Koschka / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Oh, no worries at all! I wasn't telling you to rush you into reading it -- just letting you know because you had asked, and I know your alerts don't always work correctly. I hope you have fun at the anniversary... or, as much fun as those things can be. I guess it depends on the family. (:

    True that! When they looked at me like I was crazy, I should have demanded they all thank me for exposing them to the greatness that is Avenged Sevenfold. xD And no, I did not take werewolf-boy up on his offer. But he was very offended when I told him I couldn't make it, so I made up some lame excuse about having to run errands... which of course got question further (because who the hell runs errands after sunset?). So I told him I had to get my oil changed and then run to the mall and then bring over a birthday present to a cousin that lives an hour away, and probably stay over there for hours on end to celebrate with her. I was an awful liar back then! :/
    July 20th, 2013 at 05:09pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Oh wow, you definitely won that! I can picture the old ladies' faces and reactions; that must've been absolutely hilarious! And I thought being overheard singing "She was never this good in bed, even when she was sleeping... Now she's just so perfect I've never been quite so fucking deep in..." was embarrassing... but at least the people who heard me were just other college kids. xD

    And this is why I usually prefer non-team sports! Surprisingly, though, I don't think he missed classes on full moons, though that excuse would definitely have come in handy. He did ask me to come with him into the woods one night on a full moon to watch him, though...

    Of course they do! And they never have a single fight ever in their relationship, or have any kind of misunderstanding, because they're just so damn perfect for each other and magically knew everything about each other without having to talk or anything. /nods. Just... ew.

    Oh, and I updated for you. (:
    Took me a while, because I flopped down on my bed and passed out for several hours as soon as I got home.
    July 20th, 2013 at 01:27am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Everyone should know Avenged songs and not stare at people singing them! The only time I've been caught and stared at was when I was singing part of A Little Piece of Heaven... so I kind of understand the looks on that one.

    And that sounds like a good plan! I woul offer to help by asking the one guy in my graduating class who claimed he was a werewolf destined to save the world... but I'm kind of afraid of him. :/

    I know exactly what you mean. I especially dislike the stories where two (or even five!) best friends move an all end up paired off. I mean, when does that ever happen, people?! Plus it just gets confusing to follow in the first place.
    July 19th, 2013 at 05:59am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    I really enjoyed it too! Though, I wasn't sure about it the first time I listened to it, but it grew on me quickly. The part after the solo, from the teaser, is probably my favorite.

    Hahaha, the others won't find a mate, at least in this particular story. xD they just might in the future, but not before this story's end and epilogue.

    I second that idea! You find a way to make us werewolves, and I will jump right into that. (:
    July 19th, 2013 at 12:21am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    I should be home tomorrow, assuming no major flight delays or anything. So no worries, you'll get an update soon. (: I've most definitely heard the new song! I downloaded it on my phone as soon as it was released! What'd you think of it?

    Oh, Karate must've been nice! I did Tae Kwon Do and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a while, and it was a godsend. I should probably get back to that.

    And that definitely means something to me! I'm glad at least you understand her. (: I got a message earlier today from someone who hated Kat and couldn't understand what Matt was doing with her. I felt so sad, and immediately wanted to write a Matt/Kat scene, but then I remembered not to make it a Matt fic. xD
    July 18th, 2013 at 11:25pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Honestly, I didn't expect there to be places without WiFi either. My sister just moved out here though, and just hasn't gotten it set up yet. With my luck, it'll get set up as soon as I leave.

    Oh no! Bacon of light would be confusing as hell! I should have worded that better; I even thought it might be a confusing metaphor when I was writing it. My bad! But yeah, I hear you. And don't worry, I haven't forgotten to bring more Johnny into the story! (:

    I totally have a temper, too! I mean, I don't go around hitting people, because I would totally end up in jail, but still. I think werewolves were just my excuse to let Ava have a temper. xD And I'm glad everything worked then!

    I know; I feel bad for Kat! I didn't want everyone thinking she's a bitch, because she's actually sweet and soft spoken, but just has her issues with Ava. I have to find a way to fix that. It's good at least you understand her!

    And I would totally spoil you! I just don't want to spoil the story for you -- I don't want to ruin any surprises for you.
    July 17th, 2013 at 04:14pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Danke für den wunderbaren Kommentar! Ich war sehr glücklich, als ich es gelesen haben. Und ich glaube dich! Übersetzen einer Idee ist immer schwieriger als nur in einer Sprache denken. Muttersprache oder nicht. Ich habe nach San Diego geflogen, um Familie zu besuchen, und sie haben keine "wifi". So, in the interest of saving time and a headache or two, I'm switching back to English. My phone is terrible with typing long comments in English. It's worse with German. xD

    Matt is kind of the beacon or reason in this story. xD It's hard to keep him out of scenes though! And I'm glad you enjoy her sarcasm, because otherwise you'd probably hate her character completely! I'm also glad to hear you forgive Zacky of his moodiness; he may be being a prissy brat, but at least he's being provoked.

    Aww! (: I'm so happy you liked the sweeter scenes! I was worried people might not find them sweet at all, but any more gentle between the two of them and it wouldn't have been believable or realistic. No comment on why it was as almost-tender as it was; I won't spoil all of that for you, but I like you're thinking! Sorry she had to ruin the moment by punching him, though! ...she's kind if a stubborn ass.

    And I mean, technically the tea was poisoned, just not with a poison that is toxic/harmful to werewolves. xD I know a lot of people were mad at Matt for assuming it was poisoned like Zacky thought, but when it's two people who constantly prank each other, it's a normal assumption, right?

    Anyways, once again: thank you ever so much for the comment, and thank you for trudging through and writing in both languages even though it was difficult! It was a lot of fun to read and try and guess at the few words I wasn't completely sure of. And no worries on the fan club. xD You don't even have to do the two language comments if its difficult! I just like reading your comments whatever language they're in. (:

    Sorry I took so long to respond, by the way! I was trying to hold out and find someplace with a wifi hotspot, but I never got the chance, so I finally caved and decided to use my phone.
    July 17th, 2013 at 05:12am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    I can totally see how that could be confusing! And, again, that's great that you get along so well with them! I'm totally jealous. (:

    xD But of course! It definitely seems like a very fair trade! c:
    July 8th, 2013 at 10:44pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Even with just your kids, I think it'd be a breath of life. But it could always be a larger family based on your in-laws and what not. And it's totally cool that you're that close to his relatives! I don't think my older sister has met her husband's cousins more than just the one time at the wedding. xD And I totally agree with you about the cousin thing -- I've always found it strange to have one word. You always need to be like "my cousin... that's a girl..." to clarify.

    Dictionaries... eh, they work sometimes and not most of the time. The problem with dictionaries is that they don't always explain that certain words, despite their definition, tend to have subtle meanings in everyday speech. They don't come with a how-to manual in order to understand when a word would be appropriate and when it wouldn't. I'm always here if the dictionary fails!
    July 8th, 2013 at 05:35pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    You never know, it might come back to life down the road when there's another generation of kids to run around. They tend to make things much less awkward. (:

    xD Well, I don't think I would have realized English wasn't your native language had it not come up in conversation! Anyways, I totally didn't answer your question. Whoops! I think wolf-self works in that scenario just fine. Wolf form would work too, as would wolf body, but wolf-self makes sense, so you can definitely use that if that's the one you prefer. I really don't think word choice for that sentence would make any difference. (:

    Exactly! And I bet I'd like your wolves, too! Especially if you like them; like you said, if you don't, it shows through in the writing.
    July 8th, 2013 at 05:11pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    They're pretty great. I've just recently realized how important those kinds of times are, since we're all spread out over the country/world now and rarely see each other. Never know what you have until it's gone and all, right? :/

    I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean, so please do tell me if I'm not answering your question here. Are you talking about when she's physically a wolf? I've never seen it described any different than something like "Jane Doe sprinted ahead, with paws slamming into the ground and sending her flying forward." Or, during an actual shift, just being like "Jane shifted into her wolf form" or "she jumped into the air and transformed into a wolf before she landed" or what-have-you. Or do you mean a way to describe her wolf half as a separate being? I wouldn't say wolf-I; I don't think that makes sense in English. Wolfself makes sense, I just haven't heard it before, but that doesn't make it wrong. Most of the time I've seen people just say "her wolf" in reference to it. I'd vote either "her wolf" or "wolfself". I wouldn't go with wolf-I.

    Actually, I don't think I've ever been asked it before, but I definitely spent a good amount of time when I was trying to start my story going through myths and deciding what I wanted my werewolves to be like. I've got other stories on my computer that I've written with completely different versions of werewolves, and it took me a little while to realize it was totally okay to just pick and choose and make it different from what others think of. /shrug. I don't think you have to do research, per say, but reading a little bit to know what you like and don't like would probably be helpful. As long as you're happy with how they turned out, that's all that matters, though!

    That's very kind of you to say! I tried hard to find a version of werewolves that wouldn't upset too many people, but I have gotten complaints in the past from people who are all "werewolves should turn into beasts when they shift! gah!" at me, but whatever. It's a fictional story; they can't tell you you're wrong. xD I could never stand the werewolf stories where the main character would be all "oh my god! stop fighting, guys! it's so scary when you're punching him!" I mean, they're wolves, guys. They're going to fight. -.-' But that's the nerd in me that read like every book in existence about wolves as a kid. xD
    July 8th, 2013 at 04:38pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    The egg was from doing a few games like an egg toss and an egg run -- and then from having the spares thrown at my by my evil family. xD Although I totally wouldn't put it past me to get covered in egg by some kind of clumsy accident.

    (; The next chapter will address it for you!

    I created my version of werewolves by picking and choosing things I liked and disliked from other stories, and then just creating a few things from my own imagination. I've read stories where the wolf form is not actually a wolf, but a wolf-human hybrid, and I've read stories where the wolf form is just a regular wolf -- I chose the latter for my story. I've read stories where the change is completely out of control and no humanity remains during it, and I've read stories where the change is completely by choice and they don't turn into "mindless beasts". Again, I chose to go with the latter. I've read stories where the human and the wolf halves are like two separate beings in the same body that can communicate, but I chose to go with making them two halves of a single personality. I've read stories where werewolves are born and have one single mate out there destined to be with them that they search the world for, and I've read stories where it's up to their choice who they mate with -- and there's millions of different options of what that even means to a werewolf. There's also millions of different theories about things that would harm them (silver, wolfsbane, vampire venom, holy water, et cetera), and about whatever else you could think of. Most authors I know that write werewolf stories just pick and choose whatever they want to use for their story (and sometimes have stories with very different premises/characteristics) and everyone reading generally just follows along, understanding that the werewolf world is probably going to be different than what they would imagine. I basically just chose the ones I did because I wanted to blend in things I knew and liked about real wolves, like pack hierarchy, and then came up with other details based on what would help the plot. I mean, I've never read another werewolf story that talked about purebloods and all of that nonsense; I totally just stole that from Harry Potter because I knew I had a plot I wanted to relate it to, and I knew I wanted to find some way to really play on the Vengeance aspect of Zacky Vengeance. /shrug.

    So, long story short: I think it'd be strange if your wolves weren't totally different from other things you've read, since pretty much every story (published or online) is different anyways. (:
    July 8th, 2013 at 03:45pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    You better have had fun at that BBQ! I was gone like all day yesterday at one, and other than the fact that I got egg all over one of my outfits, it was a blast. And of course I loved your comment; that should have been a given. xD

    Is Matt suggesting Ava and Zacky do the dirty? Huh. That's actually a tougher question to answer than I originally thought it would be. He's not... well, he's certainly not going to tell her to sleep with him if she doesn't want to. He views Ava as a sister, and a younger sister more specifically (since she's four years younger than all of the guys -- except Johnny), so I don't think he would ever want to even know about her sex life, let alone suggest she have more of one. But he's also respectful enough of Ava's strength and independence to not interfere or get all over-protective-brother like on her. When Zacky and she mated in the first place, he only asked her once to confirm she had consented, and then left the topic alone. He didn't threaten to go beat up her mate when she told him that it wasn't mutually satisfying, after all. He respects her too much to belittle her like that. In the latest chapter he is suggesting that she do something to help with Zacky's jaw pain, though. He's certainly trying to suggest she do whatever else it is that he thinks she knows will fix the pain, but he doesn't exactly know what that even is. So, he could be suggesting that she do something dirty with Zacky, but he's certainly hoping that whatever fix she knows and hasn't told anyone about is not of a sexual nature. ...I don't know if I answered your question. xD

    You should feel intelligent about that! You're the only one that made that connection, and Kat's not an easy character to understand, especially with nothing really written from her viewpoint.
    July 8th, 2013 at 02:17am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    Well, Beauty and the Beast is just a weird musical to begin with. It's got to be hard for songs to make sense when the whole story line doesn't. xD

    And THANK YOU SO MUCH for your very sweet, very detailed comment on my latest update! Seriously, it really meant a lot -- I mean, it always does, but this comment in particular really had me doing that bouncing up and down and clapping thing in excitement. xD (My dog now thinks I'm a very strange human.)

    And thank you for pointing out typos -- I always manage to miss a few even though I do proofread! -- but this time "amber" actually wasn't supposed to be "anger". I mean, "anger" definitely would make sense, and I completely see how it looks like a typo (and perhaps I should have used "anger" instead!) but when I was writing it I was actually intending it to be "amber". Apparently I didn't explain it well enough because it just made sense in my mind. xD For this story at least, I've been running with the idea that werewolves' eyes turn amber when they get really angry or otherwise really close to turning into their wolf, and in this chapter I was trying to show Ava's struggle with how pissed off she was, how trapped she felt, and how much her dominance was showing by using "amber" instead of "anger". But, again, "anger" totally makes sense... probably more sense than what I was writing. (:

    I'm so glad to hear that I've managed to really get the emotions across by showing you how Ava was feeling! Seriously, knowing that alone completely makes my day. I totally do the same things when I'm angry or anxious, and I usually get really weird looks from those around me, but I just need to focus my energy in some way. I'm glad I'm not the only one! The selling-out-your-mate line was probably one of my favorites that Ava's ever said, just because the timing of it worked out so well. I'm sure Brian was right there clapping along with you, too!

    Also, you're the first one to really seem to have an understanding (at least part of one) for where Kat's coming from! No one else seems to recognize that Ava suddenly arriving might be pretty tough for her for various things. She's not the jealous type, either, but it's hard to compete with family, you know? I'm so happy you made the connection! And I'm so very happy that you really felt the emotion when Matt admitted he couldn't plan another funeral. I just love that Matt can be so... deep? of a character. I have to be careful he doesn't become the focus of my story. xD GAH I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH.

    So, once again, thank you so much for commenting! I'm glad you think I'm back on the right track! And feel free to comment in whatever language you'd like. I just might have to harass you more if it's in German and I'm all "so... I know what these words mean, but I don't know what they mean together" on you. (:
    July 6th, 2013 at 05:08pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka

    You know, Lion King just doesn't do it for some, and that's completely fair. It's not my favorite either, to be honest; I just like that one song and for some reason it was the first one that came to mind. I do hear you -- even I think there are too many songs in them sometimes, and I'm actually a musical lover... so that says something. You should totally watch Aristocats in English, but be prepared for the racial stereotypes that seem even more pronounced in the English version. xD

    And Matt stories are always good! Hell, it's hard to go wrong with any of the guys.
    July 3rd, 2013 at 12:11am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka
    I'm glad that the reply-thing works then! It must've been annoying to not have notifications!

    To be honest on the Disney thing, the only reason to watch them in another language is for the songs. The story itself is pretty much the same in every language, but the songs are actually pretty awesomely unique in each language. Sometimes they're pretty similar, but other times you'll just be like "woah there! That's an adorable line the other version doesn't have!" For instance, I really liked "Wir sind eins" so much more than "We Are One", from Lion King 2. /shrug. But Disney movies are so epic in every language anyways, so it's probably worth it. (:

    And it was absolutely no problem to comment on your story! I really did like it; I never would have commented if I hadn't! I'm sure you're right about the update being the cause of the layout situation -- I know I had to go back and change one of my layouts because it suddenly exploded on itself. At least yours was still readable!

    I'm going to go ahead and take the fact that you can't remember where you came up with the stamp collection thing as a good sign. It was one of those so awkwardly funny things that seemed so detailed and real, I was almost worried it had happened to you. xD

    I totally hope you are motivated to write either your werewolf story or your one-chapter-left story -- whichever one you want to be motivated to write. If you ever do post your werewolf one, I will certainly be here to read it, but just don't feel like you're forced to or anything!
    July 2nd, 2013 at 11:45pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    @ Koschka
    ...I'm not even sure if that works if I don't actually hit the reply button, but I figured it was worth a shot. And if not, it's really not a big deal, so don't worry about it if there's a delay in a response ever. Half of the time I don't remember to respond for forever anyways.

    Anyways, I noticed the werewolf one wasn't posted and immediately felt like a dork for even assuming it would have been. I mean, jeez, with the amount of unposted stories I have half-completed in my documents folder, you would think I wouldn't ever jump to the conclusion that a story must have been posted. Whoops. But I did find your posted stories and I have bookmarked them to go stalk them as soon as I get to my computer. :D

    It sucks that you don't think you'll be going on that last minute vacation, but, hey! Three weeks off is still pretty darn awesome, even if you're stuck at home!

    And I totally agree about Disney movies -- I think I'm like a million times more into them than the little girls I babysit. They think I'm kind of weird. xD But one of my professors actually arranged Disney movie nights where all of the German learners could sit in our theatre room and watch them in German -- she was an awesome professor. I totally might take you up on that translation offer, by the way. c:

    ^ I don't really have a comprehendible response to that last part that I can put into words. You're so kind, and I'm so glad that I've been able to write a story that is interesting enough to make you want to re-read sections!
    July 1st, 2013 at 06:19pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    No notifications? That's weird. /: Well, I'm glad you stumbled upon the comment then! And I'm glad you were excited; I do the whole almost-squeeling thing every time I see a notification!

    I totally envy your ability to get straight through a story up until the last chapter, by the way. For some reason I'm incapable of writing in sequential order, but my stories are never the type that can be posted out of order. Like, I've actually got the majority of the last few chapters of What We Left Unsaid done, but I'm missing most of the middle section. And now I must go and stalk your stories to find this werewolf one you speak of; I can never find any ones on this site. And woo, vacation!!! Definitely the best time of the year ever. c: You better be out there having fun!

    Again, you're totally right about Hänsel und Gretel. It's just something I like to stare at every once in a while and see if I understand any of it. /shrug. Disney movies are really more at my level. xD

    And it's a good thing you like my long responses, because you're getting a suuuuuuper long one now because I'm responding to your comment in the same post. c: So... thank you, as always, for the wonderful comment! Your comments always make me smile! :D

    Haha, it's good to know that the latest chapter was much better than the one before it; it would've been pretty disappointing of me if I couldn't even reach that low of a bar. xD And some of the last few chapters have been kind of lacking action-wise, because for some reason my chapters either end up packed with it or completely void of it... so far the future's looking pretty similar in that respect, but things should hopefully be moving faster now that everything really is set up in the plot.

    I'm happy to hear you actually like Brian and aren't just pitying him like some of the other readers probably are. He really is a good friend to her, and I simply cannot write him as anything less than a good friend, so it's already hard enough to keep up the tension between him and Zacky. I promise you he will definitely not suffer long; I couldn't do that to him!

    Drake's motives aren't even clear to Ava, and she grew up with him, so confusion on that part is totally understandable. As to the whole jaw-pain-thing (damn it, I really need to come up with an official name for that!), the last chapter did reveal that there is another... remedy, I guess, to the pain, and one that Ava is well-aware of. A remedy that is different from the whole mating again thing that Matt already told Zacky about. What exactly the remedy is was not revealed nor hinted at, so don't worry, you didn't miss anything! That's partially because I wanted to be a jerk and make it more suspenseful, because I have absolutely nothing better to do in life, and mostly because Brian and Ava don't really want to talk specifics (or even big-picture, really) about the whole mate topic. So even if I had wanted to be more detailed, it wouldn't have been really in character, especially when Brian was already tiptoeing and purposefully not being overly direct.

    And Zacky... hell, there are a million and two different reasons why he should have kept his mouth shut, but it all boiled down to him being too prideful. Your hypothesis will certainly get a chance to be tested in the future, though! And, not to worry, Johnny will definitely play a bit of a bigger role in the future. Gotta love that little guy. xD

    I will certainly update within the week for you! And thank you once again! :D
    July 1st, 2013 at 05:27am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Yeah, I'm usually a pretty slow responder; it's a bad habit of mine to just sit there and be all "well... if I respond to this now, I'll probably forget I responded to it... so I should totally wait until I update, that way I don't miss anyone." Which is total BS, but, hey: rationalizing!

    That's a pretty accurate observation about Zacky; you're totally right -- it's a tricky situation. I think the only thing that allows their strange circle of friends dynamic to exist is because they're werewolves... otherwise, the hatred and violence between Ava and Zacky would surely put too much of a strain on the whole group for them to all get along like that.

    And that's why I can never write more than one story at a time, or even pause to write a one-shot for a contest! If I don't stay super-focused on one story, I completely lose the characters, and I end up writing a scene and being like "how the hell did XYZ Brian just end up in ABC?"

    Anyways, you can definitely expect another chapter soon-ish. Since I just updated last night with chapter fifteen, it'll probably be closer to a the end of the week that I get to chapter sixteen... but I have the scenes all written; I just haven't decided what will make the final cut.

    Oh, and there definitely are easier things to start with; you're totally right! But the selection of German writing in the United States is dismal... and even worse for books aimed at children or other easier levels. So I end up trying to read Hänsel und Gretel just because I know the basic plot-line and can guess along.

    ...Gosh I talk too much.
    June 29th, 2013 at 10:33pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey there! <--- Look, I'm actually responding to your comment in a timely fashion! It's a miracle!

    But, no, seriously: I really, really appreciate your honesty, and don't worry, I'm not at all insulted. I completely understand what you mean about it being difficult to really get into when the updates come so far apart, especially when the writing style already skips around on you a bit. Believe me, I completely get it. I have to re-read at least a chapter, if not the entire story, before I'm even able to continue writing whenever I let those long writers' blocks get the best of me.... and that's pretty sad, since it's my story and all.

    Anyways, I'm glad you didn't absolutely hate the last chapter, and -- hell, -- I'm glad you didn't think it was my best. I hated that chapter, and really wasn't satisfied with it, but it just got to the point where I was sitting on it too long and I knew I just needed to post it or I was never going to be able to get on with the story. So, it is what it is. It's definitely good to know that at least some of my other chapters have been better than it! So, again, thank you for your honesty! (:

    I'm glad you like the tension between Zacky and Ava, though, because that's totally not going away anytime soon, and I'm also not surprised Kat's reaction confused you. (And yes, it was Kat; I'm sorry if I didn't make that obvious enough!) She just... well, what's clear is that she feels bad for Zacky, and definitely leans closer to his side of the fence than Ava's. That's all that's really been revealed so far, so I guess I'll leave it at that. Sometimes people are just confusing, too, so yeah.

    I can absolutely promise that you won't have to wait long for the next update, don't worry! And, actually, I think it's safe to say that I can also promise it'll definitely be a chapter you'll like a hell of a lot more than the last one. Which I realize is actually setting the bar pretty darn low, but in all honesty I do think the next chapter is eventful and pretty interesting... at least so far. You can be the judge of that within the week, and you can totally hold me to that promise! c:

    And P.S.; I'm totally glad I didn't manage to destroy even that simple little phrase in German. xD I'm still at that stage of my studies where I'll be sitting there reading the original Hänsel und Gretel and just be happy I am able to figure out who's saying what, even if I don't know what it is that's being said. (:
    June 27th, 2013 at 08:59am