fivecentsinner / Comments

  • Oh btw, your sketches are up :)
    I wanna dye my hair... Red, Black or Purple...?
    December 29th, 2011 at 06:10pm
  • Check out my face, I've had a hair cut and I wanna know your opinion :D <3
    December 29th, 2011 at 05:44pm
  • Oh my god, doesn't it just destroy your soul when your novel comments are deleted? What I do is write my comments to you in your own word document on my computer :P It's called To Jani With Love bahaha xD Who knows one day when I am a famous writer with your permission I'll publish them and you can touch other people's lives with your inspiring stories xD Gosh darn? Wtf girl? Are you turning British like me? :P Are you crazy? It freaked the shit out of me when I read that. I was like *snaps fingers* Don't you dare go thinking that girl! Haha, so it took the time out to cover every aspect I could think of to show you that you did mean something and that one day you'll mean something to people worldwide :) I believe in you and I'm sure everyone on Yummy does babe. Hehehe, well how else will you feel special if I don't go out of my way to show you that you are. I'm inspiring and amazing? Piss off :P I'm a fatty with no life who lives in her head 24/7 letting the days blurr by in a dream xD I'm wasting my life haha. Awweh you have no idea how much that means to me Jani <3 You mean the world to me too because we started this together, on normal facebook pretending to be Gee and Frank on photo comments! Hahaha the start of yummy hella! <3 I'mma miss being Gee and Frank so bad :( But at least we get to go back to them after this plot. Hahaha I fucking love you too Jani :D It means a lot to me that you believe that I can do it. My family don't, I told my mum and she told me I needed to get a life and go out drinking. So yeah, it's nice to hear that you think I can get my NY penthouse. You always say your stuff sucks, but really Jani I don't think you could physically write a shit poem haha! *shrugs* You have to rise above those that are lost, you need to find that person you really are. I'm not lost, my life sucks because whatever I do, I'm met with resistance and people trying to put me down because they're lost and still lost and jealous because I'm not you know? Once you've found what you believe to be your calling, nothing can truly get you depressed. It'll come to you eventually, you just gotta trial and error. It took me a whole year of depression and suicidal thoughts to get here, but now I'm here, there's always a sun in my sky, I just lose my blob because I can't cope with drama I'm that used to sunny skies :P I'll mibba mail you my problem honey with your story <3
    P.S I've sketched you four pictures, they're kinda shit quality because I did them in the car on the way down, but I was kinda proud of the idea behind them, one day when I've got time I'll redo them in paint and make them prettier and of a much higher standard :) <3
    I love you! :D Your Frankiestein :) xoxox
    December 29th, 2011 at 12:57pm
  • *but it's not alot in the grand scheme of things but to those you know you're a vital part of their lives
    *If any silly thoughts come over come, come back to mibba,
    I can't type O.o
    December 28th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • Hello again :3
    Here is my long ass reply! I will then post up your story to you via mibba mail :)
    Inspiration is hard to catch, you need someone or something to inspire you, so talk to someone who inspires you... Watch an old interview with Frank or Gee maybe? Or do something like take a walk and slip bullets on your iPod or phone and look for meaning in the lyrics or shit, you know? Just try doing solitaty things with music, that usually helps me...
    OH MY GOD, I pure remember that, that was back when we''d just started talking and we were leaving mega comments regularly. Those my dear certainly were the days! I know you've been neglecting Yummy xD I thought you were pissed off with me, and I was like :'( WHAT DID I DO :'( Hahaha, I was getting well paranoid :P I can understand that, I feel the same. I want to touch people's lives, inspire them. But the thing is though, I mean it might not seem like a loy because it's just me, but when we first met and you told me everything you'd been through I couldn't believe that you were still here. I mean it's amazing and you don't need to be big and famous to inspire people. I look up to you, you're independant, you live with your friends, you're an aunty to a little girl who sounds like a ray of sunshine and you and your sister are best friends whereas me I'm alienated from most my family and I don't even have the guts to stand up to them the way you stand up to your dad you know? But yeah it's not a lot, I just want you to realise that sure, you may not be changing everyone's life but when you're not online and you're not around I can tell you now there would always be something missing from the lives of the people you know. There would always be that lingering thought of your memory. So please, if any silly thoughts come back to mibba and read this. A lot of people love you Jani, and respect you, me being one of them. Chin up babe, I have every faith that you'll make something more of yourself eventually, you just gotta work hard and try not to lose motivation. I'm glad you told me about this, and in future I'll try to be more open with you about shit that depresses me. I hope I helped <3
    You're allowed to be a depressed potato face sometimes my love, everything in moderation ;) Hope you have time to reply soon enough, I love you Bumble Gee <3 xoxox
    December 28th, 2011 at 11:22pm
  • Hahaha HELLO AGAIN xD
    I decided I'mma take my colours with me too and make you colourful pictures as well as black and whites :3
    Jsyk like xD
    Also gotta talk to you about something :'( S'kinda upsetting me, and I don't really know what's going on.
    :D God I can't leave your mibba alone XD *struggles to leave the magnetic field of your profile* It's your display picture :P <3
    December 28th, 2011 at 12:03pm
  • I'll prolly get bored at my brother's anyways, when the kiddies have gone to bed (I'm like second mom, because there's is a drunken homophobe, but tbf she's been through a lot of life shit, she's like the only homophobe I respect in some way) and I'll take my sketchbook and draw you pretty pictures of butterflies and such to cheer you up. :)
    Jay to the rescue.
    :D <3
    I also have a vampiric frerard up in favour of our ex-yummy plot as it is :) But don't worry they're cool Vampires unlike twilight :3
    Check it out, it's called 'You Belong To Me' :3
    I have no idea why I double commented you... Probably because I missed you and I'm forgetful :P
    <3 xoxox
    ILY BumbleGee.
    December 28th, 2011 at 11:55am
  • Urgh this sucks I'm packing to go on holiday and only just read your comment :/ I have a shit tonne to say to that actually. Most of it is bigging you up don't worry my Frank won't hang out and shout at you. But I can't really reply properly -.- FML. I'll mibba mail you your story. Are you stoked for new yummy? I am, I have all my new characters! I'll be really sad to see Frank go, Syn too, but OH WELL. Hopefully our characters will be re-attracted to each other, even though we won't know who we are xD
    I'll reply properly tonight if I can get interenet at my brother's. I hope so :/ I have a lot to say in reply.
    P.S I really miss your beautiful poetry.
    I was listening to bullets last night and Demolition Lovers came on and I remembered the poem Gee wrote for Frank in the first yummy and my heart just craved some more bahaha.
    Write some or die :)
    I joke, but it would be really nice to read some more poetry, it's really gorgeous and I miss it simple as.
    Expect a huge ass ranty comment that takes up your whole profile on how important you are and how you touch other people's lives.
    P.S.S that's what you're in college for, to work your way up the ladder to become something better than just a dog washer and a porn star, :) You're worth much more and when I'm a big and famous writer I'm putting everyone from yummy in my new york penthouse anyway *shrugs* We can all just have sexytimes and write then. No biggy :P
    Much loves for BumbleGee,
    December 28th, 2011 at 11:51am
  • Family is forever
    December 5th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • Hey you,
    I have a feeling we'll be back to our novel comments soon enough after all the stuff that's going down right now.
    You'll prolly understand this more when you come onto Facebook, just wanted to know that I'm staying neutral and I really don't want this to affect our friendship, you'll always be the inspirational Gee to my Frank you know? *sigh* You're amazing and so is Kay, amazing beautiful people and I want to stay as in touch as we have been after this business.
    Much love,
    Frankiestein. <3
    December 4th, 2011 at 12:11am
  • Me too! I loved our novel comments, I used to get so excited to come on mibba and read them bahaha!
    I dislike your dad, I really do, he's a n00b :( I wish he'd just give you a damn break you know? Urgh, he's such a dick and it's not fair that you'd get in trouble if you tried to get him back! He bloody deserves it you know! Yeah I can understand I'm not one for letting things go either so I can imagine your frustration! >.< He'll get his karma though, hopefully.
    Omfg, that's so adorable! It just makes me think of drama!Gee though and his days in Michigan :'D I look at Hello Kitty and just think hero!Frank and yummy pahahaha xD I can't help it trololol.
    I hear you there, I'm at college and it's a fucking head blag, so much so that I dropped art because it was FAR TOO time consuming to do media which is eassy and film based, and has a lot more structure to it.
    Damn girl that sounds so hectic! My life is kinda like that but a bit more toned down. I'm an insomniac too I'm lucky if I get like two hours per night in the week and I look forward to five on the weekends. It's a pain in the fucking ass, even if I lie down in bed sleep just seems to cartwheel out the window and miss me completely. Is Rayne a scorpio like Frank? If so that is so fucking cool!! Urgh I hate that you have like no freetime, but when you get a holiday from college I suggest you take loads of time out for yourself and just de-stress :)
    GIRL that sounds so fucking sick! You gotta take pictures and put them up on facebook for me to see! And of Rayne's birthday, I bet that'll be so cute!
    Well nothing on *actual* Ieroween, but this thursday is the closest my bestie could get anything off from work, we're watching some movies before sneaking out the graveyard in the early hours of the morning, it's going to be so fucking creepy. I was thinking of getting my cartiledge on my right ear done in honor of Frank's birthday because I got a piercing for Dan's (The Used) birthday :D I may as well get a piercing for Frank xD
    Drama and English are going sexy. So far I'm on a A for Drama and a B for English :D My drama teacher loves me :D She's so lovely! I am indeed looking for a new job, but it's really hard. British economy sucks for the part-timers, they want full timers only and it's really getting me down. I have like no money...
    LOL are you kidding. I'm so unsought for it's funny and yes! Ressurection ftfw! love you more!
    October 24th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • Wtf
    your name cut out *pouts*
    JANI! Is what I meant, with shitloads of A's xD
    October 24th, 2011 at 08:25pm
    Hai :3
    How's everything going for you, we haven't spoken 'normally' in a fucking AGEEE. So I wanna know how your life is going, I wanna know how you're going to get your pa back for being a cunt and I wanna know how Snow and Rayne are, how Zakk is.
    How's college?
    How's work?
    You doing okay? What's MA like?
    Are you excited for Ieroween? Do you got any plans for it?
    Where did our huge ass comments go O.O
    I miss them Loves girl.
    October 24th, 2011 at 08:24pm
  • Hey, Girl! <3 Just wanted to give you my lovins. <3 Been missing chatting with you recently. Hehe. I also wanna squeal over Kay and Molly with you, because like, Molly's been one of my best friends since 7th grade and Kay is your sis, so I think we have more right to squeal than anyone other than them. Like, so fucking ADORABLE, right? ^.^ :P Lol. Anyways, yeah. Just wanted to chat. :P How's your life going? :) Good, I hope. Lol. I sound like a retard making stupid small talk over a comment. But... I feel like we don't chat as much as we should. :P Anyways, fuck. :D And... please speak soon. I'm like, dying over here! Lol. No, seriously. I think if I have another coughing fit I may just die. xD Anyways... yeah. :)
    October 3rd, 2011 at 07:56pm
  • Because we're all starting again soon, so like I think it may be okay for him this time round xD <3
    October 2nd, 2011 at 11:18am
  • It was so fucking emotional O.O Like I've never cried over anything on Yummy but I was just breaking down there. It was so tragically romantic :/ Maybe they'll have a better chance we start the highschool fic :D <3
    October 2nd, 2011 at 10:41am
  • Dude, like totally was legit in tears throughout all of that O.O
    September 27th, 2011 at 02:52am
  • Oh god, I know. I know. I actually feel sorry for your Gee :/ We should have really listened to his sode of the story before juding him but Frank was sure it was true. He was really depressed for a while but then decided that the amount of distrust in their relationship was killing him anyways :/ He's been holed away for the whole day tbf. I don't think he's feeling too good. :/ How's your bundle of joy? :/ It's okay she told me, I understand :D We'll talk tomorrow :D I think tongue piercings look great on dudes but not so much on women yannor? And is your tongue feeling any better today? I WANT TO SEE THIS PONCHO. I really do think it'll look cute. I'll just have to hide it from a certain someone so he doesn't break down. :'( IT'S AMAZING. I'm not even joking I love it! <3 Pahaha oh hun :') Fingers crossed you get to write it, I hope the bust up won't be even worse tonight. Mikeyy was real pissed D: Awweeh<3 Thank you January! <3 <3 I feel all special! You are that amazing also! <3 I'm seriously glad we met too! Things wouldn't be the same without you! Ahh I see! Well I do agree the news is seriously depressing, was it scary? OMG. He didn't do anything too drastic did he? I'll have to march over from Britain and kick his fucking ass if he has! I love you too BumbleGee!! <3
    August 26th, 2011 at 05:21pm
  • Urgh I've missed you too BumbleGee!! And what happened to Yummy! I've missed you on that too! We aren't friends on facebook because I have a new one 'Jay Martyn' Add me babylicious! I've been through the works really, and yeah I'm much better now, mainly because college is soon and I'm getting my shit together slowly. It'll all be fine! OMG. You silly girl xD As if that was going to work, you need a sterilised needle :P BAHAHAHA. That's amazing, but then again Gerard is ah-dorable full stop. Aren't you BumbleGee *Frank proceeds to tickles Gerard's chin patronisingly* Omgosh that is so sick, I bet you were buzzing from that! :D:D:D OMG. I am SO stoked, it's not even real my friend! I love your stories. Btw there's a Waycest on here I think you'll love, it's called 'When We Collide' it's so up your street <3 Yay for inspiration and Shucks *blushes* I am not that amazing! Yeah my friend in NJ felt it, I'm not even joking, it sounds well scary. I take it you felt the earthquake too? Yes I hope we can up start our comment convo's! May I ask about the drama?
    Much love for BumbleGee <3
    August 25th, 2011 at 04:10am
  • Why don't we speak anymore :(
    I miss you BumbleGee xxx
    August 21st, 2011 at 01:31am