fivecentsinner / Comments

  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Get online n00b xD xox
    July 11th, 2012 at 12:01am
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aweh darling seriously that comment meant the world, I've never got a story comment from you before it means everythinggg :) <3 xoxo
    July 10th, 2012 at 11:35pm
  • fivecentsinner

    fivecentsinner (100)

    United States
    RP stands for role playing. meaning you pick a character and act as if you were them. That way when you interact with our characters we get a story going. It's like improv but for writing
    June 13th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • KillTheRabbit

    KillTheRabbit (100)

    hai :3 im new in this thingy nd i dunno what a rp is -.- but yeah i'd like to do it if you let me to. how a u? i dunno what character choose yet, ill think abou it. ma name's Gabriella but call me Gabi or Gee :)
    June 12th, 2012 at 09:01pm
  • Hookedoncyanide

    Hookedoncyanide (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello fivecentsinner :)

    I have just received your message and have no idea what the hell you're on about :)
    What is an 'rp'? Can you explain the concept of your idea in such a way that even a small child would understand it? Thank you for considering me for your project, but I must warn you that I have never consented to one before and even layouts on this website prove difficult for me :)
    Thanks x
    May 31st, 2012 at 08:00pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yes, I am going with that idea. ;) However, the feathers are going to be black, they turned black the minute he fell in love with a demon and physically consummated that love ;) Hence why he's not an angel but a fallen one xD 50 points to Slytherin if you can guess his back story from that piece of information! XD Also, yeah, I haven't been on! I didn't know she added me! Add me on your account or something I'll pop on there now, and I can totally imagine your inner fangirl bursting out at that specific moment xD I lovee you - your frankiestein. xoxo
    May 28th, 2012 at 11:03pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    That totally sucks right? It's something to do with how you set the account up, whether you verify it via mobile or e-mail, try making a new one and make sure to reply to the confirmation e-mail on the fake e-mail address kk? Omg that's pretty sick, awwh they'd be fallen angels together it's so adorable xD But yeah, I'm going to make a massive deal out of the wings, like you'll see but baha, it's kinky xD Because you know I have a dark side, clearly, I came up with it today and I was like OMFG I COULD MAKE THAT SO WORK! But yeah, you'll have to know if you're making your character one right? Would you like the link to Syn's anyway, I guess I could add your regular account on it and we could FB chat on there until your Jimmy one and yummy is up and running? Not like my mom is going to know about that! XD LOL loving that analogy there! Also, it's been so hot here in the UK too it's hotter than spain here atm, it's crazy... I HAVE ACTUALLY TANNED WHAT IS THIS SHIT. XD Don't get me ranting about my gig expriences, I just can't even go into them without crying in anguish about how much I miss Jepha and Bert omfg. :') But it's so awesome that Dan pointed to you with his drum stick! :D:D He saw youuu! :3 That's gotta be sick! :3 I love youu - your frankiestein. xoxo
    May 28th, 2012 at 10:40pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    So like if you click the blue profile button on the right hand of your screen it comes up with your old layout. I hate the way it's all changed, but what can you do, as you said. I'm sort of getting the hang of it again, so finger crossed I'll grow to like it too :3 Yes, our babies growing up :( But it'll be really fun to see how other people portray them ya'know, since we had similar characteristics for them throughout yummy. LOL he kinda is a bit of a dick xD But he's a funny one, and loveable with his hobo beard xD XD Dude I love werewolves, I'm so excited for this :D:D:D I'm debating whether to make Syn a fallen angel or a vampire. I'm considering the former because idk, I think it'd give room for a good background story I can give him :D:D Oh yea, I think this new one is going to be wild :D And really fun. Hopefully get us all back to the first yummy again where personal matters aren't an issue between us as people and our characters! Oh you should totally, I've made the Syn one :3 I'll give you the link when you mail me yours :) Love you, your Frankiestein. xoxo
    May 27th, 2012 at 05:50pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Exactly! I just nailed my mibba layout as well, I was gutted. It was like these winged horses grazing and everything was monochrome grey with italics and bold... OMG I miss it so much URGH. Damn you stupid mibba. From what I've heard a lot of people don't like it! I may have found a new recruit, I like her frerard, I just need to get talking to her and see if she's down for it. It'll be so weird seeing a new Gee and Frank but I think it's time for generation two of yummy right? Where it's a lot more chilled! I think the change will help, come on :') Syn and Jimmy are crazy motherfuckers xD Have you see the youtube video of Syn just shouting 'AAAAAAAH' at the camera? Omg :') I love how weird he is, it makes me feel less alone. xD That works really well, because Jepha has the pentagram on his hand anyways, and part of the werewolf myth is that when you're bitten by a werewolf the first sign that you've been infected is the pentagram on your palm! xD Yeah I totally think you're quirky and zany enough to be Jimmy :) I freaking love Jimmy's craziness. Like when he had really long hair and spiked it up all crazy like and stuff. Oh man. And then the whole 'Stallion Duck' episode xD Holy hell. xD Love you, your frankiestein. xoxo
    May 27th, 2012 at 12:28pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I despise this mibba, I miss the layouts and stuff. This is so medical looking, like hospital reports, like wtf mibba wtf. THIS ISN'T CREATIVE. LOL. Yes well, we did agree on this and I'm totally up for Syn again on the new yummy, it's going to be so awesome! Jimmy would be so cool xD I think you could pull off his isanity well xD That's a compliment because you're both so quirky! No I haven't found any new recruits but I was thinking that it shouldn't be teen or naturalistic because we've done them so much. I was thinking like, what about a dystopia, you know Goerge Orwell 1984 style. With a controlling government and stuff IDK. Or we could try doing a vampire one from the start instead of having it morph, or just like a supernatual beings one, with like fallen angels, demons, all types of different speciess. What do you think? As for ages, like early twenties? Because all of them were at their peak then xD <3 xoxo
    Your frankiestein. Love youu.
    May 26th, 2012 at 10:15pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I also love your Bert layout.
    Beeeerrrrttt <3
    May 6th, 2012 at 05:05pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh wow, I wish I could see it. Oh my god O.O What an actual creeper! Now that's what you call pure creeping Jani, not what you used to do with me. I hope this guy doesn't start stalking you and posing a threat... I mean I really do start worrying about you a lot. It's just instinct I think, old habits are hard to break. I think we both understand that :/ Well my account that you have as a friend doesn't work ya know? So I have a different one. Mibba message me your link and I'll add your account, that way we can talk properly as well you know? Because we can't chat on my real one -.- Urgh parents. I'm really sorry you feel this way, I am. I just... Didn't know... I thought a lot of things that were quite the opposite when it came to how you felt about me. I guess we're like star cross'd lovers when we fight. I don't really know how I can make it better. Is there anything I can do to ease what you feel? :/ She changed the relationship at home...? Really? Why what is it like now? :/ If it's any consolation in the dream you asked me to make you sick too so we could die together. It was really fucking morbid :') I just wanted to leave that part out in case it upset you 'cause of how you feel about me, but considering you're sad maybe it'll help. It was like, a really macabre, morbid romantic ending :') No you're not giving me stress or anything, I just miss you that's probably why I have dreams about you and stuff, because you're not here and my just wants to magic you up. However, other things are stressing me out and it's probably distorting everything. I know you do darling, and I'm really sorry you do, but I'm not about to trash your heart. I promise I won't ever leave, and that my intentions are and always will be, to be close with you. Lots of love, your Frankiestein.
    P.s. If it helps you feel better, what we had, whatever it was, was the one of the most intense things I've ever experienced, and you've taught me how to feel again. Even if some of the times they weren't the most pleasurable of things, at least it beat the numbness I used to have. That's something I've never told anyone before.
    May 6th, 2012 at 04:56pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh wow, that sounds really pretty :) And, why are you paranoid? Also, urgh I have exams near my birthday too, how fucking annoying ugh! I miss Yummy too. It kinda sucks that it's still not up and running, I don't know if we'll ever get it going again. Yeah I really can't listen to them that much really, like My Chemical Romance were like our band, to me anyway, all of their songs remind me of Yummy antics so it's like :/ When I hear them. As for seeing The Used, I don't really know what to say other than try and just enjoy yourself at the show. Try not to think of me <3 Haha, when doesn't she have guys after her! And I'm glad you and Snow are cool! How has it been, have you gotten your old relationship back with them? I'm sorry I nearly messed that up for you :/ LOL That's well fucking adorable! xD Tubby puppies for the win! Awweh Toto? That's just amazing, I'm so glad she's loving it. I had a really distrubing dream the other night, we met up years from now, after I moved to America and we went back to your place and got stabbed by a used needle and got really sick. It scared the hell out of me because in the dream I was taken to the hospital and I was in a bed and the doctor wouldn't tell me what was wrong with me and I started crying because I knew it was really bad, and you ended up getting him by the throat. I woke up in such a bad mood :') I hope things get better on your end, lots of love, your Frankiestein. xoxo
    May 6th, 2012 at 02:19am
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh wow, what was your tattoo deary?
    Stick it up on here! :3
    And yeah, a whole lot of shit went down, and honestly I'm not much better than you right now xD Got in a lot of scraps with people and I have exams coming up so I'm eating my parents out of house, home and money as well as breaking out. It is so not a pretty fucking sight :') That poem really made me sad, I guess it just reminds me of the very first yummy and at the risk of sounding pathetically lame, it was so fucking magical. Like Demolition Lovers came on the other day and I just kinda listened to it and couldn't stop pouting, it reminds me of the whole thing too. :( I miss you too cherub, how are things with Zakk and Snow are they better? Hows Rayne and the puppies, how's Kay? :3 Tell me all :) <3 xoxox
    May 4th, 2012 at 06:16pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yes that's so true. *le hum* Well if you don't need a relationship, or really hunger for one, then don't risk it. Like you said it is best to keep all the ones who mean the most close to you as friends rather than risk them by entering a relationship or asking them to enter a relationship with them. If you tell people how you feel about them then they'll always know it, you just have to tell them. I mean I genuinely thought you'd moved on, which is why shit happened you know. As long as Kay knows that she's your first and foremost and you never lose that closeness it's like a relationship without the official title... So what's the difference if the feelings are still the same, they just have a different brand logo on them? Sorry it took so freaking long to reply to this, coursework is such a fucking blaaag you have no idea o_______O Which reminds me, did you stick with college in the end?
    April 29th, 2012 at 10:53pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well to be honest, yes I believe it would be best for you both emotionally, because I was talking to Kay last night over skype and she feels there's nothing she has that she's good at you know? And like, I feel maybe she's a little lost right now? I don't even know, this relationship business I think you two should seriously dicuss, but you should do it hypothetically? Like ask her 'What if I asked you out' 'What would you feel about that?' You know, and talk about it hypothetically, because as much as it'd be nice for me to answer with something solid, the only person who could answer any of that is Kay. So really you need to talk to her about it. I understand it's illegal, and that it'd be really hard to do it realistically with her, in terms of a relationship, but maybe you should just talk to her about it. There's no harm if you do it hypothetically because then she's never actually genuienly discouraging it, she's hypothetically discouraging it, and the end of it, if you two both decide against it, you won't have lost her. xo
    April 29th, 2012 at 08:17pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Personally I think it might be healthier for you both to try it. That's just my personal opinion, but I know how it feels to have someone ease your insecurities about yourself and have that support you trust and I believe you should at least ask her. At the end of the day society is a fuck tonne of bullshit, any educated person can see that the uneducated masses are just a product of their society and dominant ideology and once you can see past that you come to an understanding of people and emotions at a better level. Personally I think that whatever circumstances surrounding you and Kay you should throw to the wind because if you remove society and what society thinks, you have a perfect relationship.
    April 29th, 2012 at 07:24pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Me neither, I always want to be your best friend, no matter what. That's incredibly sweet, and I won't ever abuse that. I promise to only ask if I truly need something. I know but at the end of the day, I just wanted to help you realise that not everything within you is as bad as you think. But that was so hard and if it was to happen it would have needed to be face to face to work as well. I know it's easier, and I don't blame you for taking the easy option. Really, you need to take the option that is easiest just to survive like you said <3 I liked that best too, when it didn't hurt, it was fun and light-hearted. Like first yummy, just closer :) <3
    I love you too Bumble Gee.
    April 29th, 2012 at 02:42am
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    I know darling, but you know I'll always worry. It's what I do best when it comes to you. I've always wanted you to be ok, and it does prick at my heartstrings to hear that you're not. That's a very sweet thing to do and it shows how beautiful of a person you really are inside, if you give yourself a chance Jani. I think maybe you're not ready yet, okay so you're 20 pretty soon, but it's still so young and it takes a long long time for most people to come to terms with their personal demons. I know you're haunted and I don't hold anything against you. I'm sorry I did, you know? I've had time to think about it and I really miss you as my close friend, who I could have a laugh with until 5am in the morning. I still want to have that close friendship, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me for hurting you. You know that saying, it takes two people to destroy a relationship? Well it's 100% true and I don't want you blaming all this on yourself. If we'd both communicated a little better who knows what would have happened. I'll always want to be here for you ok? I ain't giving up, as I said. I just wish you were around more :( Yes I totally understand, at least this way we can still be close no matter what. A part of me will always have a soft spot for you too Jani, you're that kinda human wreckage that I love. Ya know? ;) But seriously, you were the main person in my life for so long and we had some weird ass little connection that got me through so much, I don't think I can ever get rid of that soft spot. In ways I think we ended up much like Frank and Gee did baha. Close call. Because I'd like to still think we're best friends.
    Love you bumble gee
    April 28th, 2012 at 11:38pm
  • DryIce.

    DryIce. (100)

    United Kingdom
    You should check out my about me.
    Just sayin'.
    April 28th, 2012 at 12:41pm