Night Terrors

12:18 am, July 12th 2011I woke up again. It's been awhile since I've had a good night sleep, and I don't even know why I'm writing a journal right now. it's emo time, and vent time. It felt good to wake up and be able to do something though, and get it all out. my good friend James has been texting me a lot lately, maybe he's worried? probably. I've got my music on and I'm jamming. Anyone got any...
July 12th, 2011 at 06:22am


It's July 10th, Sunday at 10:35 pm. I've spent the whole day in bed, which is extremely sad because I really did want to write today. I woke up this morning.. ( well 1:30pm) with a terrible headache, and it kept getting worse and worse. I don't get a lot of headaches, but when I do they are terrible. My fever got so high that I was vomiting for a couple of hours and have been unable to eat. I...
July 11th, 2011 at 04:41am

First Day Of Mibba

Well, I never thought i'd ever leave Quizilla. I'm glad there's a journal here so I can go on about the nonsense that comes to my mind. There's a lot of friendly people on Mibba; which makes me happy because maybe i'll get more Tumblr followers. I honestly don't expect anyone to read this, haha. , I look forward to writing more stories on here. I'm excited to see what's in stock for me. I've been...
July 8th, 2011 at 08:13am