Its a tough time.

I feel so gone.I have no energy left in me anymore. I don't want to be in this position again.Everyday its a challenge to get out of bed. I feel the urge to just play hookie for the next 4 days left of school. Its a constant challenge to walk in those hallways.It seems as though ALL of my friends are bugging me. And even my family.I am so sure that I have the WORST luck known to man kind.'My life...
June 7th, 2012 at 04:35am

I don't even know what to do...

I've been thinking lately a lot about a boy who I've been talking to. I think he likes me. Today we hugged and ever since, I can't stop thinking about what would happen if we did start dating.I've only had one boyfriend my whole life. I don't have as much experience as he does. I've never kissed anyone. I've never even hugged a boy until tonight.I'm nervous. I feel like I'm too shy to have a...
May 29th, 2012 at 06:39am

Its a bad day.

You know what sucks? reality.when you realize that everything you dream about during the day isn't true. Its not happening right now. You want it to happen so badly, that you start to get lost in that world and you think its real. Its a great feeling, but then someone comes up to you and tells you something you don't want to hear. That's when your sucked back in to real life.I wish I was older. I...
May 18th, 2012 at 08:50pm

life is a funny thing.

I feel as though there is hope for my dreams. I know this sounds crazy but I feel as though God is sending me signs telling me it will happen if you just believe and make it true.Its funny because I now feel like anything is possible. I don't have that feeling of depression over my hopes.I know now that I can't just sit around and wait for it to happen, I'm going to need to make it happen. With a...
May 18th, 2012 at 03:11am

A lonely person's wonders.

Today I found myslelf eating alone again. My friends had gone off to another place in the school. Since there are only 3 of us sitting there, I was left alone.I pulled out my book and tried to read but I felt the feeling that people were staring at me. I looked up and found some people were. I find this funny because they all looked at me but when I watched them go back to their tables, They had...
May 17th, 2012 at 04:13am

Someone help me.

well, I'm talking to this kid and he just broke up with his girlfriend.Now he's being really nice to me and I think he's flirting with me, I'm not sure because I've never been flirted with, but he's being really cute and stuff.I need help because I really don't want to date this kid. I like where we stand as friends. I like seeing him on weekends. I like having him in a little clan with our older...
May 15th, 2012 at 04:05am

11:00 wonders...

I wonder what the person I am destined to be with is doing right now. Is he showering? sleeping? eating? reading? listening to music? petting his cat?I wonder what I'll be doing when I'm 22. will I live in London? will I have my car? will I have a boyfriend?It sometimes scares me that our brains have the power to think such things. But I also think its nice.It feels nice to daydream. I like it a...
May 10th, 2012 at 05:29am

What's it like being you?

I recently looked in a textbook today and saw that the first person to use this book was in 1998.I wondered if that person was still alive, or had a family, or was living their dream. Then I started to think about the person sitting next to me. Does he have a hard life at home? Does he like pizza? and then I started to think about the world. Is there someone on this Earth who is doing what they've...
May 8th, 2012 at 04:21am


I'm slipping into a slump again.I feel so worthless and defeated. I'm not sure how long I can last this time. I just want everything to be over with so I can move on with my life.Only one good thing is happening to me. and I have to wait a year for it to happen.I feel like I have no luck at all. That whatever I do just turns to shit. I work hard everyday and I do what I'm told, but I don't know...
April 17th, 2012 at 02:41am

My Mind Is Wide Awake.

Those nights when you can't sleep because you have too much on your mind.Yeah. Its one of those nights.There really is no point to sleep anymore since i never get any of it. I just sit there and read, blog, tweet, watch t.v., or rearrange some things in hope to feel more tired.In a way I like the extra time. It means I can get a lot more done.I already planned what I'm going to be doing 20 years...
March 5th, 2012 at 05:05am

Speaking For the Voiceless.

I have noticed lately that we as teens, are not being heard.We are all human. Even though we are young, We are still human. As human, We are told that we have rights. Freedo of the Speech is most common, so why don't we use it? People tell us we shoud respect our adults and peers, Which we do, but sometimes we're the ones who are'nt getting the respect. When people tell us that we don't know...
March 1st, 2012 at 01:55am