changed a bit. I've always liked how you kind of seem to move along with what's happening with you. You take everything in and treat things like break-ups.. (I'm sorry about that btw. Don't know how someone could leave you and then act like it was nothing at the same time - but it's her loss, right? :D).. as opportunities and experiences for you to, I don't know, flourish more. Flourish... sorry that was a random word to use. Haha, you must be glad to be leaving school - I'd be if I were you. I've got my finals in about 2 weeks...notice how I always tend to come on when I should be studying? I'm rambling again. Sorry!
    October 22nd, 2012 at 05:47am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    YUP! I'm alive! It's been months but I feel like it's been longer! I don't even know what happened. I just kind of stopped going on for a while...Haha, when my friend reminded me about Mibba you were the first thing/person I thought about like "Oh I wonder how Josh's doing - that was kind of rude of me to just cease existing..." ~ How have you been? Mibba's so different, I'm still not used to everything!
    October 22nd, 2012 at 05:28am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    I suppose I'm being a loser friend now, initiating a conversation after (about) 5 months...
    October 20th, 2012 at 10:59am
  • like clockwork.

    like clockwork. (100)

    United States
    Which makes me his best mibba friend :) Suck it Finger <333333
    May 26th, 2012 at 02:19am
  • like clockwork.

    like clockwork. (100)

    United States
    I still love being the one who brought you to Mibba.. because I was lonely or something.
    May 1st, 2012 at 12:03am
  • SammyJoe94

    SammyJoe94 (100)

    Not a problem :)
    April 28th, 2012 at 01:06pm
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    The good news? We're writing poetry in English class. So I might just be able to score some extra credits!! :)
    April 27th, 2012 at 08:50am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Whoa! It looks like April really is your month! Look at all the poems you've got up there! I've been SO occupied lately. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about my distressing tales of woe regarding tedious assignments. Good to hear that you did have some copies of the work that was lost from here. I still haven't reposted the stuff I've lost...I might soon enough. Haha, what do you mean that you haven't gotten any girls through your writing? But you're terrific at it! Show me one girl who isn't impressed by a guy who can write her a song and play it for her with a guitar?? YOU'LL FIND NONE JOSH!! I suggest you don't even bother trying.
    April 27th, 2012 at 08:49am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Yeah! What's up with that? I only noticed when I got your message. Well I hope that you have other copies of the stuff you put up - I do, so that's a relief on my part. But it all still kinda sucks. :(
    April 16th, 2012 at 11:20am
  • lou.

    lou. (100)

    United States
    feel free to read some of mine! :)x
    March 29th, 2012 at 01:45am
  • Lost

    Lost (100)

    United States
    It is my pleasure, you're works are absolutely amazing!
    March 29th, 2012 at 01:36am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    yeah, I know exactly what you mean. My friends would say I was completely crazy and weird, but those who don't know me too well assume that I'm a quiet, shy thing. I tend to be socially awkward at times, so I don't blame them. Urgh don't get me started on Justin Beiber. I don't know what it is that makes me loathe him so much, but I do. How anyone can compare 'baby' to the likes of 'all you need is love'? urgh. oh wow, I LOVE Catcher in the Rye. Isn't Holden terrific? It's not like it's even difficult to read or anything. The entire thing just flows. I haven't read Of Mice and Men yet, but I know that it's really good. I'm (trying) to read a Clockwork Orange now. I say trying because it's hard to keep up with all the slang in it. I'm up to the bit where Alex and his mates trash that writers' home etc. But yeah, hopefully I'll get there. Yeah, I agree that there are still some good modern authors. I think it's just how our generation gets so obsessed with the bad authors, how it all becomes a fad...idk. I feel like I'm ranting again. We don't have to continue talking about books - I don't want to bore you. What else do you want to talk about? I don't mind. :)
    March 24th, 2012 at 06:40am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Oh wow! If you ever meet the guy who did that skit, tell him that a random chick from NZ appreciates his performance. Who cares if it sucked. His storyline is what gets my vote! Edward Culled ew. He deserves to die. What a pity that he probably never will. Me and my nerdy friends were talking about English the other day when we came to the horrific relevation that these Twilight, Harry Potter, and Hunger Games books might become the 'classics' by the time our kids are our age. HOW HORRIBLE DOES THAT SOUND?? Note taken that HP is pretty fucking fantastic but does it compare to the likes of Pride and Prejudice, A Clockwork Orange, and Perfume? I haven't read The Hunger Games, but I've heard that they're good - or apparently the first one's good and then they sort of fizzle out - BUT you get what I'm saying, right? Look at me. Gosh. Getting all flustered over literature. Nerd alert? I would say so. Your sister must be nice if she's like you, but you should probably accidently-sort-of-on-purpose burn her Twilight books. Break-ups suck, but if she liked Twilight then it was probably for the best. GOOD JOB! :P Oh, poor you with your math test! I had one last week which a narrowly passed but that's it. No extra credit for me. I like your poetry so you shouldn't stop that, maybe just revise for a couple of hours and you'll be set?? C'mon. You can do it!
    March 22nd, 2012 at 07:37am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Great! So we're both random! Haha. I wouldn't have wanted anything else. :) I can't help but to agree with EVERYTHING you just said. It's SO true. Twilight came out and then all of a sudden Vampire Diaries was the new thing and they ended up being everywhere you looked. We had a 'dress-up as a book character' day lasy year and I'm pretty sure more than half the girls in my school were dressed as slutty vampires. I would've resepected them if they went with the evil, dark cape, fangs, loner get-up. The traditional stuff. But it just ended up as a trend with people just dressed up like goths with fake blood, calling themselves vampires. Oh! And today I had this philosophy lecture ALL day. And it was pretty hot and a lot of the people were getting restless by the time in was near lunch and then the speaker suddenly was making an example and said that he hated Twilight and the entire audience erupted in applause. It was brilliant. sigh. I'm ranting again aren't I? Well you said that you don't mind so I'll try not to apologise. Haha, I don't mind if you diss American Radio. I wouldn't know what it's like. I've never listened to it - I hardly even listen to NZ radio!! :)
    March 22nd, 2012 at 06:39am
  • Bitter Optimist

    Bitter Optimist (100)

    New Zealand
    Yeah, I see what you're saying. I was thinking the same thing today when I realised that NONE of my friends say math. But it's cool. Like you said, differences are what make us and out own individual lives unique. That's why it's so nice to chat to you. :) haha. I find it absolutely 'fascinating' talking to you as well. Just excuse me while I shudder since that very word reminds me of a certain novel about vampires and werewolves that I happen to loathe. I'm going to assume you do to (especially cause you're a guy, y'know?) and even if you do happen to love the book than I shall politely ignore the topic and we shall never speak of this again. It would probably ruin our friendship. Agreed? :) Haha. Sorry, am I being extremely random? I guess I am. Just thought I'd share another small fact about myself so yeah.
    March 19th, 2012 at 07:47am