Larry Stylinson Rant.

Larry Stylinson.Whether you support it or not, if you are part of the One Direction fandom you have no doubt heard all about this "relationship".Personally, I do not believe that Harry and Louis are in love with each other on a romantic level. I think they care about each other and are really great friends. But, that is not what I want to rant about.I just want to say this: WHO CARES IF LARRY...
March 10th, 2014 at 06:27am


UGH!What a great "word" to describe the way I have been feeling lately.I am so frustrated!I am finally finished with school, and I now have time to update some of my stories on here. There is just one problem...I STILL have writer's block.This is the worst case of writer's block that I have ever encountered, and it seriously sucks eggs! HARDCORE!I have great story ideas, but I never know how to...
June 8th, 2013 at 11:44am

Boys, Boys, Boys. (For real though, am I the only one that feels this way?)

So, I thought I would just take this time to rant about all the loser guys that I go to school with. Now, I know that you may not know them personally, but I am going to change their names (if I do need to use them).The boys at my high school are into girls that will give them what they want, and that is one thing...SEX! I know that is so stereotypical and not all guys want that, but the few good...
January 11th, 2013 at 06:05am

HELP! School dance advice needed!!!

HELP!My school is having their annual "Sadie Hawkin's Dance" the second weekend in March, and I have no clue who to go with. Alright, for those of you who don't know what a Sadie Hawkin's Dance is, it is a casual dance where the girls ask the guys. At my school the girls and guys match their date (i.e. same shirts, jeans, etc.). I know that it is still a while away, but one year ago exactly I...
January 11th, 2013 at 12:55am

All About Me! Because I know that you care! ♥

My friends and I were just talking about Myspace the other day, and if you ever had a myspace you will know that Bulletins were all the rage. Everyone would post bulletins and then their friends would answer the questions in the bulletins as well. So, today I decided to find an old bulletin on the interweb and post it on here! :) AWW YEAH!!.:START:.1. Fav color: Yellow!2. Fav music: I really like...
June 4th, 2012 at 11:18pm