.:Über mich:.

The German-Brit here. Being awesome and whatnot.
You know, I’m horrible at this sort of “about” stuff.

Self-proclaimed awesome, but you can claim it too.
My fathers are Hitler and Zeus. You know them?

Likes ;; History, Language, Culture, Drawing, Art, Music, Animals, Sushi, Debating, Giving Advice, Writing, Travel, Anime, Reading, Gold Fireworks.
Words like: exactly, undoubtedly, awesome, intense.

Dislikes ;; Haters, Mathematics, Fire, T9, Suck-Ups, Feminists, Berries, Being Tickled, Steak, Dummkopfs, Full-Face Masks, Cornfields.
Words like: epic, jolly, beautiful, dunk, total.

Chloe, out.