that dork is just lilly.


I just wanna feel weightless.

'ello, mate. The name's Lilly.(:
I'm awkward, shy, short and a Sophomore.
Music pulls me through thick and thin; just as much as my family does.
If you look at my iPod, it's really diverse. Don't say I have bad taste in music if it's my iPod.
I don't judge anyone by their looks; you're beautiful.
I don't bite; I promise. If you're nice to me, then I'm nice to you.(:
Video games is what I do as well as writing and reading.
I tend to watch a lot of t.v, just as much as I'm on the computer.
Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw are the rooms I'll most likely be in on Pottermore.
Supernatural along with That 70's Show are my favorite shows.
TeenNick, Nick, MTV and ABC Family are amazing in my opinion.
I always wanted to have a koala bear; they're cool.
I'm sorry if I don't respond right away. My internet sucks and when I come on, I'm on Tumblr.
So... yeah. I like making new friends, so just message me or comment.(: