Dear Taylor

Dear Taylor
Christmas Island
Joined date
July 5th, 2011


{USERNAME} @ Mibba.
Layout @


There isn't really much to say about who I am, or where I'm from, or what I like to do. But I'll humor you guys, and write a well described, fully fleshed out short story about my life, my goals, my dreams, and my love life. Sounds good doesn't it?

Well, my friends call me Taylor Michelle, but it's a pet name that only has one similarity with my real name, which is, a few similar letters. I shall not tell any of you my real name, unless we become attached at the hips, or share blood, or are really, really close. I mean close like, text every night close, or video chat close. I don't just video chat with anyone you know.

I am 15 years old, and I have an unhealthy obsession with new things. I also have an unhealthy obsession with Avenged Sevenfold, followed closely by Jacob Black, and Emmett Cullen, but we'll get to that another time.

My stomach is one of the most sensitive parts of my body, and if I eat something that doesn't set right with me, I could be throwing up for days before I feel even relatively normal. I like food though.

I'm a girl, obviously, but I'm a major tom boy. I like to watch Horror Movies, and video games used to take up most of my life. That was up until my Xbox got destroyed by my evil half cousin, whom shall remain nameless, unless you plan on killing him for me. I like Gun and Racing games the most. I will play strategy games as well though.

I have ADHD, which means it'll probably take me a good hour to finish this description. I want it to be pretty long. I love fish, as in pet fish, but my mom wont let me have any. She wont let me have a cat either. All I have is a dog, and that's not enough to act out Tom and Jerry with. I need more props, and more pets. Did I mention I love Tom and Jerry? I didn't? Well I do. So much.

I'm a writer, a reader, a singer, a dreamer, a dancer, and a designer. But I kinda grew out of the design world when I was 11 years old, and now I feel like I should come back. Seeing so many inspiring creations really makes me miss when I used to edit stuff, or design stuff on Paint. I probably should upgrade if I start again though!

I get too attached to people that I meet and I get jealous easily. I'm as sensitive as a porcelain doll, so please, I'd appreciate it greatly, if you didn't try to step on my heart.