Best Friend.

That moment when you realize how bad it is.When your best friend is upset, you just apologize, blaming yourself?When your best friend needs someone, you just apologize?When your best friend is angry at you, just apologize?Apologies do not fix every situation. For some, it makes the situation worse.That moment when you reflect on all the wrongs done and you wonder why, what pushed it to that...
December 14th, 2011 at 03:38am

Feedback for feedback!

Yes, another comment swap.I feel like there has been too much going on lately--and not in a good way. It can only go up from here, right? I do hope so. I'm quite scared that it won't.I have been in the mood to write, surprisingly, with a few ideas in mind but I'll have to get to those later, maybe, hopefully. Just take everything day by day, huh?Anyways, back to the point of the matter!A comment...
September 6th, 2011 at 02:39am

A comment swap! Of sorts.

Finally have a reason to write a journal!Since I lack the ideas for things to write and no time with school work that always needs to be done, I haven't really posted more than one little short story. I do very much enjoy helping others write, well, contributing to it. Like, collab writing except I just give some ideas and no credit. I love it, acutally, hm.Anywho, as stated in the title, I would...
August 30th, 2011 at 12:30am